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Run defense.


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Just wondering what everyone's opinion of the run defense was from the starters. I was less then thrilled. Wasn't too happy about the tackling either. We did seem to get after Ben but then again EVERYONE gets pressure on Pittsburgh. I guess I just worry a bit because all the teams in our division are heavy run first teams....and we didn't look strong.

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I think that after the first couple long run they tightened down.

I'd agree that the tackling didn't seem to be there right away. I have a feeling that will be fixed before the regular season.

I hope so. Just a little concerned to see the holes out there and us getting gashed. The Steelers offense looked VERY VANILLA so that worries that we were still struggling. Like I said we face 3 of the top rushing attacks in the AFC in our division so I just hope we improve. Didn't think I would say this but we miss Pat perhaps?
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I hope so. Just a little concerned to see the holes out there and us getting gashed. The Steelers offense looked VERY VANILLA so that worries that we were still struggling. Like I said we face 3 of the top rushing attacks in the AFC in our division so I just hope we improve. Didn't think I would say this but we miss Pat perhaps?

I think there might be something to Pat missing as not only is he the run stopping LB on the team. He also is the one that puts the others in their correct spot.

Yet really feel the biggest issue was missed tackles as the players did seem to be there to make it a 1-2 yard gain.

That first Pittsburgh touchdown was hard to watch. It looked like hot potato and the back was the potato no one wanted to touch lol. Aside from that, I think the defense is decent enough tonight.

I almost thought about rewinding it to try to count how many people could have tackled him but thought I would get too mad watching it again.

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The Steelers offense looked VERY VANILLA so that worries that we were still struggling.

That screen pass was not VANILLA with 2 TEs overloaded on the same side for blocking. It felt like Bethea took a bad angle and decided he would rather trail. Once you trail Antonio Brown, cya!!! But otherwise, yes, I agree with you. :)

Their defense, nothing vanilla about that.

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The Defense overall would get a about a B grade from me. They were a little shaky in that first posession or so but they started to come on. We showed alot more agressivness than we have in previous years and we were pursuing the ball pretty well. We had alot of gang tackling which means alot of guys were flying to the ball which is what you want. Overall probably half or 40% of thier run yards came on those couple of long runs we gave up. You take those away and thier rushing yard total would be cut in half or there abouts. Still need work for sure but there are good signs of improvement already. Plus look at how the second and third stringers came out and contiued to play strong and even better than the first guys overall for the most part. That shows we have some defensive depth building behind our first string guys. Now pass coverage was ok we had some good moments but still alot of guys open so its not horrible but still got some much needed work ahead. That first touch down was just set up well and we just couldnt get a good angle or a solid hat on Brown. Those things happen and that was about all thier first string offense got. Overall for the game not great by any means but pretty solid. Remeber were still learning this defense so give it five or six regular season games and well get a better feel for where were gonna be. Good stuff tonight!!!

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yes we need mcckinney to be the starter, he's the best run stopper on the team. antonio johnson is just getting pushed off the line, hes just not strong enough to pay nt.

Im not sure that Johnson did too bad. He wasnt great but to me it looked like he held his own and that there was some penatration up front. Remember Its not only his job to stop the run hes there to take on the double team in most cases and hold his ground. The Linebackers have to come up and fill holes and the ends have responsibilities as well. Some of those runs given up were Missed tackles and linebackers not filling or scraping. not saying Johnson was great But I think he held his own. Now Big Mack probably woud be a better option because he just has the size and more strength to fill the position and hopefully Chapman will come back before too long so we can see what he brings.
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Tackling is an issue right now. So is health looks like redding is struggling to stay healthy. I would like to see Hughes get some reps with the number ones this week. He has been very good with the second unit. If Mathis is out they will probably start Hughes in his place and as long as its a minor injury that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

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Guess I wasn't too impressed. They took their starters out pretty early so its hard to tell. I did think their offense looked bland. To me it was clear that Arians is a great offensive coordinator. I think without him they suffer and without Wallace to stretch the defense they look very avg. Some players looked good. I thought Powers looked good. I just didn't like the gashing runs that we gave up. It just looked like the Steelers with their terrible offensive line and toothless passing game couldn't maintain drives. Our tackling looked like 2006....before the playoffs...but hopefully Pat coming back and some continued work will get us better.

As for their defense I didn't say anything about them being vanilla. This was a great learning experience for Andrew.

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