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Give pep credit on the DHB TD


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the half motion reverse..TD pass to Darius Heyward Bey was A wonderful play designed to get old Champ Bailey

..really well done..

Now if Chuck and Pep would stop trying to establish the run ...first..

...we wouldnt lose to teams like SD and the world would be a better place..

HASHTAG: Free Andrew

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I hate to tell you this Mark but with Reggie going down you are probably going to see more of the running game not less of it.  With that said I wouldn't mind seeing a game like the 49ers game where we started out with the pass and then went to the run.  I just think you have to gage what you think a team is going to be expecting and do the reverse. 


For all the complaining about Pep's play calling the Colts are 5-2 and have beaten the three best teams in the NFL going into the season and have a two game lead in their division.  In the two loses I put more blame on the drops and lack of execution of the game plan in the Chargers than I do on the game plan it's self and in the Miami game I think Luck got too greedy on the INT and that really came back to haunt us, again player error. 

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Pep is fine...

The run-first mantra, to me, neuters one of the league's 10 best QBs, but the structure of our plays in much more intricate than they were 2 years ago.,.even last year

.....I don't like conservative, rely on the defense football ..

we have the 'lethal weapon' in Andrew.......and we don't fully turn him loose..he's going to get hit. That's how he plays.

But Pep is obviously very good at what he does

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I don't care if we run it the same amount of time.....AS LONG AS......


We do it out of 3 WR sets, OR, we pass out of formations that use the FB. 


The whole power formation thing is completely telegraphing the run and unless it's inside the 5 yard line, it should be waxed from the playbook. 





That TD by DHB was a thing of beauty though. Also the reverse to DHB was great utilization of his speed. Good calls Pep!! 

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