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But what if Pep

Johnny colt

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wasn't as bad as so many think he was?What if Sunday the players and especially our QB decided to finally play like they are capable of?For instance Luck sure as all get up gave an all out performance unlike any game he has been in this year thus far.I am not the most know knowledgeable football fan around by any means but I didn't really notice a huge difference in the plays.I may be way off but I think its a legitimate thought/question.

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There was for a sure a better level of execution so I agree that's part of it but I also think there was a better mix of plays from Chud, not calling 20 some passes in a row, running the ball even though they weren't ahead. It's also been shown by those who chart plays they called more passes for the tightends on Sunday than they had all year. I think this lead to guys to feel more comfortable which helped lead to better play but I also think without question the guys executed better than they had all season which has to do more with them than the play caller. Like most things in football it's complex and not just a simple change X and everything is better, it's a combination of X, Y, Z with a little A and B sprinkled in.

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There was a lot different. We ran the ball even when we'd get stuffed, and Chud never went pass heavy or run heavy. I believe we threw the ball 36 times and ran it 36 times. I think Chud found a weakness in the Denver Pass D and attacked it all game long. There were many times I saw them attack the D in a bunch three reciever formation. And it seemed almost always work.

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The offense wasn't preforming.

Someone has to be held accountable.

Pep was the guy.

Nature of the business.

Chud didn't abandon the run when we got stuffed a few times and it paid off.

Not every play is going to be the right call but Pep called the wrong one too many times.

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Pep was terrible. He is a like a brainy guy who comes up with all these schemes that don't work in a game.  Trying to out think everyone. The Cotls have succeeded in spite of him.  Chud is a huge upgrade and I say 90% of the reason why the Colts offense was better.


Ha!  This reminds me of that brainy kid in Little Giants...


"I call this play, the Annexation of Puerto Rico"

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