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Pagano: Green Bay's defense 'virtually unblockable'


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11 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Seriously, TK?      From you?


Since you clearly haven't been following the Colts that closely the last 5 years,  let me refresh your faulty memory.


The Colts have been winning with an average to below average roster and Andrew Luck.


The Colts have been winning because the players play hard for him.     Players love him and try to play as hard as they can.     That's been written about by the media and by fans here on this website since Pagano took over in 2012.      I know you've been away for chunks of time,  but not that long?!?


When players play hard for their coach,  that means he's got them ready to play BEFORE HAND. 


I don't pretend to understand the comment,  but a guy who has won as much as Pagano has deserves the benefit of the doubt as to why he'd make such a curious statement.     It doesn't make sense to me.   But, for whatever reason,  it's make sense to Pagano.


I appreciate that bashing Pagano and Grigson too is the thing to do right now.     But I'd at least expect that you'd realize how the Colts won 41 regular season games in their first 4 years with Pags and Grigs and three additional playoff games.       Because that post made you sound like a newcomer to the team and a fan who hasn't paid much attention to the team before now.............


Just saying.....




Beforehand meaning pre-game. I believe the slow starts would be evidence in that. 


And I'm not doubting the players play for him, the Titans game last season was evidence when 2 QB's off the street won for us & Andre Johnson probably snagged the greatest catch of his career 



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2 hours ago, TKnight24 said:

Beforehand meaning pre-game. I believe the slow starts would be evidence in that. 


And I'm not doubting the players play for him, the Titans game last season was evidence when 2 QB's off the street won for us & Andre Johnson probably snagged the greatest catch of his career 




The slow starts are a reflection that the Colts TRIED to establish the run at the start of games over the last four and a half years.      With our lousy run blocking OL and our not very good running backs,   we went no where game after game.     But we tried.      And we tried because a good passing game is made easier if you can establish a running game.       So, then we'd fall behind and Luck would have to do his magic again and again to bring the team back.


The team looks uninspired or lack luster or lacking fire.     I appreciate that's how it looks.    But again, a guy who the players love should be playing hard right out of the gate.     If it looks like they're not,  there's a reason better than Chuck Pagano doesn't know how to give a pre-game speech.


You're a great Colts fan and a very good poster.    I'm sorry I'm giving you a hard time here.    I was just stunned at the post.      Hey,  that's OK,  I know plenty of posters here who get a little stunned over the things I write too!


:spit:                :yuk:          :Gaah:      (How some posters react to me!)  

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On November 6, 2016 at 1:40 AM, Malakai432 said:


But you have to realize SW, it's so hard to win in the NFL haha.  I also agree they won't win a Super Bowl under this regime, even if the talent on the roster significantly improves.  I would be willing to put a whole heap of $ on it.  It's going to probably get a lot worse this year also with the schedule and Mr. Irsay will have some very tough decisions to make by years end. 

Yeah, a number of coaches lean on that line "the margin of victory is so small in this league" like it's fall back position for keeping a staff intact. I will give Pags & Grigs credit for getting a W in GB. If I'm gonna criticize our HC & GM for regressing as a squad, I have to give them props when they pull it off & surprise me. 


Exactly, we need to go in a new direction next yr. M-432, you are also right when you say Jimmy has some tough decisions to make soon. It was nice to see both Jacksonville & Tennessee fall yesterday too. Thank you Philip Rivers & Andy Reid. 

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