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Brief Comparison: Manning's Colts Vs. Luck's Colts


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When I first got on, I just about lost it the first day on a couple of guys on here.  A couple of them are not here anymore.  This is a site for your opinions as well as others so hang in there.


We had a great run with the great 18, but number 12 is going to carve his way to the top of the charts.  He is the best young QB that I was seen in many years.  Sometime we will be comparing others to Andrew Luck.  Then we will end up saying..."Quit the comparisons.":)   :funny:

Nice grammar BrentMc11.....WOW! :)

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These Colts are ahead of those Colts in terms of results.  It took Manning's Colts six years just to win a playoff game.  Luck and company have three wins in the playoffs in just three years and also have a trip to the AFCCG.  That's really the only comparison I need. 

One of the reasons that I cannot believe some are calling for Pagano and Grigson's head (s) if we lose.  I love football:  2015 style!!! :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo: !!

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That's because people want patriot like results.

If we don't keep someone like Grigson, who is willing to go anywhere to find talent.....who do you want?


I think we will be 13-3 this year.  If luck, Gore, and Mathis get healthy and stay healthy it will happen.


I want a team that wins without cheating...and we have one here.  :)

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If we don't keep someone like Grigson, who is willing to go anywhere to find talent.....who do you want?


I think we will be 13-3 this year.  If luck, Gore, and Mathis get healthy and stay healthy it will happen.


I want a team that wins without cheating...and we have one here.   :)

Grigs is definitely more of a Gambler than Polian, & not all of his gambles have paid off...

But  I think one of the things about Grigson that is overlooked with the haters is the way he has built the roster with well structured contracts, allowing him to cut bait with FA's after giving them a legitimate opportunity...


Some of the more critical fans would probably say Grigs is stubborn, won't admit poor choices etc...


However, I'd argue that once he makes a decision he gives it/players amble time, sticking with his decision, but he has shown a seeming willingness to cut his losses, at appropriate times, (Landry, RJF, TRich, etc.). To me that goes back to what would seem like forsight on his part when bringing in FA's...

If that makes sense...

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Grigs is definitely more of a Gambler than Polian, & not all of his gambles have paid off...

But  I think one of the things about Grigson that is overlooked with the haters is the way he has built the roster with well structured contracts, allowing him to cut bait with FA's after giving them a legitimate opportunity...


Some of the more critical fans would probably say Grigs is stubborn, won't admit poor choices etc...


However, I'd argue that once he makes a decision he gives it/players amble time, sticking with his decision, but he has shown a seeming willingness to cut his losses, at appropriate times, (Landry, RJF, TRich, etc.). To me that goes back to what would seem like forsight on his part when bringing in FA's...

If that makes sense...

I would have to say you are spot on.  I do think he is stubborn.(Polian was alotta stubborn :))  I still do not like the OL after we have needed help, but think it will be fine once they start to be a more cohesive unit.


I really feel all in all fans forget what losing is like.  We had the debacle year in 2011 and have been a solid winner since.


I cannot see him fired just because we don't win the Super Bowl.  If the offense stays intact and the defense shows the ability to cause havoc in the backfield, I think we will be happy with the results.  

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The Patriots have won one SuperBowl in the past 10 years.


Yeah, but they've been to 3 in that timeframe, and the 2 losses couldn't have been more of a fluke. I'll give the Giants credit where it's due, that pass rush gave Brady nightmares both games, and that was a huge factor. But I watched Eli's final drive in the '07 game, he threw about 7 terrible passes and 2 good ones: Tyree helmet catch & Burress TD. I counted 3 that should've been surefire interceptions, but they just bounced off of Pats defenders' hands. I guess sometimes being lucky is just as important as being good.

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I dont want to offend anyone....... this is obviously a comparison thread of how weak the Colts are now, vs how strong the Colts were THEN


A bit of a silly thread.... but I know as a Colts fan, you just want the team to win



Manning was and is Awesome.....  He led this loser of a team out of the basement.........






If its january, if its cold, if its windy..........



I would take Luck ALWAYS over Manning



Manning had too many games where we dominated the regular season but stunk up the playoffs.... ONE AND DONE


That was him AND the teams of those times




Again........ give me the slop and cold.... IN JANUARY or FEBRUARY........ I would MUCH rather have Luck!



And... the team that we have assmbled today!



We keep getting better.... the trends are in the right direction........ have faith people



I believe the OL will step it up



My biggest concern is NT....(But we MIGHT be able to win the SB regardless)

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I think is clear the best Colts team on the field since their arrival in Indy is the 2005 team. They were firing on all cylinders that season. Great offense & defense was strong. Edge was playing great ball, Marvin & Reggie we're tearing it up. Peyton was at the top of his game. 14-2 and I think we all know the undefeated season was on the table. Luck & squad are good, but young. Not the same fire power. They play with guts more than precision which will come in time and some better pieces.

I would argue that the 2009 team was our best team all-around
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Those things are true but not exactly what they seem. He didn't have Edge when he had Freeney and Mathis at the top of their game. He didn't have a great coach for his entire career. That all-pro LT only played a short time. It seems like an absurd comparison in many ways.

Freeney and Mathis did not come along until like year 4 of Manning's tenure. Then Mathis came the next year. Before that the defenses were so bad it was awful. Remember the year that Miami rushed for like 200 yards against us in the playoffs? I cant even remember the RB's name but he shredded our defense and Vanderjagt chunked a FG attempt and we lost the game.


I would say this, Manning's  teams in their prime years definitely had more overall talent: LT, C, RT, DE's, S, WR, TE(yes, Dallas Clark and Marcus Pollard). However, losing Edgerrin James to injury and then losing him again to free agency was a big blow. If Edge had never gotten hurt and we would have been able to retain him I think the Manning teams would have more rings. Edge was still a darn good RB after his ACL injury but he was not the same player.


Interestingly enough, had Edge not gotten hurt, who here thinks that Jim Mora doesn't get fired? Then, we lose out on bringing in Tony Dungy and history is changed forever....

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I dont want to offend anyone....... this is obviously a comparison thread of how weak the Colts are now, vs how strong the Colts were THEN


A bit of a silly thread.... but I know as a Colts fan, you just want the team to win



Manning was and is Awesome.....  He led this loser of a team out of the basement.........






If its january, if its cold, if its windy..........



I would take Luck ALWAYS over Manning



Manning had too many games where we dominated the regular season but stunk up the playoffs.... ONE AND DONE


That was him AND the teams of those times




Again........ give me the slop and cold.... IN JANUARY or FEBRUARY........ I would MUCH rather have Luck!



And... the team that we have assmbled today!



We keep getting better.... the trends are in the right direction........ have faith people



I believe the OL will step it up



My biggest concern is NT....(But we MIGHT be able to win the SB regardless)

They are definitely 2 different type of QB's. I loved Manning's precision and his innovation with the no huddle. It was a thing of beauty. Luck brings just about everything to the table that you want in a QB: Accuracy, strength, running ability, pocket awareness, football smarts and leadership. In the end both with go down as 2 of the all time greats.


I compare Manning to Dan Marino in his style and abilities. I compare Luck more to John Elway with his abilities(although not many had the arm strength to compare to Elway).

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Yeah, but they've been to 3 in that timeframe, and the 2 losses couldn't have been more of a fluke. I'll give the Giants credit where it's due, that pass rush gave Brady nightmares both games, and that was a huge factor. But I watched Eli's final drive in the '07 game, he threw about 7 terrible passes and 2 good ones: Tyree helmet catch & Burress TD. I counted 3 that should've been surefire interceptions, but they just bounced off of Pats defenders' hands. I guess sometimes being lucky is just as important as being good.

I know what you are saying but what would they have done without Brady or Gronk? I doubt they would have been as successful...does that mean Belichick is no good as a GM?

There are only a couple of teams that would love to have the Colts success over the last 3 years.

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They are definitely 2 different type of QB's. I loved Manning's precision and his innovation with the no huddle. It was a thing of beauty. Luck brings just about everything to the table that you want in a QB: Accuracy, strength, running ability, pocket awareness, football smarts and leadership. In the end both with go down as 2 of the all time greats.


I compare Manning to Dan Marino in his style and abilities. I compare Luck more to John Elway with his abilities(although not many had the arm strength to compare to Elway).

Manning is like a ferrari........   He can get on it when the conditions are good


Luck is like a 4 wheel drive F150   ......... he can go when others cant


Unfortunately (or fortunately) depending on what side of the arguement you are on,  the playoffs are many times in the cold and slop...........  (the Ferrai may need to be in the garage)  ....... The F150 becomes more practical


Luck at this stage is a bit more reckless than Manning was (2nd year on).....  But...... I see Luck becoming more like a younger Brett Farve, that takes the team on his back, and finds a way to win


Luck gives you that 3rd and 2 to go down, where everyone is covered, he just takes off and runs over the db, and gets the first down


When Manning had a 3rd and 2.......  and everyone was covered, ........it was punt time..........



For those that "pine away" for the "good old days..........  please stop.........



Those good old teams SHOULD have won 3-4 SBs....... they didnt


Manning never really figured out the 3-4, in the playoffs, on the grass.........




Anything can happen, but in my book, this team..... with slight improvement each year, and some solid cap management, should be on the doorstep of the SB for the next 10 years



Imagine the mood on the Jaguars or Radiers board.......... they hope to just be competitive


An 8-8 record would be an amazing feat.......



We have been spoiled folks...... enjoy the ride..... .... (While it lasts) 

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Manning is like a ferrari........   He can get on it when the conditions are good


Luck is like a 4 wheel drive F150   ......... he can go when others cant


Luck at this stage is a bit more reckless than Manning was (2nd year on)


Luck gives you that 3rd and 2 to go down, where everyone is covered, he just takes off and runs over the db, and gets the first down


When Manning had a 3rd and 2.......  and everyone was covered, ........it was punt time..........



For those that "pine away" for the "good old days..........  please stop.........



Those good old teams SHOULD have won 3-4 SBs....... they didnt


Manning never really figured out the 3-4, in the playoffs, on the grass.........

I disagree on that point. Manning led offenses were always high 3rd down efficiency teams. We struggled with the 3rd and 1's because our OL was labeled as a "finesse" OL. Manning had his struggles in the playoffs at times, no question.

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I disagree on that point. Manning led offenses were always high 3rd down efficiency teams. We struggled with the 3rd and 1's because our OL was labeled as a "finesse" OL. Manning had his struggles in the playoffs at times, no question.


You are correct.... I should have referenced "in the playoffs"

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