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Arains landing another gig


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Arians was just on Pardon the Interruption today and they asked him about a future head coaching job and he said. " I dont care I love the job I have now, we will cross that bridge when it comes"

The more telling answer to me was when asked why he hasn't been given the chance to be a HC before, he said his phone never even rang, specifically after Super Bowl 43 or 45. Coordinators nearly always make short lists, and to not even get a call is interesting. I don't know what to make of that, if there is something about his reputation or history which has functionally eliminated his name from lists. He seemed unable to explain it either, and simply left it as he can't worry about the things he can't control.

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Arians is HOT right now and if he bolts he has earned it. BUT, what I fear is Indy starting a revolving door of OC's who want to bring in "their" system... That is the LAST thing this young O needs.

If I am Irsay I am firing BIG money at Bruce to stay. And I think if that would happen he would stay. He is 60+ so it is kinda late to be taking one's FIRST HC job.

I just hope IF BA leaves that Irsay promotes from within.

Maintain the Status Quo on O...


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The more telling answer to me was when asked why he hasn't been given the chance to be a HC before, he said his phone never even rang, specifically after Super Bowl 43 or 45. Coordinators nearly always make short lists, and to not even get a call is interesting. I don't know what to make of that, if there is something about his reputation or history which has functionally eliminated his name from lists. He seemed unable to explain it either, and simply left it as he can't worry about the things he can't control.

I would assume age was the factor. We just don't see many older coordinators landing HC gigs. Esp when they have never done it in the past.

I get the vibe from Bruce he would do it if offered. I hope not. but .... It has to be every assistants dream esp one that was "pushed" out of a winning situation like Pitt. And now having the success he is now with a R at QB.

Dang I hope not.

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I don't see him leaving just because of the circumstances he is in. He was picked by Chuck to be OC and Chuck deserves Arians loyalty.

Running off now could mess with the mojo of the team.

So U would not leave your position for more money or better status just out of "loyalty"... ???? Bruce and anyone else will be worried about "their mojo"

Nice sentiment but totally unrealistic.

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Several thoughts....

The Steelers don't believe they made a mistake. They wanted Roethlisburger to resort to more of a shorter passing game and for the offense overall to rely on the running game even more. They didn't think they'd get that with Arians.

We need to stop referring to Arians as retired when we hired him. It was simply a figure of speech the Steelers were using so they didn't have to publicly say they fired him. They did that out of respect to Arians. When Pagano called and said.... "So, are you retired?" Arians response was.... "Not if you're offering me a job" Come on now. Arians would've been retired if there were no job offers. That's what happens when you leave the game at plus 60 years of age. But with an offer, he was ready to go. Does that sound retired?

Arians will get interviews. Likely several of them. If he gets an offer, my guess he'll take it. He's waited forever to become The Man. He's done a good job as the HC for the Colts. I'm sure he'd like to see what he can do with his own team. Otherwise, I'd expect him to return. I like Arians as a Head Coach, though I prefer Pagano. I'm less wild about him as a Coordinator. I'm not wild about our offense. And I don't think it takes advantage of Luck's skills.

Just one fan's opinions....

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Arians is HOT right now and if he bolts he has earned it. BUT, what I fear is Indy starting a revolving door of OC's who want to bring in "their" system... That is the LAST thing this young O needs.

If I am Irsay I am firing BIG money at Bruce to stay. And I think if that would happen he would stay. He is 60+ so it is kinda late to be taking one's FIRST HC job.

I just hope IF BA leaves that Irsay promotes from within.

Maintain the Status Quo on O...


I seriously disagree with that last part. I would hate to see Christensen be the coordinator again, and I don't think we have anyone else who has put in the time and has the resume to warrant being the coordinator.

As for the system, I've been critical of Arians' play calling, but I don't have a problem with the system. With tweaking, and more judicious play calling in crucial situations, the "system" could be highly effective. Improvement with the offensive line play would do a great deal to help as well. I'd much rather see us go get a new coordinator who would have to spend a solid three or four years proving himself before he'd start getting calls for head coaching vacancies.

Irsay seemed really taken with Marc Trestman. I wouldn't want him as a head coach, but he's been an effective coordinator and QB coach in the NFL before. He's worked with several notable quarterbacks and head coaches, helping several teams and quarterbacks set records and win awards (Scott Mitchell, Rich Gannon, etc.) He also has worked with high profile college prospects like He probably doesn't want to go back to being a coordinator, but I can't imagine that he wants to stay in the CFL very much longer. His contract was just extended through 2016, but I bet he has an escape clause. If Arians does leave, Trestman would be on my list for sure.

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