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Surprising stat about Aaron Rodgers


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I remember hearing people say that he's not clutch (though I never looked it up til now).

Rodgers (heading into 2013) was 5-24 when trailing in the 4th quarter.

Now this is from 2013(not sure if he won or lost many games while trailing in 4th quarter this past season)

But wow. 5-24 (heading into 2013) is amazingly bad.


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He's still MVP of this year, and out played the 3 golden boys all year long. 


If it weren't for GB's melt down, they would have been in the SB where they belonged with the other best team of the year. 

Bingo Bogie! GB was 1 onside kick recovery from going toe to toe against Belichick & Brady. I still say JJ Watt's the 2015 MVP, but since Jules's likes Aaron & she's a friend of mine, I'm okay with Rogers winning it. 

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I remember hearing people say that he's not clutch (though I never looked it up til now).

Rodgers (heading into 2013) was 5-24 when trailing in the 4th quarter.

Now this is from 2013(not sure if he won or lost many games while trailing in 4th quarter this past season)

But wow. 5-24 (heading into 2013) is amazingly bad.



What is Luck's record when trailing in the 4th?  A stat like that is kind of meaningless for several reasons.  One of the first is lack of context.

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That's 1 of several similar stats. Scott Kacsmar first compiled the stats then his article made the rounds on the internet but it never stuck like everything of this nature concerning Aaron Rodgers. If this were Brady or Manning could you imagine?

He did win a couple big games this year but the Pats game was the second really, really big regular season game he's ever won...ever to go along with the Saints game in 2011. He's won a few other above average games in the regular season like the Chargers and Giants in 2011, beaten a few 8-8 teams and has 1 above average comeback against the Jets.

EDIT: Well that was the original Scott Kacsmar article. I'd just assumed it was an update. Based on this season the stats are a little better but that's about it. I still maintain that if it were any other guy the whole world would be on this nonstop.

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It's an interesting set of numbers, but there are too few observations to be able to draw any meaningful conclusions.  the author doesn't detail the games captured for the others, but he does mention that it is only 16 for Rodgers.  Over a five year period, with all the variables that can come into play in an NFL game, I really don't know what you can make of data from 16 games.  There are so many other variables that could come into play that any measure of statistical reliability would have to be very low.


The fact that Rodgers' supposedly "poor" record is not confirmed by his performance in the final five minutes throws even more dust into the field of vision, and even that is hard to assess because the article admits that it is looking at only 104 Attempts over a six year period.  The Standard Deviation around any of these numbers has got to be much larger than the mean, making the analysis suspect at best.


The bottom line for me is that their low scores in the left hand column of that table doesn't change my opinion of Rodgers or Flacco or Big Ben or Eli.  They still have the rings and they didn't get them from a gumball machine. 

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Luck (luck era) has 9 4th qtr comebacks. I however don't know how many he has lost in the 4th.


Fair enough. . . I just think that if you are going to post a stat like that you need to not only go into greater detail but give it context.  


Things such as how much he was trailing by and what are the stats for other quarterbacks in similar scenarios.  How many points did his defense give up during those 4th quarters when he was already down and how many points did his offense put on the board.  What where his stats during those quarters??


For the most part I just don't like stats like those because they are lacking in context.  Each game is different.  


Even stats like how many Int's a QB threw. . . Luck gets beat up a lot for throwing Int's in the playoffs. . . but in how many of those cases was his team already way behind in the first place (before he started throwing Int's) and the only hope of winning was making extremely aggressive throws?  

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We've all watched the games. There's no need for stats. This is 1 of those deals where you had to have just watched the games and we all have. No matter how good Aaron Rodger's quarterback rating is, we know we want Luck, Big Ben and guys like that in the 4th quarter in spite of their quarterback rating and stat nightmares. Ya'll might not admit it but its true.

What I don't like about it is that Rodgers is worse than Favre, who everybody was sick of for these same reasons in his postprime, and who everybody compares Rodgers to (this forum isn't to bad about it but in general...). The games just don't end with interceptions...they just end while Rodgers stands there looking at Mike McCarthyheimer like huh...

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