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Former Bears GM hid domestic violence cases from league


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I don't see how that's an indictment of Goodell.  This would all be happening even if there were someone else as the commissioner.

I agree. I was not a fan of Goodell before all this domestic violence stuff happened. Still, I can't see any reason the actions of the Bears from office is his fault.

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I agree. I was not a fan of Goodell before all this domestic violence stuff happened. Still, I can't see any reason the actions of the Bears from office is his fault.

I don't like everythign he's done, most notably his enforcement of the Helmet to Helmet rules.  But he hasn't been altogether horrible either.  His handling of the Saints scandal was okay in my book, despite people's complaints.  He botched the Rice incident when he increased the suspension, but I think he's taking a step in the right direction in light of that mistake.  Of course, much of that is depends on what the internal investigations of the NFLPA and Former FBI Director find.

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while it's disturbing that he saw hundreds of abuse cases in his time with the bears I do hope that the law knew about them


And I continue to be suspicious of media conducting a witch hunt on domestic violence cases.  The media has shame of it's own


If the cases were public record........where was their outrage then?

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And I continue to be suspicious of media conducting a witch hunt on domestic violence cases.  The media has shame of it's own

I sure agree with that. The media jumps on bandwagons and feigns all of this outrage when they willingly covered it up, downplayed it or intentionally failed to cover the stories in the past.

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while it's disturbing that he saw hundreds of abuse cases in his time with the bears I do hope that the law knew about them


And I continue to be suspicious of media conducting a witch hunt on domestic violence cases.  The media has shame of it's own


If the cases were public record........where was their outrage then?

The arrests and basic information (i.e. the charges, name of the accused, etc.) are public, but most states have laws that permit the investigative reports and details to remain undisclosed in certain circumstnaces (and it's generally a pretty low standard).  I'm not sure the process for it and how it all works, but some things can be kept secret. It wasn't until the first video surfaced that people started going crazy over this.  Because I'm sure for a lot of people, including the media, it's one thing to say that Ray Rice hit his wife, it's quite another to see her body being dragged out of the elevator and a few months later see the vicious hit inside the elevator.  Not saying you are wrong abotu the media having shame of its own, because realistically, what did they expect to be depicted in the video?  Violence is still violence.  It shouldn't take a video of it to make a stand against domestic violence and urge the NFL to change.

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The arrests and basic information (i.e. the charges, name of the accused, etc.) are public, but most states have laws that permit the investigative reports and details to remain undisclosed in certain circumstnaces (and it's generally a pretty low standard).  I'm not sure the process for it and how it all works, but some things can be kept secret. It wasn't until the first video surfaced that people started going crazy over this.  Because I'm sure for a lot of people, including the media, it's one thing to say that Ray Rice hit his wife, it's quite another to see her body being dragged out of the elevator and a few months later see the vicious hit inside the elevator.  Not saying you are wrong abotu the media having shame of its own, because realistically, what did they expect to be depicted in the video?  Violence is still violence.  It shouldn't take a video of it to make a stand against domestic violence and urge the NFL to change.


I think it's great for the NFL to take a stand against domestic violence.

It also does not in the least surprise me that teams would protect players that were valuable to them.

But I am still suspicious of the media and their focus on this story line.


I wonder how they got this guy to come out.........did he call them and say "i want to make a statement?"


everybody involved in this is sketch

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I think it's great for the NFL to take a stand against domestic violence.

It also does not in the least surprise me that teams would protect players that were valuable to them.

But I am still suspicious of the media and their focus on this story line.


I wonder how they got this guy to come out.........did he call them and say "i want to make a statement?"


everybody involved in this is sketch

My guess is it is a perspective piece. Given Angelo was a former GM, it was safe for him to speak about how the NFL, at least the Bears anyways, handled domestic violence which I don't think surprises anyone. DV is not the only offense the NFL hid under the rug.

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My guess is it is a perspective piece. Given Angelo was a former GM, it was safe for him to speak about how the NFL, at least the Bears anyways, handled domestic violence which I don't think surprises anyone. DV is not the only offense the NFL hid under the rug.


He suddenly sprouted a conscience when it would not impact him

sorry, I'm not buying it


but I'm the suspicious type

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I think it's great for the NFL to take a stand against domestic violence.

It also does not in the least surprise me that teams would protect players that were valuable to them.

But I am still suspicious of the media and their focus on this story line.


I wonder how they got this guy to come out.........did he call them and say "i want to make a statement?"


everybody involved in this is sketch

Oh I don't disagree with you.  The media definitely has an agenda, which at its core isn't bad, really.  They are putting stuff out there to initiate change, encourage discourse on the topic to keep what was once a taboo, so to speak, which allowed DV to be one of the more unreported criminal behaviors.  But the "change" is in progress, so is there really a need to keep posting new quotes on teh same topic?  Like, we get it, DV is bad and isn't acceptable.  At this point, however, it seems as if the topic of DV has become synonymous with the idea of getting Goodell out of office, his and the NFL's mistakes, and how player suspensions shouldn't be overseen by only the NFL.  I couldn't care less about that part of the narrative.  The only important aspect about the prevalence of DV in the NFL (and across America in general) is that we acknowledge the problem and do more to ensure it doesn't happen.  If it becomes about anything else other than that, it falls on deaf ears.

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Oh I don't disagree with you.  The media definitely has an agenda, which at its core isn't bad, really.  They are putting stuff out there to initiate change, encourage discourse on the topic to keep what was once a taboo, so to speak, which allowed DV to be one of the more unreported criminal behaviors.  But the "change" is in progress, so is there really a need to keep posting new quotes on teh same topic?  Like, we get it, DV is bad and isn't acceptable.  At this point, however, it seems as if the topic of DV has become synonymous with the idea of getting Goodell out of office, his and the NFL's mistakes, and how player suspensions shouldn't be overseen by only the NFL.  I couldn't care less about that part of the narrative.  The only important aspect about the prevalence of DV in the NFL (and across America in general) is that we acknowledge the problem and do more to ensure it doesn't happen.  If it becomes about anything else other than that, it falls on deaf ears.


I have a different view of the medias role in this.  I think everyone involved is a hypocrite. 

This using the power of the media to shame and blame is creepy


I would have a more favorable view of the media if I didn't think they have all been co-opted by their own private interests.


News isn't news anymore...........it's infotainment.  And right now the most popular infotainment is blaming the NFL for domestic violence.  It's as though the spectator sport has expanded to include what does not have anything to do with play on the field.


The media has shown very little interest in righting other social wrongs...........they're not interested in anything morally pure.


Just self interest........and perhaps also some behind the scenes shenanigans


How many times have they failed to report on children injured at the hands of abusers?  They don't because it doesn't sell..........people don't want to hear about it........unless it's also about famous people


I'm very jaded on this whole topic.  I don't believe anyone's moral outrage.


no point in talking to me about it :)

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Everybody in every business hid domestic abuse because there's no solution.

If the wife wont prosecute (and most times they wont) and neither side wants the husband punished and the couple wont seperate..what do you you do??

....you send them back home and hope they work it put...Everybody does..always did

We're still pretending the NFL did something every other business and police department doesn't do

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Are we now going to investigate every domestic violence case any NFL personnel is involved in?  I just don't get the point.  The NFL is taking a stand.........apparently everyone thinks this is a good thing?


Is that not enough?

I'm not sure I get your point. The NFL doesn't need to investigate anything. The local law enforcement will do that and if there's enough to bring a charge, the prosecutor will do so. If a player is charged and found guilty, then they should act.

This thing with suspending a player because he is accused in not proper. I can see false accusations derailing a career

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We're still pretending the NFL did something every other business and police department doesn't do

The hiding it under the rug, sure. The buffoonery in handling it over the last month plus? No way. The worst handling of a serious social issue by any public business to the point that Roger is having himself investigated.

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I'm not sure I get your point. The NFL doesn't need to investigate anything. The local law enforcement will do that and if there's enough to bring a charge, the prosecutor will do so. If a player is charged and found guilty, then they should act.

This thing with suspending a player because he is accused in not proper. I can see false accusations derailing a career

just referring to this being on ongoing story after the NFL has already said they will take a stand against domestic violence

in other words, I question why this story when the issue is done

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The hiding it under the rug, sure. The buffoonery in handling it over the last month plus? No way. The worst handling of a serious social issue by any public business to the point that Roger is having himself investigated.

True but we don't want to face this issue for real..we want a scapegoat like the NFL..I don't care what the NFL's policy is on domestic vilence..They're a football league

Until you find a way to FORCE a battered wife to separate from her husband at HIS expense..

..you cant solve this. Fines, suspensions and bad mouthing the man all end and the man beats his wife again.

If a man hits a woman he doesn't know..she tells the police....she files charges and... he goes to jail or has to pay and she gets an order of protection...and most likely they never see each other gain

If he hits his wife....the police tell them to work it out...she wont file...the man's boss (and his and her friends) doesn't want to get between a man and his woman..he gets a 'Ray Rice' judge and gets 'counseling' and he goes home to beat her again.....

Its a problem neither side REALLY wants to fix ...

...I don't know exactly what to do but I don't blame others because they don't know either

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while it's disturbing that he saw hundreds of abuse cases in his time with the bears I do hope that the law knew about them


And I continue to be suspicious of media conducting a witch hunt on domestic violence cases.  The media has shame of it's own


If the cases were public record........where was their outrage then?


The story actually says the Bears GM didn't report cases,  but the part about hundreds and hundreds of cases is referenced to the NFL as a whole,  not to just Chicago.


I think he's trying to say this wasn't just a Bears problem,  it's a league-wide problem and it's been a league-wide problem since the very beginning.    I think he's trying to say this problem that the league is currently dealing with didn't just happen recently,  that it's been going on for decades and decades....


That's my read on this......

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True but we don't want to face this issue for real..we want a scapegoat like the NFL..I don't care what the NFL's policy is on domestic vilence..They're a football league

Until you find a way to FORCE a battered wife to separate from her husband at HIS expense..

..you cant solve this. Fines, suspensions and bad mouthing the man all end and the man beats his wife again.

If a man hits a woman he doesn't know..she tells the police....she files charges and... he goes to jail or has to pay and she gets an order of protection...and most likely they never see each other gain

If he hits his wife....the police tell them to work it out...she wont file...the man's boss (and his and her friends) doesn't want to get between a man and his woman..he gets a 'Ray Rice' judge and gets 'counseling' and he goes home to beat her again.....

Its a problem neither side REALLY wants to fix ...

...I don't know exactly what to do but I don't blame others because they don't know either

I don't think you understand the issue here. The public never demanded that the NFL handle/punish domestic abuse. Roger Goodell set himself up as judge and jury over moral issues as soon as he took office. Now he is being held accountable for his actions in handling a very serious issue about as poorly as you can handle it. That is what is in play here. Precisely because DV is so complex and complicated is why Goodell is under such fire. He had no policy as in zero policy regarding DV until after the Rice case blew up in his face.

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I don't think you understand the issue here. The public never demanded that the NFL handle/punish domestic abuse. Roger Goodell set himself up as judge and jury over moral issues as soon as he took office. Now he is being held accountable for his actions in handling a very serious issue about as poorly as you can handle it. That is what is in play here. Precisely because DV is so complex and complicated is why Goodell is under such fire. He had no policy as in zero policy regarding DV until after the Rice case blew up in his face.

I'm saying..NO ONE has a soldi consistent policy on domestic violence. No one. The courts don't. I dont care if the NFL doesn't either

The issue, if we're serious about violence against women...isn't Roger Goddell///

Many don't like him for other reasons. ..and this is piling on.....More power to you.

But if anyone is TRULY interested in violence against women..they need to forget about the NFL..figure out what to do about Ray Rice's wife who's probably still getting hit

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But if anyone is TRULY interested in violence against women..they need to forget about the NFL..figure out what to do about Ray Rice's wife who's probably still getting hit

Why are you convinced this is not happening? Just because the NFL is still under fire for its incompetence does not mean people are still not trying to help DV victims.

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Why are you convinced this is not happening? Just because the NFL is still under fire for its incompetence does not mean people are still not trying to help DV victims.

No a.m. I don't.

The courts let Ray Rice walk.

If you hit a woman you don't know...the law gets you...if you hit a woman you DO know..the rules are different

You know that

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