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Vincent Jackson available for 2nd rounder (Rumor)


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News leaking that the Bucs want a second rounder for VJax.  Patriots have been linked to him for a while now.  Does anyone thing that Belichick makes the move?  They'd have a couple weeks (including a bye) for him to get into the system before the faceoff in LOS.  I don't really want to see this happen, haha

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There is a big age difference. 

Talent difference to, Also once you take into consideration the beating Trent takes do to running style and O Line inconsistent blocking (Especially last year) and position Trent plays then the age difference does not mean a lot. On one hand ya get a big time playmaker on a short term deal (Jackson)...On the other hand ya don't get a big time playmaker (Richardson) on a short term deal....Both are gonna be short term deals...But I think the obvious choice is Jackson

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I think people on this forum overvalue draft picks far too much.


It is what it is - a POTENTIALLY good player in a draft pick. After the first 20 picks of the draft, the rest of the draft is pretty much a crap shoot. For every Morris Claiborne or Justin Blackmon in round 1, there's a Justin Houston in round 3. Such things are not even exceptions to the rule anymore, they ARE the rule.


Tells us which of our 1st-2nd rounders the past few years have even been remotely as good as a Vincent Jackson?

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I think people on this forum overvalue draft picks far too much.


It is what it is - a POTENTIALLY good player in a draft pick. After the first 10 picks of the draft, the rest of the draft is pretty much a crap shoot. For every Morris Claiborne or Justin Blackmon in round 1, there's a Justin Houston in round 3. Such things are not even exceptions to the rule anymore, they ARE the rule.


Tells us which of our 1st-2nd rounders the past few years have even been remotely as good as a Vincent Jackson?

Andrew Luck?

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Boy, I'd have to really think about it, but VJ is a clutch player.  He's a hard worker, great attitude (he got past his early drinking problem and the issues it brought).  Rivers and he were magic.


He has an amazing body awareness and ability to make the catch and keep in bounds.  I would love to see him back home with us but I'm pretty sure we don't have the salary cap room.  We're still in salary cap h*** until next year.  Thanks AJ Smith...

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No. Marshall I think is a bit quicker and a better route runner

only reason asked what did marshall go for was it 2 4s or 2 3s cant remember i know he doesnt have a great attitude but i wouldnt give up a second for v jackson but somelike seattle should would help the young wrs they have and help wilson but dont think they will

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The Patriots should consider picking him up...we truly need a 2nd deep threat receiver other than LaFell. I think Jackson is versatile enough to expand the field.


If we pick him up then I see us letting Amendola go next year and have Edelman move in the inside.


Bucs and Pats have great relationship, don't be surprised if we pick him up.


Bucs will want to rebuild their franchise, they just signed a huge countract with McCoy, I doubt they want to keep Jackson with the amount of money he is making...

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only reason asked what did marshall go for was it 2 4s or 2 3s cant remember i know he doesnt have a great attitude but i wouldnt give up a second for v jackson but somelike seattle should would help the young wrs they have and help wilson but dont think they will

I think Marshalls attitude is fine, He gets frustrated with losing just like everyone else, He also was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. Marshall was traded for a 2012 3rd round draft pick and a 2013 3rd round draft pick...Drafted CB Will Davis in 2013 and in 2012 drafted TE Michael Egnew....Egnew has seemingly fallen off the football map, Last I saw he was on the Jags PS.....Not now....In regards to Egnew......The Dolphins misused him from day 1 trying to turn him into a blocking TE....That's not his strength......wont ever be

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