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Denzelle Good Experiment


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21 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:


But no one has time to wait for him to get it together either. He's a second year player and for me it really only takes 2 years to figure a guy out.



Well we will just have to disagree.  He hardly played last year.  That makes him a year one player to me and except for this last game and maybe one other, he's been rock solid in the other six IMO.

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3 hours ago, dudeski said:

why are people singling out Good and not Haeg?


there is an answer for that

The answer is- Haeg appears to have played better, and Good has been called a few times for penalties that cancelled out big plays.  that's the impression I've gotten.  


On the other hand, when Gore runs for big yardage, it looks to me like it's when Good at RG, Haeg at RT and Gore runs right.


You seem to be phishing, IMO...

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Had to go back and look at the sacks "given" up by Good and on further review it was a coaching error for the most part.  The center was uncovered. In most pass protection the center would drop back and then help as needed. The colts had our Kelley go immediately to help Haig whether he needed it or not. KC picked this up. They had the DT on Haig rush to the right and Kelley would follow him. With Ritz getting beat bad to the outside this left Good one on one with the DE with a 4-5 yard lane to work in. No way Good on any other guard can win that battle every time.  We never changed and KC exploited our coaching mistake. Simply not Good's fault as he was hung out to dry.

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5 hours ago, Archangel said:


Wrong again I asked a simple question on who replaced haeg at LG my bad on LT, I know reitz got hurt and was not aware he got replaced until late in the game when I saw haeg at RT and then was trying to get a number on the player replacing haeg. So before you jump down peoples throat maybe they have a reason for asking. 

and i explained everything to you


shouldn't you just say thanks?

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1 hour ago, JMichael557 said:

Had to go back and look at the sacks "given" up by Good and on further review it was a coaching error for the most part.  The center was uncovered. In most pass protection the center would drop back and then help as needed. The colts had our Kelley go immediately to help Haig whether he needed it or not. KC picked this up. They had the DT on Haig rush to the right and Kelley would follow him. With Ritz getting beat bad to the outside this left Good one on one with the DE with a 4-5 yard lane to work in. No way Good on any other guard can win that battle every time.  We never changed and KC exploited our coaching mistake. Simply not Good's fault as he was hung out to dry.

the center helps out the lg (mewhort) the majority of the time.  the rg is single blocking a good amount of time.  this is pretty much the same in every system.  slide protection left is very common.  

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1st sack-Good was double teaming the DE with Reitz, Ford came across on the Stunt. There was nothing unordinary about Good doubling the End with Reitz HOWEVER where Good failed to execute was having his eyes forward and NOT on the End so that he could see if any Linebackers crossed his face and shot the gap opened up by the double team. Technical error on Good


2nd sack-split between Reitz and Castonzo was just horrible mirroring by both Tackles, Both Tackles stopped moving there feet and Reitz did not even have his hands up until Ford charged and by then it was to late


3rd sack-Hilton was open but Luck missed him. Doyle was open briefly but just flat out missed the hole in the zone, That sack was on Luck as much as it was Good


4th sack (Now its getting to the point of ridiculous)- Castonzo got his hands up late allowing Ford to get into his chest and under his arms. when Castonzo finally got them up his hands were on top of Fords Shoulder pads instead of on the chest and Castonzo just got out muscled to the QB


5th sack-came off Haeg who looked to do everything right but just wasn't strong enough to sustain his block of Zombo. Luck held onto the ball to long on this sack. Hilton was coming across the middle of the field and was open. This one is on Luck


6th sack-2 wr's were open but I cant tell who they are. One was running a curl route. That's on Luck

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All I got to say is watch out for the forum devils.  The ones who wan't to sit up acting like draft gurus, stat masters and king of the O line.  It's unbelievable that this is the main topic after watching these two Bums we have at tackle named Reitz and Costanzo.  They were the main culprits in Luck getting smoked and we are sitting here talking about Good?  Reitz was getting straight smashed and so was Costanzo, but yet the Denzelle Good thread is a mile long?  And yes I know he screwed up in his own right during that game, but the two tackles were awful.   Some of you are pure blood thirsty.

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Sorry about how irate I'm about to be, but, I'm reading through this thread and just laughing at how wrong most of you are. Clearly no on watches film before they reach their conclusions. Did you notice that Good didn't get help on any plays? Let me help you,.. No, you didn't notice that. They leave him one-on-one and concentrate all their help to Reitz, Haeg & Costanzo. Kelly turns left and doubles on the left side virtually every play. The backs and TE's step out and chip/double to help the weak tackle play. Good, on the other hand gets zero help, and when he has a bad play or two in a game this board calls him out? Do you have a clue about how many times his fellow linemen, with all the designed help they got, still got punked in that game? Watch some film and get a clue. This team needs two tackles badly.

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4 minutes ago, Douzer said:

Sorry about how irate I'm about to be, but, I'm reading through this thread and just laughing at how wrong most of you are. Clearly no on watches film before they reach their conclusions. Did you notice that Good didn't get help on any plays? Let me help you,.. No, you didn't notice that. They leave him one-on-one and concentrate all their help to Reitz, Haeg & Costanzo. Kelly turns left and doubles on the left side virtually every play. The backs and TE's step out and chip/double to help the weak tackle play. Good, on the other hand gets zero help, and when he has a bad play or two in a game this board calls him out? Do you have a clue about how many times his fellow linemen, with all the designed help they got, still got punked in that game? Watch some film and get a clue. This team needs two tackles badly.

I totally agree!  Joe Thomas please.  I don't care if he's old,  I have lost a lot of faith in Reitz and Costanzo. 

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Now coaching wise I'm asking myself with us protecting so bad why we didn't lean more on the running attack.  From what I saw there were some big holes out there.   We could have controlled the pace of that game more than we did.  We were running the football pretty good and we could have wen to the short game instead of trying to force that two minute offense stuff.  Coaching issue to me, but water under the bridge now.

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1 minute ago, krunk said:

I totally agree!  Joe Thomas please.  I don't care if he's old,  I have lost a lot of faith in Reitz and Costanzo. 

Many of us knew Reitz would flounder as a starting RT, but Costanzo letting the left edge fold like a money clip is so aggravating. All that money for what?

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3 minutes ago, krunk said:

Now coaching wise I'm asking myself with us protecting so bad why we didn't lean more on the running attack.  From what I saw there were some big holes out there.   We could have controlled the pace of that game more than we did.  We were running the football pretty good and we could have wen to the short game instead of trying to force that two minute offense stuff.  Coaching issue to me, but water under the bridge now.

I agree with this too. They were taking big chunks on the right side when the ran it. They bailed on the running game, even though it was strong. Both scoring drives were the drives the mixed run with TE passes.  Every time they came out pass happy throwing on 1st down, they stalled. Coaching and game planning questions abound...

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6 minutes ago, Douzer said:

I agree with this too. They were taking big chunks on the right side when the ran it. They bailed on the running game, even though it was strong. Both scoring drives were the drives the mixed run with TE passes.  Every time they came out pass happy throwing on 1st down, they stalled. Coaching and game planning questions abound...

We gotta learn how to win ugly and nasty sometimes.  It will help our defense out along with taking some pressure off the line in the passing game.  Sometimes we need a series or two or three full of Gore, Turbin and the ground game.  Short passing and chain moving.  Gradually get back in to the deep game after chewing some clock and drawing the safeties in. 

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The other issue I have is I think Monachino plays way too much zone defense.  And he doesn't pressure near as much as I was expecting from him.  Most of the times I saw us send the blitz the pass was an incompletion.  Should have done more of it. 

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That's all I was saying too Krunk and Douzer.  Good didn't play well at all but he most definitely wasn't alone in his poor play and he didn't deserve a thread singling him out suggesting he's a failure that we need to move on from. I also agree that our game planning on both sides of the ball were terrible. We basically quit on the running game as soon as the game started.  Quit on the short passing game as well. I distinctly remember both Crief and Dorsett catching some great slant patterns and Luck actually hit them in stride for once. I don't know why we went away from it?  It's like when Dorsett is in the lineup all they want to do is send him deep. People are already giving up on him but give this same offense to Sean Payton and we'd have 3 receivers gunning for 1000 yard seasons with Doyle up there as well. And we'd still have a strong running game with Gore and Turbin both getting usage.... Our coaches are failing our players and this franchise miserably.  Coaches can't go out there and make the plays but they are supposed to put the players in a position to make those plays. And it's a shame that a failed coach like Venturi watches film and points out the things to look out for and come Sunday we let those same things beat us...  I'm sure our coaches see these things too or maybe they don't but somehow there's a breakdown or something and I'm at a loss for what can be done to fix things. 

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