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Most optimistic I've felt about the Colts in a long time.


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I am very optimistic!  I think in Chris Ballard we have one of the best GMs in the league. I know it has only been one year, but you can just tell by how he builds an entire program that he knows what he is doing.  Then we get McDaniels, who I think was the best coaching candidate available in the last few years.  His offenses have been amazing, no matter who plays QB.  I think we are on our way to getting back to greatness.


And for those who say that Colts will still take a few years to be really good, I say to consider this.  The Patriots had Lawrence Guy starting on their DLine in Super Bowl.  Ricky Jean Francais was a rotational player.  My point is I don't think the Patriots had the greatest talent. They just had the best coaching and system.  I think if McDaniels can bring that with him with Chris Ballard working free agency and the draft, I expect that Colts to be really good really fast.  I predict next season they go to the divisional round in the playoffs at least.  Before you laugh, consider our talent versus what New England wins with.  We aren't that far off.  A couple pass rushers and inside linebackers and two offensive lineman and I think we can be dangerous.

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4 hours ago, The Fish said:

I don't know.

I'm lukewarm on McDaniels, I see the upside, but there's a real chance the guy is still.. himself.

I don't know what's up with Luck and that's where the optimism would stem from. If he's ok and Ballard picks out solid players then forward momentum might turn into something better than 8-8 or whatever the heck this past season was.. 


I don't expect tremendous success from Josh in year one. It takes a season to get to know your roster & set the tone in the locker room. Players care about winning & step 1 starts with reasserting INDY's place in our division again. I get it. Things didn't end well in Denver so I get the trepidation among some Colts fans. It takes time to put bad rumors to bed for good. Completely understandable. Just remember though that if all you see is a black sheep; that's all he will ever be. Don't be so beholden to a negative image of someone that you can never see past it. Give McDaniels a shot to prove that he isn't as shady as once believed & that he can make our offense click in short order. 

4 hours ago, Superman said:

None of this will matter as long as Pagano is still the... 






I'm cautiously optimistic. I had to come around on McDaniels, but he was my top candidate. I'm still concerned about his approach and the fact that he's a Belichick disciple, almost all of whom struggled when they leave New England. 


But the reasons for optimism are many and varied, IMO. And if Luck is healthy, I can see this team being a perennial contender. 

Yes, that is a fair criticism Superman. Outside of Foxboro, no Belichick mentor has really excelled. I do agree that Josh needs to learn that he's not a hoodie clone. He's gotta be his own man & make his own path. I understand that some fans wanted other candidates for this vacancy, but they'll come around when we start competing against playoff teams with good defenses like the Rams for instance. 

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42 minutes ago, lennymoore24 said:

I predict next season they go to the divisional round in the playoffs at least.  Before you laugh, consider our talent versus what New England wins with.  We aren't that far off.  A couple pass rushers and inside linebackers and two offensive lineman and I think we can be dangerous.

I like the way you think Lenny. I can't go as far as you did with the playoff success so quickly under new management. But, when you aim high every once in a while you hit your mark. 


You keep writing & I'll keep reading. 

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3 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


I had a bad feeling about this long before it ever became a reality. That said, I am going to keep an open mind. It's the right way to approach this situation.


This will be the shortest honeymoon (fan-coach) I have ever gone through with hiring a new Colts head coach. I will be fair. When praise is deserved then I will give it. Hoping for the best and being honest with the results is all I can do.

I like the honesty of this post BlueShoe. Basically, what you're saying is don't tell me you deserve to coach the Colts show me. Prove me wrong, remove my reservations about you, & just kick some caboose leaving other teams in your smoke & debris. 


Okay, the last part I amplified a bit for effect...But come on, we all wanna win in a dominating fashion right. This isn't Kindergarten class right? haha

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6 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Anyone else feel this way?


Can not wait to see what McDaniels can do with a healthy Luck. Exciting!


Are you still feeling optimistic?


I know I finally am!


THANK GOD - Josh McDaniels will not be our head coach!

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You know that line in the movie "The Wedding Singer" when Adam Sandler's character gets stood up at the alter by his bride to be who gets cold feet & he says, "Gee, you know that information... really would've been more useful to me [colorful metaphor word] yesterday... Once again, things that could've been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!"  


That's pretty much where I'm at right now. Very disgusted right now...


Josh is free to do what he wants but man, he didn't make a good 2nd impression at all. A colossal disaster in how to wreck your professionalism as in, your word is your bond. SMH. 

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