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NFLPA investigating Patriots for potential CBA violation


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I agree Shane we didn't tank intentionally, but watching the ease with which Painter threw picks at the worst possible times in games & how slowly Kerry Collins moved in an ever collapsing pocket,

When did Painter play better than that ? :)

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When did Painter play better than that ? :)

You're right, he didn't Shane, but somehow he managed to be Eli Manning's backup longer than I ever dreamed of in NY which is kind of astonishing & mind-blowing at the same time. 


The only time I ever saw him look decent was in a few pre season games before anyone knew who WR Victor Cruz was. Yeah I know, going up against 2nd & 3rd string LBs & DBs on the final 53 man roster bubble doesn't mean much I agree 100% 


The only thing in Painter's favor is this: His golden locks of hair. That guy will never go bald in his 50's. I, on the other hand, can't say that.  haha

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If that is your viewpoint then so be it but no championship in professional sports is won on the up and up. Just this past week we heard from Montana about the niners cheating and from Shaquille O'Neal on his cheating and of course we have the FIFA fiasco, the NBA refs rigging games, and have lived through the steroid era in baseball where Congress got involved. As I have said up here more than once, if it bothers anyone that much what the Pats did or any other team that has cheated and won then I don't know why you watch. I would find more productive things to do with my time. I consider all the past champions of the NFL from the Saints to the Hawks to be legit champions despite their cheating as well as the MLB championships that have been won since the early 80's. But that is just me. I certainly understand if others don't but again that begs the question of why invest your time to begin with.

Great job at not really answering my question and basically just going on to just assume all teams win by cheating somehow. How is that Justified? And just because we do unfortunately know of lots of cheating going on in sports does that justify it or mean that all championships are won with cheating somehow??? That's an awful large assumption to make there with very little evidence to prove so. I think it's just a deflection to just try and lump all sports teams in with your Patriots and say all are guilty of it so it's no big deal. Basically a big and very poor excuse. Not all teams need to be lumped in as having cheated somehow just because there are cases of cheating and because your Pats have got caught twice. There are teams with integrity and honesty. It's about doing it the right and fair way period. Because that's the right thing to do. It's fair and honest. Just because a multitude of teams may cheat does in no way Justify it for them or your team. But to some I guess to some these things don't matter. Lie, cheat...whatever you gotta do to win and get that Championship, it's all fair game. I certainly can't be okay with that kinda approach though, but that's just me.

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In regard to Yehoodi's "2-14...nuff said" post, 1 additional encore reply: 


Manning's neck injury taught me 2 essential lessons: 1. Never take winning or the Playoffs for granted anymore & 2. Make darn sure you have a competent backup at the helm who actually gets meaningful reps in practice with the 1's. 


I can handle getting whipped by NE because I respect that club & their longevity of success while losing to Dallas, on the other hand, whom I detest with the fire & intensity of a thousand suns is entirely unacceptable.


NE forces you to play a perfect game & exploit your adversary at the right moment or lapse in concentration. That I live for because you really earned it if you pull it off. Dallas I just despise their smug sense of entitlement. "America's Team" my caboose. Stop complaining about failing to complete the process of a catch all the way to the ground Dez & Romo in the Playoffs & grow up you cry babies. 


NE or INDY are a hades of a lot closer to being a beloved NFL team than you lone star state fellas are. Let's get real. When the Pats or Colts lose a post season game we work on our weaknesses & execute on the field next time not run to twitter to claim we were robbed. There's a word for that similar to calling someone a wuss or another word for cat that starts with the letter P. 


I acknowledge that their offensive line is top tier & that's it. 

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This is why I respect you most AMF: Because you are honest about what losing this SB would have meant to your HOF QB & HOF HC had the Patriots lost that game. I also admire that you admit openly that Pete Carroll's decision to throw as opposed to run was a huge twist of fate in your franchise's favor. It was. 


You take some unwarranted criticism from blue horseshoe fans occasionally AMF, but I appreciate your candor. Keep it up.  Regarding Butler, the violation if there was one, is meaningless to me. I'm just curious if he's the real deal or not. Future seasons will tell or not I guess.


Regarding Brady, he earned all his SBs legitimately to me. He's a lock for the HOF. I will still watch him, but to me he lied about not knowing that footballs were under inflated. Does that make him evil? No. Do I still like him as a competitor? Yes. Am I disappointed he lied? Yes. Brady's a nice guy. I just am bewildered as to how he can claim he had no knowledge of what happened. I'm not the smartest guy on the planet but I wasn't born yesterday either. Just come clean & this controversy loses it's venom very swiftly.   Don't give me this nonsense that he'll address his integrity after his appeal either. You either hold another press conference & clear the air or the silence speaks for itself. If it were me, I'd say where & when do you want me? Let's deal with this issue ASAP. 

Thanks SW. Appreciate this post. In terms of Brady, I think we are going to find out a lot more in the coming weeks ...

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I agree but I think you have to have balance with your kids too. Gamesmanship, pushing rules, etc. happens all the time at every level of competitive sports. From what I have already seen and experienced in just a few years, youth sports is as corrupt as pro sports maybe more so because of the politics and absence of a governing body to make sure things are fair. And of course the stakes are sky high because scholarships are on the line and potential pro careers. Like I said, at some point you have to evaluate how much you want to participate as a fan and as a parent how far you want to expose your kids. I have not liked much of what I have seen thus far and I am not even at high school level yet.

Maybe corruption, as you call it, is acceptable in your youth sports league. But I have been involved in youth sports for thirty years. It isn't acceptable in our leagues. Coaches are removed if they try anything outside the rules

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Holy cow...commonality determines acceptance? Are you kidding me? The cavalier attitude towards cheating by some Pats fans is nauseating. 

Not acceptance or even a cavalier attitude IMO just reality. Like I said, if it bothered me that much I would just stop watching pro sports.

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Great job at not really answering my question and basically just going on to just assume all teams win by cheating somehow. How is that Justified? And just because we do unfortunately know of lots of cheating going on in sports does that justify it or mean that all championships are won with cheating somehow??? That's an awful large assumption to make there with very little evidence to prove so. I think it's just a deflection to just try and lump all sports teams in with your Patriots and say all are guilty of it so it's no big deal. Basically a big and very poor excuse. Not all teams need to be lumped in as having cheated somehow just because there are cases of cheating and because your Pats have got caught twice. There are teams with integrity and honesty. It's about doing it the right and fair way period. Because that's the right thing to do. It's fair and honest. Just because a multitude of teams may cheat does in no way Justify it for them or your team. But to some I guess to some these things don't matter. Lie, cheat...whatever you gotta do to win and get that Championship, it's all fair game. I certainly can't be okay with that kinda approach though, but that's just me.



When a post goes without a reply , it sometimes means that you destroyed the opposition and they thought best to not look silly and answer . Yours fit the bill.

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Its the Patriot way :thmup:

It's kinda like saying well there is alot of murder in today's world so we just need to accept it and let it be. I mean it's just murder after all, right? No biggie!!! This nonchalant and quite frankly careless approach takes you down a very bad and scarry path. And the root of it is ignorance!!!

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Not acceptance or even a cavalier attitude IMO just reality. Like I said, if it bothered me that much I would just stop watching pro sports.

Rape and murder are reality in today's world too...should we just accept that??? because it's reality does NOT justify it or in ANY way make it right!!! Same goes for cheating!!!

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Rape and murder are reality in today's world too...should we just accept that??? because it's reality does NOT justify it or in ANY way make it right!!! Same goes for cheating!!!

I wish Belichick would just stop it with all the rape, murder, and holding guys out of OTA workouts. He's an evil evil man.

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