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Anyone else leave at halftime.


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i don't understand "fans" leaving early.. you don't know how privileged you are to be able to attend a game.. or you just don't care about the team or the game as much..


i haven't missed or turned off a game ever (granted, since 2006 may not be that long), but you have to consider the 2011 season - watched every colts game from the beginning till the end..


how do you give up on your team during playoffs then, when you've witnessed so many comebacks in past 2 seasons alone?!

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Being in FL, I only had TV.  I rarely see the Colts because of the Bucs and Dolphins (NFL Rules), so I don't even turn off regular season games that are on no matter the score. This goes double for playoff games.


Unlike 2006/2007 AFCCG, I didn't curse, scream, or kick ottomans.  I just sat there in wide eyed disbelief.  OTOH, I know how bi-polar this team seems at times, and how they are often a MUCH better 2nd half team than first half. I never even reached for the remote. My desire was to see just how much resolve our team had, not so much test mine.  I think I accomplished both, though.

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Ignoring the 'leaving the wife' comment aside, as this was obviously a joke, the rest of your points are pretty foolish. Sport is an entertainment vehicle for those who don't make a livoing from it. Staying to the bitter end if you are not being entertained, no matter the sport or team, is an option, but it does not define you as a better human being. Or more loyal or manly.

I am at a loss here, you say this to me but you agree with the following comment?


someone that leaves early is less of a man, a worse human, and most definitely less loyal

Couldn't agree more.


This is not about entertainment is about team loyalty, Leaving early shows disrespect to the team that so many say they bleed blue. The true test of loyalty is to stay until the end, always rooting OUR team on.


I don't mind the banter but calling someone "foolish" is not cool!

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I am at a loss here, you say this to me but you agree with the following comment?


Couldn't agree more.


This is not about entertainment is about team loyalty, Leaving early shows disrespect to the team that so many say they bleed blue. The true test of loyalty is to stay until the end, always rooting OUR team on.


I don't mind the banter but calling someone "foolish" is not cool!

I deal with Dude my way, don't worry about it. For the record, I did not call you foolish. Your point was though, and still is. I can assure you I am every bit a fan as you may be, and if I wanted to leave a game early for whatever the reason, it does not demote my fandom down to a 'crush'. I suggest you get less touchy about small things like this.

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I deal with Dude my way, don't worry about it. For the record, I did not call you foolish. Your point was though, and still is. I can assure you I am every bit a fan as you may be, and if I wanted to leave a game early for whatever the reason, it does not demote my fandom down to a 'crush'. I suggest you get less touchy about small things like this.

Tell em little b   :spit:

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I don't understand why you would pay all that money and leave early. Those that have an nfl team in driving distance from their town are so lucky. I had to fly to zona to watch the Colts get destroyed. I stayed till the end and I had great time, even though some zona fans were very rude and tried to threaten my physical well being. I put them in their place and kept cheering, one the best times I've had all year.

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