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Washington (+13) at Denver (10-27-13)


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Wrong forum.... but I'll comment anyway :)

Washington is gonna get killed. There is not a chance in the world they win this game. Even if the rest of Denver fails to show up, Peyton is not gonna let them lose two in a row here.

It'll be hilarious watching Skip trying to come up with an argument on why RG3 failed.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

they said the same about us...that we had no chance...just saying

Our secondary is one of the best in the league.  The Redskins have one of the worst...and now Meriweather is suspended 2 games...just saying.

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you guys make it seem like the Broncos should not have lost to indy, like the colts are some joke of a team who is getting lucky in their wins or something. broncos dont have a chip on their shoulders, they lost to a good team simple as that. The colts out played the broncos from the second qtr on and the only reason Manning started bringing them back is because our defensive backfield was dropping like flies. before they started getting hurt we were stopping pretty much everything they threw at us. The broncos are not THAT good. Seahawks are a better team then the Broncos. face it, broncos with no manning would be a 1 or 2 win team right now with wins against the Giants and Jags, maybe 3 wins with another win against Oakland. 

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you guys make it seem like the Broncos should not have lost to indy, like the colts are some joke of a team who is getting lucky in their wins or something. broncos dont have a chip on their shoulders, they lost to a good team simple as that. The colts out played the broncos from the second qtr on and the only reason Manning started bringing them back is because our defensive backfield was dropping like flies. before they started getting hurt we were stopping pretty much everything they threw at us. The broncos are not THAT good. Seahawks are a better team then the Broncos. face it, broncos with no manning would be a 1 or 2 win team right now with wins against the Giants and Jags, maybe 3 wins with another win against Oakland. 

If only Broncos fans would realize this. 

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you guys make it seem like the Broncos should not have lost to indy, like the colts are some joke of a team who is getting lucky in their wins or something. broncos dont have a chip on their shoulders, they lost to a good team simple as that. The colts out played the broncos from the second qtr on and the only reason Manning started bringing them back is because our defensive backfield was dropping like flies. before they started getting hurt we were stopping pretty much everything they threw at us. The broncos are not THAT good. Seahawks are a better team then the Broncos. face it, broncos with no manning would be a 1 or 2 win team right now with wins against the Giants and Jags, maybe 3 wins with another win against Oakland.

Havent heard anybody say the Colts didnt deserve to beat Denver..or SF

..but it is hard to explain how the Colts beat Seattle, SF and Denver while losing to SD and (ugh) Miami

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Havent heard anybody say the Colts didnt deserve to beat Denver..or SF

..but it is hard to explain how the Colts beat Seattle, SF and Denver while losing to SD and (ugh) Miami

it really isn't hard to explain at all...second week of the season the Colts were not playing at the level that they started playing at in san fran. Luck was 25 - 43 in passing that game, a lot of erratic throws, including a INT in the endzone. and against San Diego it was stupid penalties that hurt us and the fact we could not get the defense off the field. actually that was the worst defensive game all year for Indy. Time of possession was huge that game as San Diego had the ball for somewhere around 38 minutes to the colts 21 minutes. can't win games when your defense spends more time on the field then your offense. plus we have not played San Diego well at all, not even with Manning. 

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it really isn't hard to explain at all...second week of the season the Colts were not playing at the level that they started playing at in san fran. Luck was 25 - 43 in passing that game, a lot of erratic throws, including a INT in the endzone. and against San Diego it was stupid penalties that hurt us and the fact we could not get the defense off the field. actually that was the worst defensive game all year for Indy. Time of possession was huge that game as San Diego had the ball for somewhere around 38 minutes to the colts 21 minutes. can't win games when your defense spends more time on the field then your offense. plus we have not played San Diego well at all, not even with Manning. 

At least Jax wasn't a trap game.

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sorry Souljah...it is the wrong forum ..

NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT POSTS.....and you can't get this in the correct forum?


No I don't care seriously just wanted to give you a hard time is all :)


Yea, Denver should bulldoze the 'Skins fairly easily...I'll be happy to see how well RGIII doesn't do against Denver...IMO

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it really isn't hard to explain at all...second week of the season the Colts were not playing at the level that they started playing at in san fran. Luck was 25 - 43 in passing that game, a lot of erratic throws, including a INT in the endzone. and against San Diego it was stupid penalties that hurt us and the fact we could not get the defense off the field. actually that was the worst defensive game all year for Indy. Time of possession was huge that game as San Diego had the ball for somewhere around 38 minutes to the colts 21 minutes. can't win games when your defense spends more time on the field then your offense. plus we have not played San Diego well at all, not even with Manning.

But, to be concise..that's not the question..you describe why we lost to SD...OK

But we should play nearly as competently against SD and Miami...as we do against Denver and SF.. vastly superior teams to SD and Miami, by most estimations...

...There simply cannot be that variable in our play..Its not youth. We're not that young on defense..that's an excuse, not a reason.

...we've got 9 games ledt and we were 11-5 last year..

we need six wins..No more losses to the Miamis of the world...it we're good, lets be good

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Ehhh..I see another Cowboys, Denver repeat game. You would be surprised at how RG3 can score quick easy points.

But in the end Peyton puts a touchdown or a game winning field goal.

The only hole is..if RG3 gets hit on the knee while he's running wild...Washington suffers another government shutdown

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you guys make it seem like the Broncos should not have lost to indy, like the colts are some joke of a team who is getting lucky in their wins or something. broncos dont have a chip on their shoulders, they lost to a good team simple as that. The colts out played the broncos from the second qtr on and the only reason Manning started bringing them back is because our defensive backfield was dropping like flies. before they started getting hurt we were stopping pretty much everything they threw at us. The broncos are not THAT good. Seahawks are a better team then the Broncos. face it, broncos with no manning would be a 1 or 2 win team right now with wins against the Giants and Jags, maybe 3 wins with another win against Oakland. 

I don't see anybody putting down the Colts. It seems to me that the one with a chip on his shoulder is YOU.


The Broncos SHOULD feel like they should have won the game.  I'm not saying that the Colts didn't outplay them, but any good team will look back at mistakes that were made, blame themselves, get angry thinking that "if we hadn't made these mistakes ......................", and then try to fix the mistakes against the next team. A below average Redskins defense may be standing in the wrong place - that's not an insult against the Colts.


But to your other comments, the Colts "out played" the Broncos from the moment of Mathis's sack fumble (9:01 left in the second) until 10:00 into the third quarter. That's 19 minutes on the field in which the Colts scored 23 unanswered points. That means that in the other 41 minutes the Broncos outscored the Colts 33-16.


I suspect that Peyton having his arms pinned to his sides while being planted front first into the ground in said sack was a big factor in the game. Good sack, but it ticks me off when rushers aim to hurt any QB, much less Peyton. I think it affected him. Of course he still had a vastly more successful day that any QB who's opposed the Colts so far this year - often moving the ball at will. The "only" reason that he brought them back is because he's the best in the business.


Yes, the Colts DB injuries were a factor, but that goes both ways. The key to the game was actually the pressure put on Manning which helped the DBs immeasurably. If you want to talk about injuries, consider the fact that the Broncos oline is a jury rigged mess. Love Mathis and he is a beast, but he didn't meet much resistance. And one would think that the desperation oline might have had something to do with a couple of early failures on 3rd and 1 as well.


And if you want to talk about DB injuries, how about the Broncos #1 and #2 each missing about half the snaps due to injury, and their starting MLB/signal caller not dressing (amongst others). Woodyard was injured in the second quarter against Dallas and they just haven't been the same without him.


In short, Denver doesn't have Seattle or SFs defense, but when healthy it's good enough. And their offense is simply spectacular. They really have been "that good" for a lot of this season, but they have some issues right now (as do many teams of course).


This was a huge win for the Colts. Instead of talking about silly things like "without Peyton" ( by the way, how many do the Colts win "without Andrew") and seeking out insults where none exist,  why not just enjoy it for what it is?

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I don't see anybody putting down the Colts. It seems to me that the one with a chip on his shoulder is YOU.


The Broncos SHOULD feel like they should have won the game.  I'm not saying that the Colts didn't outplay them, but any good team will look back at mistakes that were made, blame themselves, get angry thinking that "if we hadn't made these mistakes ......................", and then try to fix the mistakes against the next team. A below average Redskins defense may be standing in the wrong place - that's not an insult against the Colts.


But to your other comments, the Colts "out played" the Broncos from the moment of Mathis's sack fumble (9:01 left in the second) until 10:00 into the third quarter. That's 19 minutes on the field in which the Colts scored 23 unanswered points. That means that in the other 41 minutes the Broncos outscored the Colts 33-16.


I suspect that Peyton having his arms pinned to his sides while being planted front first into the ground in said sack was a big factor in the game. Good sack, but it ticks me off when rushers aim to hurt any QB, much less Peyton. I think it affected him. Of course he still had a vastly more successful day that any QB who's opposed the Colts so far this year - often moving the ball at will. The "only" reason that he brought them back is because he's the best in the business.


Yes, the Colts DB injuries were a factor, but that goes both ways. The key to the game was actually the pressure put on Manning which helped the DBs immeasurably. If you want to talk about injuries, consider the fact that the Broncos oline is a jury rigged mess. Love Mathis and he is a beast, but he didn't meet much resistance. And one would think that the desperation oline might have had something to do with a couple of early failures on 3rd and 1 as well.


And if you want to talk about DB injuries, how about the Broncos #1 and #2 each missing about half the snaps due to injury, and their starting MLB/signal caller not dressing (amongst others). Woodyard was injured in the second quarter against Dallas and they just haven't been the same without him.


In short, Denver doesn't have Seattle or SFs defense, but when healthy it's good enough. And their offense is simply spectacular. They really have been "that good" for a lot of this season, but they have some issues right now (as do many teams of course).


This was a huge win for the Colts. Instead of talking about silly things like "without Peyton" ( by the way, how many do the Colts win "without Andrew") and seeking out insults where none exist,  why not just enjoy it for what it is?


BTW u always write so well




It was the 10 “quarterback hits” credited to the Colts’ defense.


On some of those hits, I was surprised to see the 37-year-old Manning get up so quickly.


Oh gosh, we were hitting that boy, and hitting him, and hitting him,” said Colts defensive lineman Cory Redding. “And if we weren’t hitting on him, we were stepping on his feet. Pushing him. Breathing on him. Letting him know we’re there. That gets to him. And all we tried to do was just get pressure on 18 (Peyton Manning) and make him uncomfortable.”


Redding only got one quarterback hit. Robert Mathis got four. And two sacks.




take care Mac thats all i have time for, early am posts, will check back if can , again l;ove your writing, its like u are a journalist, i may disagree with some things at times , but its nice to see a well written document and appreciate the thought process behind it, anyway you sure can write better than me , unless its medical, then i go bit  to detailed  at timess

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But, to be concise..that's not the question..you describe why we lost to SD...OK

But we should play nearly as competently against SD and Miami...as we do against Denver and SF.. vastly superior teams to SD and Miami, by most estimations...

...There simply cannot be that variable in our play..Its not youth. We're not that young on defense..that's an excuse, not a reason.

...we've got 9 games ledt and we were 11-5 last year..

we need six wins..No more losses to the Miamis of the world...it we're good, lets be good

unfortunately i think we may end up losing to one more " Miami ". and something tells me it will be against Arizona or St. Louis. 

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The Colts changed the Broncos season going forward for sure but the Skins will not be able to expose them the way Indy did because Indy is a better team top to bottom. There's not a team in the league right now that would take RGIII over Luck... Skins included. It's a team game but you don't win consistently without a great QB. Denver is very beatable but not by Washington.

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BTW u always write so well

take care Mac thats all i have time for, early am posts, will check back if can , again l;ove your writing, its like u are a journalist, i may disagree with some things at times , but its nice to see a well written document and appreciate the thought process behind it, anyway you sure can write better than me , unless its medical, then i go bit  to detailed  at timess

Thanks bayone. That's about the nicest thing anyone's said to me on here. You are a gentleman.

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Both safeties out for Washington..Champ down for the Broncos....

RG3 in a roll running and passing

Perfect condition in Denver Sunday.

......the over is up to 58..but this game just has to go over

Nobody's held Denver to less than 33 and the Redskins defense is playing in the mile-high air

..warm up the scoreboard

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Both safeties out for Washington..Champ down for the Broncos....

RG3 in a roll running and passing

Perfect condition in Denver Sunday.

......the over is up to 58..but this game just has to go over

Nobody's held Denver to less than 33 and the Redskins defense is playing in the mile-high air

..warm up the scoreboard

Manning has a sprained ankle (thanks to  our tough defense) and having to face guys like Orakpo and Kerrigan?? that is like a stronger version of Freeney and Mathis right there.  

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