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Say goodbye to our "power run" offense.

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I use quotations because we were never really effective attempting the power run offense to begin with. At times it seemed like we were too stubborn trying to establish the run, and it put us in big holes early in games. But I think the pick of Phillip Dorsett in the first round means that we have finally abandoned that line of thinking...


We are officially a "vertical passing" offense now, if we weren't before. I expect Dorsett to be the primary slot receiver right off the bat, ahead of Donte Moncrief, Duron Carter, etc.


TY and Andre Johnson will play the outside receiver spots.

Dorsett and Moncrief as the inside slot guys, shredding the seams.

Fleener and Allen at TE.


At least 4 of those 6 guys will be on the field on almost every play.


Cribbs is a goner, Dorsett will be our kick returner day one.

Whalen is a goner, he just doesn't have the talent to compete with our top guys.

Duron Carter may be a goner, but he could make the team as the #5 WR if he can showcase great red-zone skills in training camp.


As long as we still find a way to extend TY Hilton's contract (my favorite current player) I am warming up to this pick. We may lose Fleener or Allen after the season, filling that role with Jack Doyle wouldn't be a terrible thing. We may not need a two-TE set going forward, they were selected with the "power run" strategy in mind.


We are a vertical offense now...now more then ever. You can like it, you can hate it but just make sure you do one thing...pick Luck in your fantasy drafts.

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Orrrr.... theres an idea of being balanced... Where you can spread them out and go 5 WRs (Hilton, Johnson, Dorsett, Moncrief, Carter), or you could go heavy run (FB, RB, 3TE), or you could go in the middle with (RB, 2TE, and a Speedster) and have tons of options. Balance is what every offense strives for.

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We can still run all sorts of different packages...but I DO think we will try to go 1 te set more often though. I think we go 3 wr sets more now than what I initially thought....but we do have frank gore....thats plenty of power enough for me.

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Typically NFL offenses feature 4 total WR/TE and 1 RB. Ditching the power run dream fantasy means that we don't need a specialized FB, we can use Dwayne Allen any time we want a FB on the field. I posted this as a reply in another thread, but I will place it here as well. 


- TY, Johnson, Fleener and Allen will be our "base" package.


- TY, Johnson, Dorsett and Moncrief will be our passing down group, an elite "nascar" package that teams simply won't be able to defend.


- Johnson, Fleener, Allen and Doyle will be our short yardage, goal-line group.


We still have Gore, we still have Boom. We could still draft a rookie back at some point in this draft. But I can tell you this...we won't see anyone playing us with 8 or 9 guys in the box next year. Not one snap all year. We got speed, speed and more speed. Gore and the backs will have a field day with the amount of space they will have to work with. I am not saying we shouldn't run the ball. I am just glad that our coaching staff has finally let go of a pipe-dream that just was not working out. We don't have a power run O-line. We don't have power run backs. When we have been the most successful is when the coaching staff finally says "F power run, just go vertical offense". We put those WR/TEs on the field, our draws and RB screens and runs out of those formations will be much more successful. Just forget about the I-formation stuff, the unbalanced lines, etc.


We will see more shotgun, more 3-WR single back sets and less of the archaic fullback stuff. We just can't do power run well, and I am happy our coaching staff has stopped trying to force it. I remember when Pep Hamilton was first brought in, his first "order of business" was to find a true FB, which was Stanley Havilli. (may be spelled wrong, not good with Samoan names) It just didn't work. Trent didn't work, because he was brought in to play a scheme we just weren't suited for.


The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. Our offensive scheme, based on power run, was flawed and holding our offense back. A scheme change now is a great thing for the future of our franchise. We still got 8 picks to add pieces to our defense. We could still land fan favorites like Landon Collins, Carl Davis, Denzel Perryman, Eric Kendricks, Jordan Phillips or Eddie Goldman in the second round. At this point, I would be okay with them trading next year's first to move back to the top of Rd 2, there's still a ton of defensive value still on the board. We just can't afford more offense in the 2nd or 3rd round at this point, but we're alright.

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