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Starwars themed NFL helmets


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The Saints C3PO helmet actually works well for the inebriated, Mardi Gras Louisiana crowd. LOL! No, disrespect intended New Orleans citizens BTW. 


You need to add R2D2 with a green party hat & put some beads around C3P0's neck though for the full effect. 

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Why did the Eagles block Yoda's face with the face mask? It looks really lame with just the big ears sticking out. 


If you're not gonna show his face, at least post some funny Yoda sayings on it like how he talks anyway...


"Stomp & crack my enemy like the Philadelphia Liberty Bell I will." 


"Mr. Glass Sam Bradford is. Not even the Force can protect him." 

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Darth Maul should be a Tamp Bay Buc since he was basically a pirate mercenary anyway to burn, pillage, & kill as a member of Senator Palpatine's henchmen posse. 


Oakland should be the Tuskenraiders since the Black Hole crowd reminds you of a band of angry looking creatures nobody understands or wants to approach alone without reinforcements. 


Greedo needs to be a NY Jet because he's green like a lizard not blue like a Miami Dolphin. It irritates me when they don't take storylines or character attributes into account. Grr! 


Sidenote: I was so ticked off when George Lucas knocked off Darth Maul so quickly. He was the epitome of evil with his horned head & red eyes. Silent but deadly. I was like Oh yeah let's see that double light saber in action. Sweet & then wham Obi wan kills him...What the hades George Lucas?! Jar Jar lives & Darth dies? Unbelievable man. You are insane George...

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Darth Maul should be a Tamp Bay Buc since he was basically a pirate mercenary anyway to burn, pillage, & kill as a member of Senator Palpatine's henchmen posse. 


Oakland should be the Tuskenraiders since the Black Hole crowd reminds you of a band of angry looking creatures nobody understands or wants to approach alone without reinforcements. 


Greedo needs to be a NY Jet because he's green like a lizard not blue like a Miami Dolphin. It irritates me when they don't take storylines or character attributes into account. Grr! 


Sidenote: I was so ticked off when George Lucas knocked off Darth Maul so quickly. He was the epitome of evil with his horned head & red eyes. Silent but deadly. I was like Oh yeah let's see that double light saber in action. Sweet & then wham Obi wan kills him...What the hades George Lucas?! Jar Jar lives & Darth dies? Unbelievable man. You are insane George...

Technically in the expanded universe, Maul survived and received robotic chicken legs :)

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The KC Chiefs one with the Ewoks doesn't work either. Okay, I get the primitive weapons angle with the hunting & gathering  tribal community mindset, but warm & fuzzy doesn't fly with Star Wars enthusiasts at all. 


Also, why is there no Han Solo/millenium falcon tie in? Ooh even better....Han frozen in Carbonite to symbolize the bleak hopelessness of winning a Championship in Cleveland.


Empire Strike Back is still the best in the trilogy to me just on the grim, dark despair at the hands of cruelty & sinister evil. I love this scene even more today than seeing it as a young kid...


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The Jabba the Hutt GB one is accurate with heavy set citizens in the Dairy state. I live in WI so I can make that joke. 


Chewbacca needs to be on the Colts helmet man just on Andrew's neck beard alone. It's why I affectionately call Andrew Chewy man. 


The Death Star needs to be on the Giants helmet because the Big Apple is the largest media market in the US & if you fail there everybody knows it & they won't for git about it either. LOL! 

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Since San Francisco lost so many key players this year due to retirements or departures to other squads, display Anakin Skywalker with his amputated limbs & molten lava charred body on it. 


Put the elder Obi wan on the powder blue San Diego helmet because he reminds me of a left over hippie who is still in a hypnotic haze of west coast meth. 


Put bounty hunter Bossk from Empire Strikes Back on Seattle's helmet because that ugly lizard reminds of grunge music & the we ain't pretty but we handle our business when called upon Legion Of Boom. 

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Put Mace Windi getting his arm sliced off & later electrocuted by the Emperor in Revenge Of The Sith on the Broncos helmet since losing the SB in 2013 43 to 8 felt like a swift demise & demoralizing death. 


Dallas needs to be Jabba the Hut's floating barge that gets blown up in the Return Of The Jedi because nothing gives me more joy than when the Cowboys implode. I live for that.  :P



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I actually would put the Emperor on the Bengals helmet because Marvin Lewis gets the most out of troubled players & he made a deal with the devil to never get fired in Cincinnati in exchange for his soul. 


The Bears remind me of Ewoks now since their defense or lack thereof wouldn't intimidate a pee wee football player right now. 


Buffalo is like a storm trooper assault. Their pass rushers can overwhelm you, but with no Jedi master QB to lead them it's like a mob frenzy with no direction or clear cut purpose. 


The Ravens remind me of Luke Skywalker because neither Joe Flacco or John Harbaugh are intimidated by Darth Vader AKA Bill Belichick. Joe is never rattled by NE & the Foxboro mystique does not scare him 1 bit. 

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I would have thought the author of this might have humored the fact that Belichick is Darth Hoodie.


Actually it's quite fitting when you consider the Jedi's role in the prequels. It's so eerily similar to the Knights Templar and how the Catholic Church later on persecuted them, you could argue it's a fictional portrayal of real history. 


Both of them play the same role in their downfalls.


The KT fought wars during the crusades for the Catholic Church, the Jedi were fighting the clone wars for the Republic. 


Both were very cherished among the people, and both were so powerful they could have easily overthrown the ruler-ship of the time. The Knights Templar certainly had the strength and funds if they wanted to replace the church. The Jedi could have easily done the same with the Senate.


Palpatine persecutes the Jedi and blames them for the fall of the Republic...the Catholic Church did pretty much the same thing in regards to the KT. They accused them of worshiping a fictional deity that they created called the Bapohmet (There is no evidence this deity existed prior to their claims), and the Pope at the time had a vendetta against them for refusing him membership. At the same time though, for political reasons, you can argue in favor of the Church that they were afraid the KT would try to overthrow them in time because the organization was so powerful during the crusades, and the only way to make people hate them would be a successful propaganda campaign which totally worked in their case. 


You get the sense that the galaxy turns on the Jedi with all the thunderous applauds in the Senate and how no one protests whatsoever when they're slaughtered. Same thing happened with the KT, despite formerly being admired by the people, the people turned on them after they believed the accusations of them worshiping a fictional demonic deity created to persecute them. And same thing with Jedi in the fact, they are such a powerful force during the Clone Wars to the point, Palpatine totally has to know, they would be his biggest obstacle in the way of creating the Galactic Empire. 


I'm sure in Star Wars universe, the Jedi are probably totally hated after the fact, and they create myths and conspiracies about them, much like the KT. Still to this day, we have tons of conspiracy theories and all this crazy stuff about them, and they're still widely seen as evil devil worshipers.


Given the Patriots are widely hated among NFL fans, I think the Jedi status fits them perfectly. Part of the disappointment in the Star Wars prequels I had, was how this copied history without showing both sides of the coin. It could have been done a bit better if Lucas showed this great fear and paranoia within Palpatine and the Republic and give them a legitimate political reason reason to fear the Jedi so much, instead of just reminding us how EVIL EVIL EVIL Palpatine is. The prequels could be rewritten so much better. 



History is fun folks!!! All that stuff you thought was boring in school can be entertaining and fun if you are reading books! 

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The number of hits world wide on the two Star Wars Film trailers coming in December is over two billion and climbing. I wish I had saved my original Star Wars figures from the first one as I could buy a football team with the money they bring today.

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