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I wondered about Arians after we had hired him. I liked his record with young QBs, but questioned everything else.

I am quickly souring on his play calling, and his repetitive conservation late in the game.

His lack of TE usage in Pitt I found questionable after our 2/3rd selections, and his release from Pitt I found odd, given there habit of keeping coaches forever.

Is Arians someone who can offensively lead us to success, or will his tenure here be short.

I'm still undecided.

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I really didn't have a problem with his playcalling overall, yesterday. A botched snap, terrible officiating and a Luck INT killed (at least) 4 productive drives. He called better run plays (outside runs) for Brown, he called more short passing routes and he allowed Allen to release more than he had in the previous 2 games. And despite the flack the O-line has been getting, I thought they played better yesterday. Luck seemed to have a cleaner pocket more frequently in this game than any other. The run blocking still needs to improve, but this was their most solid performance as a unit, IMO

Back to Arians... the only time I felt he was too conservative was on the 4th & 1, that turned into a 4 & 6, that turned into a missed FG attempt. We should've went for the score on that 4th &1.... However, I'd blame officiating, injuries, Manusky and Vinatieri (in that order) before I blame Arians for this loss.

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I doubt arians making all the play calls pagano wants to run the ball (which I totally support)..... But the play calling has been pretty good i think. People are used to the old peyton offense and not so much the slow type offense.

This type of offense definitely helps the defense out

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I really didn't have a problem with his playcalling overall, yesterday. A botched snap, terrible officiating and a Luck INT killed (at least) 4 productive drives. He called better run plays (outside runs) for Brown, he called more short passing routes and he allowed Allen to release more than he had in the previous 2 games. And despite the flack the O-line has been getting, I thought they played better yesterday. Luck seemed to have a cleaner pocket more frequently in this game than any other. The run blocking still needs to improve, but this was their most solid performance as a unit, IMO

Back to Arians... the only time I felt he was too conservative was on the 4th & 1, that turned into a 4 & 6, that turned into a missed FG attempt. We should've went for the score on that 4th &1.... However, I'd blame officiating, injuries, Manusky and Vinatieri (in that order) before I blame Arians for this loss.

I was thrilled to see Arians call more outside runs and off-tackle runs. For some reason it looks like the O-line flows better going east-west than north-south. The RB's have been very productive on those runs. I would like to see more to the other side though. He's rarely called runs like that to the right side. Its slowly getting better and I was very pleased with the O-line's pass protection yesterday. Luck was given quite a bit of time to throw, and it seemed like he was rushing a little. I think a lot of that was because he's used to the O-line collapsing much faster.

I know Donald was a little shaky the first game with it, but Arians needs to get him some more screens/catches out of the backfield. He's so dangerous in the open field.

That whole 4th&1 scenario was weird. The refs took so long to spot the ball, the offense didn't really have any idea whether they got the first down or what and the play clock was still moving. The FG unit got out there pretty late and on top of that, I'm not so sure Adam missed that FG. It seemed to me the ball was over the outside of the goal-post.

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