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Bill Polian On Mike And Mike


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You can listen to his interview on ESPN. Scroll down the page to Podcast and listen to 12 minutes of what Bill has to say.

For those who don't have time, I can paraphrase some of what Bill says. He said he understood why he was let go, the team went 2-14. In the NFL that usually means there will be change at the top, he understood that.

Will Peyton play for the Colts next year. Bill believes that depends on much uncertainty. He said there is no way to know in advance, whether the nerves in Peyton's neck will have regenerated. Bill said the Dr says that is no medication, no series of exercises, nothing in medicine that will predict whether the nerves in PM's neck will have healed to the point that Peyton can play. Bill said there is no way to know or how to predict the future as far as Peyton's neck is concerned.

He said that was evident in PM's interview with Kravitz, that Peyton is unsure about his future, either with the Colts or elsewhere. He doesn't know if he will be able to play, all the people who were his support group at the Colts facility have been relieved of their responsibilities and Peyton is feeling all this pressure.

Would Peyton be comfortable with the Colts drafting Luck. Bill said Peyton is the ultimate team player. He said Peyton is all about team and all about winning. Would Bill have drafted Luck? He said it is a process that you have to grow through, personality profiles, physical exams, etc., but Bill said either Luck or Griffin are probably the 1st and 2d draft choices the the NFL draft.

Bill was asked if he would have drafted Luck. Polian said it was Jim Irsay's call on who would be picked.

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As big of a * Polian seemed to be I will always appreciate what he did here.

Yes in the last few years with him and Chris there was some big misses like Ugoh, Gonzo, and Hughes. The guy still found us Bethea, Saturday, Mathis and Garcon to name a few.

Polian and Manning are the reason this team is still here in Indy. Without either one we would be either rooting for the Bears or the LA Colts.

I seriously do not think a decision will be made on Manning until like March 7th because like Bill said it all depends on the uncertantity. If there is just to much uncertantiy you got to move on. You cannot pay him another 28 million to ride the pine in hope he will come back that season or the next especially with Luck sitting in the wings.

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Have to give BP kudos for putting together a contender for many years. I used to subscribe to the "in Polian we trust" mantra. I think the difference was we trusted BP but when he was busier trying to groom his son things got a little weird. All good things come to an end.

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I have always appreciated Bill Polian. The dude is a competitor. He wasnt just a GM. He was all in with this team. Yes, he was probably hard to work with. But, most successful people arent easy to work for or with. They usually do think they are a little smarter then the next person, because they are. I know not every person is that way. But, most hard working people that scratched and clawed to success are that way. The easy going, laid back, successful person is usually the person that got there positions handed to them. Anyways, I did start getting a little tired of Bill not really acknowledging how bad this team was this year. Infact, he was even arrogant about it. He acted like everyone that said anything about the team was stupid and didnt know what they were talking about. That, and his son Chris, got him fired. He should have been the first one mad at the team and how they were playing. He should have been putting more pressure on Caldwell and the coaching staff. He didnt. And now he is doing interviews for sports talk shows.

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Believe that Irsay recognized that Polian was a control freak-- and when things go bad, person in control has to go. If would have let the coaches coach and shared the player presonnel responsibilities, probably would have saved his job. When he had to micro-manage everything, well there is no one left to blame except him. Unfortunately, he did such a sorry job these last few years with his son, a lot of collateral damage came with it.

All that aside, it really was a pretty bland interview. Just reminding us that we just have to wait, and be patient to see what happens with Manning. All this talk from La Confora and others about Peyton cryptically telling everyone he is leaving is junk, only making for good TV theater. Manning is a pretty straight shooter and I think his interview with Kravitz has been way overblown and taken out of context (what else do expect from the media?). Frustrated, sure who wouldn't be. Angered by his friends getting fired, wouldn't we all be. First time going through large scale change, terrifying (if you've ever been through a layoff at work you know what this feels like). Wouldn't expect him to react any other way. Him being healthy, handed $28 million, a new head coach ready to lead us to another SB and he is all go.

BTW, all this talk of Manning and Luck not being able to get along, this is business. No rookie is going to come in here and play QB better than Manning- I don't think he is afraid nor will his ego be hurt.

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this is the same rehashed stuff we have been hearing all along.

lets all try to figure out a way to twist it into something else! woo

Greeny immediately tries to twist Polians words after he hangs up and Golic is calling out Greeny on the ^cowpatties^.

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He said there is no way to know in advance, whether the nerves in Peyton's neck will have regenerated. Bill said the Dr says that is no medication, no series of exercises, nothing in medicine that will predict whether the nerves in PM's neck will have healed to the point that Peyton can play. Bill said there is no way to know or how to predict the future as far as Peyton's neck is concerned.

I honestly think at this time if we are not hearing "good news" that he has power to throw, things are truly discouraging. The majority of strength recovery after nerve injury will occur in the first 3 months. If it has not happened after the 2nd surgery (but first time with nerve injury, Spring 2011), and has not happened after the 3rd surgery (second for the injured nerve problem, august 2011) then we will not see any significant recovery. To be fair, muscle atrophy can improve if a nerve is healthy, but by now nerve-induced weakness will likely not. Additionally, we don't have formal reports that he cannot throw well, either. I'm just not sure why anybody would withhold good news on his status.

I just hope they are hiding some good news we don't know. This has been a tough year across the whole organization, and it's hard to see Peyton dedicate his life to football and have it pause for reasons he can't control.

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I honestly think at this time if we are not hearing "good news" that he has power to throw, things are truly discouraging. The majority of strength recovery after nerve injury will occur in the first 3 months. If it has not happened after the 2nd surgery (but first time with nerve injury, Spring 2011), and has not happened after the 3rd surgery (second for the injured nerve problem, august 2011) then we will not see any significant recovery. To be fair, muscle atrophy can improve if a nerve is healthy, but by now nerve-induced weakness will likely not. Additionally, we don't have formal reports that he cannot throw well, either. I'm just not sure why anybody would withhold good news on his status.

I just hope they are hiding some good news we don't know. This has been a tough year across the whole organization, and it's hard to see Peyton dedicate his life to football and have it pause for reasons he can't control.

Thanks for the good post nsurg. I always enjoy your knowledgable post. Let's all hope that things are happening that we are not aware of. Thanks again. :thanks:

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Greeny immediately tries to twist Polians words after he hangs up and Golic is calling out Greeny on the ^cowpatties^.

LOL not surprising. If you ask me that Greeny is a little too anxious and excited over the prospect of Peyton leaving Indy. Must be his Jets fan bias. Golic needs to put him in a headlock. :D

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