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Just for Fun... Luck Mic'd up in Hawaii....


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I feel now thinking about it, he reminds me a lot of myself. I'm pretty book smart (not as smart as him,but I also don't try very hard), but I can't lie, I'm a dork, and not very street smart to most people.


I don't think he comes off like a dumb blonde like I do at times thankfully :/

We all have our innate natural gifts Callie. Book Smart vs. Street Smart. Believe me, you are not alone in that regard. As long as you are comfortable with who you are & can laugh at yourself, that tends to disarm people, put them at ease, & endear yourself to a multitude of people. That's been my experience anyway. I think Andrew Luck subscribes to that same philosophy and mindset. 


The cool thing about "dorks" is that they usually work that tails off to compensate for any perceived weaknesses they think they possess. A tremendous work ethic typically leads to accomplishing remarkable things in life professionally & personally speaking. I like you Callie. What you may call "a dumb blond" syndrome, I call being comfortable in your own skin.  :thmup:  :dancing:

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Nerd is actually a form of swag, sophistication, & style. I'm living proof of that myself. If you are a geek, embrace it & never run from it. Be who you are Andrew. Change nothing. Late Night Comedy Talk Show Host Conan OBrian has perfected this to an artform why not NFL QBs man!  :thmup:

My wife used to work in a geek restaurant. She did that dance where you smash all the plates. She hates calamari though....

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We all have our innate natural gifts Callie. Book Smart vs. Street Smart. Believe me, you are not alone in that regard. As long as you are comfortable with who you are & can laugh at yourself, that tends to disarm people, put them at ease, & endear yourself to a multitude of people. That's been my experience anyway. I think Andrew Luck subscribes to that same philosophy and mindset. 


The cool thing about "dorks" is that they usually work that tails off to compensate for any perceived weaknesses they think they possess. A tremendous work ethic typically leads to accomplishing remarkable things in life professionally & personally speaking. I like you Callie. What you may call "a dumb blond" syndrome, I call being comfortable in your own skin.  :thmup:  :dancing:

Thanks. I justr realize I have a lot of "moments". Quite a few awkward, and I'm fine with that! Working on those social skills. But I'd rather be smart than cool, and I'm pretty sure that is why Mr. Luck here has gotten as far as he has. I look up to those type of people!

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I'll take Luck as he is, and I trust will still like the man as he inevitably grows and "matures" with time and experience. He's proven himself time and time again... THAT is the measure of the man. That's what I want to "hear", and the crowd noise, cheering success. What passes as the cool factor and swagger these days is so much hype, empty hyperbole, and media buzz, that it is for me, just worthless and annoying noise... like the obnoxiously loud turned up CBS music played throughout the entire games they broadcast (as if it were a video game!). Andrew Luck is a CLASS individual without pretense. Rather than he being like so many of the NFL "stars" and sports personalities in general, perhaps instead, they should be more like he.

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Naa, think he was just giving him a hard time. You only caught a tiny glimpse of their interaction. Besides, I think if Luck snapped he'd beat the brakes off of ol foster!

Foster does the kung fu bow. He might be a black belt or something. Luck seems to be one of those people that are beyond confrontation. It would probably take an extreme occurrence for Luck to snap.

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He just almost made it sound like his highlight of being in Hawaii was going to Pearl Harbor.


God, this young man is great......so glad he is ours.

Nothing says tropical Hawaiian paradise like "radio active nuclear waste" right? Just Kidding!!! haha


"Pearl Harbor joins the undistinguished list of sites where the U.S. government will be “temporarily storing” radioactive nuclear waste."



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