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Post Week 12 Reich Grievances Thread (MEGA MERGE)


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37 minutes ago, DougDew said:

That's sort of a binary look at the situation.  But to answer the question, 100% at that point. 


But I'll add further comment:


As @Moosejawcoltsaid elsewhere, this forum is getting amusing, but its always been that way.


Really binary:

  • If you don't pile on Reich's 3rd quarter play calling, you're in favor of it. 
  • If you say its not Frank, then you're saying its Ballard.
  • If you don't mob pile on Grigson, then you are defending him. 
  • If you like Fleener, then you're saying that you hate Allen.  

What "defenders" are saying is that criticizing the play calling because there was a pick an a sack stopping two successful drives is ludicrous.  Not criticizing it is not the same thing as supporting the play calling. 


The binary debate carried out these past few weeks is pointless.  These are the questions as I see it:


If you're Wentz, and we have had great success passing, what RPO do you choose when you see one on one coverage of 6'4" Pitt by a 5'9" FS (not even a CB)?  What do you do Btown?


Do you call JTs number against the box because you haven't run the ball to JT yet in the past 20 plays?  Where the completion will put us on the 5 yard line?  You will take a 5 yard run because we haven't had one in 20 plays?




When Frank is sending in the RPO, how does he know what the coverage will be when we are still in the huddle?   Why is Frank responsible for throwing the ball to Pitt or even making the decision to pass?  Both teams are basically in the huddle when he's making his RPO calls to Wentz.


Why is it even "Frank's play calling" that is the issue?  Seems to me that every time he calls an RPO, he's calling a running play. 


The stat-based criticism has gotten kind of amusing.

Well Doug, I’m just bored enough to play along with shenanigans & even though you’ve totally moved the goal post on what I asked you, here we go!


First, you got the answer wrong. Go back and watch the passing game quarter 1, putrid. Pittman was all out of sorts, Pascal was Pascal. They didn’t have a 1st down in the first quarter, run or pass. That’s not binary. That’s a fact.


Second, the pass to Pittman wasn’t on a RPO. I’m glad you learned a new acronym, next we will try to learn what it stands for and how it is implemented.

Frank calls a play, let’s just say it’s a RPO. The players get to the line and hike the Ball…every body does the same thing run or pass, the only person who has a decision to make is the QB. He reads a conflict defender, if he steps up to play run, you pass to a predetermined receiver that was left uncovered. If he bails to cover receiver, you stick it in RB’s gut. It’s not complicated and it’s a great tool. Wentz and Frank are good at it, they were good at it in Philly as well. It’s not a check, or an audible. It’s a run play with an option to pass based off of one defender. Knowing that it is a run play 1st, and knowing that the pass to Pittman was a long developing play eliminates it being an RPO or else the linemen who most likely have been downfield before the pass, which is not allowed. Next.


Frank s the head coach. He has a whole staff that helps him scout teams, tendencies, etc. Are you suggesting that Frank and his staff didn’t have any idea what defense the Bucs would be running, or what scheme they would be utilizing to stop the run by the 3rd damn quarter? If so, I can’t help you. I’d suggest football for dummies would be a good place to start….it’s a book by the way. Next.


Frank is responsible for making the decision to pass or not because…get this…he is the play caller. Shocking revelation ain’t it? Play callers is the person that either stands on the sidelines or sits up in the box above the stands looking down onto the football field where the game of football is being played. They have these headsets they speak into that transmits to a ear piece placed in the helmet of the QB so that they can communicate during the game, it’s at this point that the play caller gives the QB the next play, or sometimes a couple plays to be ran based on how the defense aligns. Next.


Back to RPO’s…yes if he calls an RPO, he is calling a running play. In this case however, based on scouting reports & how the Bucs were aligning, he knew good and well that the R part of RPO wasn’t going to be a good option. Lastly, you don’t call an RPO every play. Frank stated 6-10 is about right per game. There are other plays called in a game. Some are passes, some are runs. If you notice that your not running, and you would like to run, you call a run play…I’ll try to slow down if needed, I know we are getting into advanced stuff here. 

You call JT’s number for a couple reasons, mainly because becoming one dimensional in offense rarely works for a team over the course of a game or season. Another reason to call JT’s number is because he is really good, like really good. Like averaging 5 yards a carry on ever so terrifying Bucs D. Like completely dominating the number 1 ranked Bills D the week prior good.


What you all “defenders” are saying us that if we’re critical if his play calling in the 3rd quarter we can’t understand or appreciate his play calling in the 2nd or that we wanted him to run 26 times straight instead of staying balanced…like in the 2nd quarter where the team scored 21 freaking points against the terrifying Bucs D.


What else might I be able to assist you with tonight?



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4 hours ago, Wentzszn said:


How can you say it’s intended for JT if you know the D has shown that the RPO run will turn into a pass. Can someone please enlighten me? Why wasn’t 1 non RPO run play called for JT if the 5 that are ended up in someone else hands besides the person you initially called the play for? Anyone?

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2 hours ago, Btown_Colt said:

The fact that everyone thinks this was unprompted is beyond me. He’s never done it before, there is a reason he did now. How many times during the presser did he mention Chris and I discussed this earlier…? Wait. You probably haven’t listened to the full presser have you?


This is purely conjuncture on my part…but I have a theory.


Chris loves him some JT and he loves the running game. He has made several statements saying as much. There was a tweet or something posts on here from one of the media folks stating the talked to Chris after the Bills game and he was PO’d and said they should be 8-3 or something along those lines….after the team dismantled the Bills by running the ball. 

Then there was the clip on Hard Knocks where Ballard is gushing over JT and said something like “I keep telling Frank he is top 5 offensive player in the league”


That top 5 player didn’t get one touch in the 3rd quarter and they lost. I said after the game that Ballard was most likely fuming. The next day Frank breaks down his play calls for the 3rd quarter. 

I don’t think it’s as coincidental as the rest of you I suppose. Again purely my opinion based on no factual evidence. All we can do is see how it plays out.



@John Waylonthis is what I was referring to.

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5 hours ago, DougDew said:

FYI, you're saying that up until the famous 3Q, the running game was working for only 1 of 2 quarters of the game,  So is that evidence that it would work, or not work in the ensuing Q?


In the two series in question in the 3Q, 3 passes were thrown to JT.  So maybe they were not runs, but the thought of "icing" him and ignoring our best player is a bit dramatic.  




and then it worked again in the 4th so..it worked well in 2 out of the 3 quarters they decided to utilize it, and had they utilized it more in the third quarter, they'd have been more likely to wear down the Bucs DL.



While not optimal, it sounds like not running in the 3rd Q isn't that big of a deal.  The intensity of the criticism seems disproportional to the situation and game outcome.  JMO.


that's fair...but I disagree.  Also, both the bucs and the titans kept utilizing their running game, even when they were down by double digit points.  both teams came back and won the game. 

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12 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Throwing 20 times in row was mindboggling but when it comes to RB's you want to keep them fresh for late in games and for late in the season. I am sure Frank had his reasons for pacing Taylor. I just look at how the Titans have ran Henry into the ground and he got a serious foot injury. So I see the whole picture. I would rather squeak into the playoffs and have Taylor healthy then run him 30 times a game, then get into the playoffs and he is injured or worn out. Really as a fan base we need to trust Wentz more, most people in here defend Wentz but when we go pass happy and lose, the same people question it. We traded/signed Wentz for a reason, that is to be a franchise QB and nothing less. A franchise QB can beat elite teams being pass happy, Peyton did it, Luck did it with the exception of the Pats, Harbaugh even did it in 1995 and 1996 lmao .

That's the reason we have a very capable Mack and Hines. Like I said to abandon the run is inexcusable. We have one of the best offensive lines in the game we should have ran the ball more, it would have opened up the pass.

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11 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

As I’ve said to other people who have made this point……

There’s a difference on eating 2-3 years and eating 5.    Thats a very big difference.   Plus the HC has the full backing of the GM.  


but in just 2 offseasons, he ate 3 years of Grigson and 2 years of pagano if memory serves.  and of course he has the backing of the GM...most head coaches do, until they get fired.  but Ballard in particular isn't going to give any public indication that he's unhappy with Reich, no matter what his true feelings are.  I'm not saying that Reich gets fired this offseason...but to act like it can't happen is just naive.

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16 minutes ago, J@son said:


but in just 2 offseasons, he ate 3 years of Grigson and 2 years of pagano if memory serves.  and of course he has the backing of the GM...most head coaches do, until they get fired.  but Ballard in particular isn't going to give any public indication that he's unhappy with Reich, no matter what his true feelings are.  I'm not saying that Reich gets fired this offseason...but to act like it can't happen is just naive.

I want to be clear about this….

Im not saying Frank will never be fired before the end of his contract.   Not at all.  History shows most coaches are fired before their contract is up.   I’d expect it will happen to Frank….   Someday.    

All I’m saying is I’m confident that someday won’t be this off-season.   5 years gives you SOME job security. 

But I have a saying about coaches in all sports….    You're the right guy right up until the minute you’re not.   I think that minute is a long ways off.   Certainly not five years away, but I don’t see him getting canned this winter. 

As crazy as Frank’s play calling can be,  this is a flawed roster and while some of that can be chalked up to early injuries, the rest can be chalked up to decisions Ballard made.   So I don’t see Ballard making Frank his fall guy this off-season.   I think for the near future, these two are joined at the hip.  How long that lasts is anyone’s guess.   But certainly not this off-season. 

Hope this clarifies…. 

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4 hours ago, Colt.45 said:

(*HINT - Bill Belichick will sell the farm to make sure JT doesnt beat his team)

Yeah, especially now that frank has given him the detailed blueprint and step by step instructions how to carry it out. 

And guess what? 

There’s a very high likelihood that another Colts season ends at the hands of the hoodie because frank wants to go down painting by numbers and letting a defense bully him around rather than taking a chance on and going down swinging with our best player. 

 But anyways…

Anyone ever notice ol’ hoodie doesn’t pull % like this and is the best coach of our generation, if not of all time?


Just asking. No specific reason. I’m sure there’s no correlation there or anything. 

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office

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7 hours ago, Btown_Colt said:

Chris loves him some JT and he loves the running game. He has made several statements saying as much. There was a tweet or something posts on here from one of the media folks stating the talked to Chris after the Bills game and he was PO’d and said they should be 8-3 or something along those lines….after the team dismantled the Bills by running the ball. 


oh I have no doubt about that.  I fully believe that Chris was fuming after the titans game and I have no doubt he laid into Frank afterwards, leading to the heavy usage of JT the following weeks.  I also have no doubt the same thing happened after the Bucs game.   


almost every GM talks about building from the inside out, the importance of the OL etc etc but not all are able to live up to their promises and assemble an elite OL.  Chris has done that.  he's given Frank one of, if not the best run blocking OL and Frank goes on these ridiculous stretches of not utilizing them.  

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They are two teams headed in different directions, didn’t they trade for Mack in 2018 who had a career year and their D was rolling in 2018. No doubt they both have room for improvement but the simple eye test shows one very competent coach who is refining his role as a head coach every year and another who seems to be losing his team with each year that passes. I for one am glad to have Frank. 

Go Colts.

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4 hours ago, John Waylon said:

Yeah, especially now that frank has given him the detailed blueprint and step by step instructions how to carry it out. 

And guess what? 

There’s a very high likelihood that another Colts season ends at the hands of the hoodie because frank wants to go down painting by numbers and letting a defense bully him around rather than taking a chance on and going down swinging with our best player. 

 But anyways…

Anyone ever notice ol’ hoodie doesn’t pull % like this and is the best coach of our generation, if not of all time?


Just asking. No specific reason. I’m sure there’s no correlation there or anything. 

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office

The best coach of our generation ran the ball 8 times versus the Bucs. Had his QB attempt 40 passes though.

Lets keep whinging and moaning about when our 44 passes were attempted versus when our 20 odd runs entered the equation.

Lets not speak of the 31 points we put up, or the fumbles and turnovers that cost us the game. Lets harp about the succession of passes, that's why we lost.

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21 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:

The best coach of our generation ran the ball 8 times versus the Bucs. Had his QB attempt 40 passes though.

Lets keep whinging and moaning about when our 44 passes were attempted versus when our 20 odd runs entered the equation.



The best coach of our generation doesn't have the elite OL we do nor does he have Jonathan Taylor.



Lets not speak of the 31 points we put up, or the fumbles and turnovers that cost us the game.


a more balanced approach very likely leads to even more points and fewer turnovers.  yes, this is conjecture, but the numbers from the 2nd and 4th quarters support this.



Lets harp about the succession of passes, that's why we lost.


hey, now you're getting it :thmup:

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1 hour ago, J@son said:


The best coach of our generation doesn't have the elite OL we do nor does he have Jonathan Taylor.


The Patriots, just like the Bucs, have a superior O-line. Seriously folks, watch some other teams not just Indy. Again people keep harping on JT, NE probably has the best running game in the league, their resurgence isnt because Mac is a top 3 QB right now.


1 hour ago, J@son said:


a more balanced approach very likely leads to even more points and fewer turnovers.  yes, this is conjecture, but the numbers from the 2nd and 4th quarters support this.


Conjecture being the operative word in that statement.


1 hour ago, J@son said:



hey, now you're getting it :thmup:



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7 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:


The Patriots, just like the Bucs, have a superior O-line. Seriously folks, watch some other teams not just Indy. Again people keep harping on JT, NE probably has the best running game in the league, their resurgence isnt because Mac is a top 3 QB right now.










By what metric? lol


As a team, New England ranks 19th with 4.1 yards per carry.

As a team, New England ranks 12th with 115.3 yards per game. 


How does possibly that translate to the best rushing game in the league?


Conjecture being the operative word in that statement.



yeah...I know. that's why I used it.  thanks for noticing.

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3 minutes ago, J@son said:




By what metric? lol


As a team, New England ranks 19th with 4.1 yards per carry.

As a team, New England ranks 12th with 115.3 yards per game. 


How does possibly that translate to the best rushing game in the league?


yeah...I know. that's why I used it.  thanks for noticing.


Quick question. Does Philadelphia have a better running game than Indy? Check the same source you got those metrics from.

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5 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:


Quick question. Does Philadelphia have a better running game than Indy? Check the same source you got those metrics from.


do your own homework.  I already closed the tabs.  from memory though, Indy has a higher yard per carry average (indy has the highest ypc average in the league) but Philly has a higher yards per game average.  Indy would lead that category as well if Frank didn't let his head get stuck up his rear from time to time.


btw, you keep citing Bellichick and the fact they ran very little against Tampa.  But NE also lost so I'm not sure how that's supposed to help your argument.  

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3 minutes ago, J@son said:


do your own homework.  I already closed the tabs.  from memory though, Indy has a higher yard per carry average (indy has the highest ypc average in the league) but Philly has a higher yards per game average.  Indy would lead that category as well if Frank didn't let his head get stuck up his rear from time to time.


btw, you keep citing Bellichick and the fact they ran very little against Tampa.  But NE also lost so I'm not sure how that's supposed to help your argument.  

I cite New England because that coach is the greatest of all time, and his gameplan was even more pass heavy than Frank's.


There's no homework to do, you know the answers. Would you say Philly has a better run game than Indy? 

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4 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:

I cite New England because that coach is the greatest of all time, and his gameplan was even more pass heavy than Frank's.


but again...IN A LOSING EFFORT! lmao 


4 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:

Would you say Philly has a better run game than Indy? 


based on a quick look at the numbers, they appear to be about even

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2 hours ago, Colt.45 said:

The best coach of our generation ran the ball 8 times versus the Bucs. Had his QB attempt 40 passes though.

Lets keep whinging and moaning about when our 44 passes were attempted versus when our 20 odd runs entered the equation.

Lets not speak of the 31 points we put up, or the fumbles and turnovers that cost us the game. Lets harp about the succession of passes, that's why we lost.

I can’t remember, at what point in that game did he lead by 10 in the second half and reel off 20+ straight passes? 

At what point in any game has he ever done that? Just like the joker who claimed Peyton Manning used to do it all the time just show me one game. Just one. Surely with Tom Brady under center he abandoned the run with a lead all the time, right?




… right?

Just one game. That’s all I’m asking to see. He’s coached almost 500 in his career, just remind me of one. Shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll wait. 

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8 hours ago, J@son said:


and then it worked again in the 4th so..it worked well in 2 out of the 3 quarters they decided to utilize it, and had they utilized it more in the third quarter, they'd have been more likely to wear down the Bucs DL.



that's fair...but I disagree.  Also, both the bucs and the titans kept utilizing their running game, even when they were down by double digit points.  both teams came back and won the game. 

Frank's presser added information to the discussion.  He talked about sending in RPOs and Wentz calling the pass play.  So Frank's play calling...what he sent onto the field..... certainly did not exclude running the ball.


The pick was when a 5'9" FS beat our 6'4" best WR for a pass that should have been completed at the TB 5 yard line.


So if we want to play the what if game, what would have happened if we ran the ball, we also need to play the what if game and ask what is the probability that the pass gets completed in 10 attempts.   With the coverage on that particular play, and the probability of completion, it doesn't really matter what the last 20 plays looked like....or what the sequence of plays were in the first half for that matter. 


I don't disagree with your ideology on the matter, I'm just trying to figure out it's applicability to any one bad play; and if I play what if on one side of the debate, I have to do it for the other.

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1 minute ago, Colt.45 said:


Selection bias. Almost a form of survivorship bias rearing its head here.




so far, all you've been able to prove is that Bill Bellichick pulled a Frank and got too scared to run the ball against Tampa, and just like Frank, he lost.

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13 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

I can’t remember, at what point in that game did he lead by 10 in the second half and reel off 20+ straight passes? 

At what point in any game has he ever done that? Just like the joker who claimed Peyton Manning used to do it all the time just show me one game. Just one. Surely with Tom Brady under center he abandoned the run with a lead all the time, right?




… right?

Just one game. That’s all I’m asking to see. He’s coached almost 500 in his career, just remind me of one. Shouldn’t be too hard. I’ll wait. 



Passed 40 times, ran 8 times. Stay worried about how it was done.

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10 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Frank's presser added information to the discussion.  He talked about sending in RPOs and Wentz calling the pass play.  So Frank's play calling...what he sent onto the field..... certainly did not exclude running the ball.


RPOs are not the only running play in the colts playbook.  




I don't disagree with your ideology on the matter, I'm just trying to figure out it's applicability to any one bad play; and if I play what if on one side of the debate, I have to do it for the other.


The one bad play I think was most directly a result of the lack of any rushing attempts was the strip sack.  Unfortunately, that play gift wrapped the Colts momentum and gave it to Tampa.  

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4 minutes ago, J@son said:




so far, all you've been able to prove is that Bill Bellichick pulled a Frank and got too scared to run the ball against Tampa, and just like Frank, he lost.


Chicago ran the ball with great success against Tampa. The best any team has run against them in years probably.  

Khalil Herbert, 18 rush attempts for a 100 yards. 

SHREDDED Tampa's defense.


Of course, Chicago LOST.

Chicago lost by FIVE scores.

Chicago scored a mighty 3 points.

But i guess they ran the ball. They put their eggs on the table and showed no fear.

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10 hours ago, Btown_Colt said:

Well Doug, I’m just bored enough to play along with shenanigans & even though you’ve totally moved the goal post on what I asked you, here we go!


First, you got the answer wrong. Go back and watch the passing game quarter 1, putrid. Pittman was all out of sorts, Pascal was Pascal. They didn’t have a 1st down in the first quarter, run or pass. That’s not binary. That’s a fact.


Second, the pass to Pittman wasn’t on a RPO. I’m glad you learned a new acronym, next we will try to learn what it stands for and how it is implemented.

Frank calls a play, let’s just say it’s a RPO. The players get to the line and hike the Ball…every body does the same thing run or pass, the only person who has a decision to make is the QB. He reads a conflict defender, if he steps up to play run, you pass to a predetermined receiver that was left uncovered. If he bails to cover receiver, you stick it in RB’s gut. It’s not complicated and it’s a great tool. Wentz and Frank are good at it, they were good at it in Philly as well. It’s not a check, or an audible. It’s a run play with an option to pass based off of one defender. Knowing that it is a run play 1st, and knowing that the pass to Pittman was a long developing play eliminates it being an RPO or else the linemen who most likely have been downfield before the pass, which is not allowed. Next.


Frank s the head coach. He has a whole staff that helps him scout teams, tendencies, etc. Are you suggesting that Frank and his staff didn’t have any idea what defense the Bucs would be running, or what scheme they would be utilizing to stop the run by the 3rd damn quarter? If so, I can’t help you. I’d suggest football for dummies would be a good place to start….it’s a book by the way. Next.


Frank is responsible for making the decision to pass or not because…get this…he is the play caller. Shocking revelation ain’t it? Play callers is the person that either stands on the sidelines or sits up in the box above the stands looking down onto the football field where the game of football is being played. They have these headsets they speak into that transmits to a ear piece placed in the helmet of the QB so that they can communicate during the game, it’s at this point that the play caller gives the QB the next play, or sometimes a couple plays to be ran based on how the defense aligns. Next.


Back to RPO’s…yes if he calls an RPO, he is calling a running play. In this case however, based on scouting reports & how the Bucs were aligning, he knew good and well that the R part of RPO wasn’t going to be a good option. Lastly, you don’t call an RPO every play. Frank stated 6-10 is about right per game. There are other plays called in a game. Some are passes, some are runs. If you notice that your not running, and you would like to run, you call a run play…I’ll try to slow down if needed, I know we are getting into advanced stuff here. 

You call JT’s number for a couple reasons, mainly because becoming one dimensional in offense rarely works for a team over the course of a game or season. Another reason to call JT’s number is because he is really good, like really good. Like averaging 5 yards a carry on ever so terrifying Bucs D. Like completely dominating the number 1 ranked Bills D the week prior good.


What you all “defenders” are saying us that if we’re critical if his play calling in the 3rd quarter we can’t understand or appreciate his play calling in the 2nd or that we wanted him to run 26 times straight instead of staying balanced…like in the 2nd quarter where the team scored 21 freaking points against the terrifying Bucs D.


What else might I be able to assist you with tonight?



Its called conversation.  We moved the ball in the second Q via the pass when runs were sprinkled in.  We moved the ball in the 3rd Q when runs were not sprinkled in.  Those are the facts. 


So what is the real issue people have with passing the ball exclusively?


A) because it fails an ideology.

B), because we weren't moving the ball

C), because we had two turnovers. 


Since most turnovers in the passing game in the nfl happen on drives where runs are sprinkled in, C) is definitely not the problem.  And since we were moving the ball with the passing game in the 3 Q (and should have had the ball on the 5 yd line at least on the pick play) B is not the problem either.


It must be A)


Wentz made the decision to pass, not Frank from the sidelines.  The play that was ran was not dictated by Frank.  He said that he called 15 RPOs in the third quarter, (maybe that's not the right number, but that's what I read) notably because he would NOT know how TB would line up or react (like bailing out of the run alignment to play pass, which is what he said they did in 4Q and gave JT the success).  Semantics, the decision is made by Wentz, that's the point of the Option.


We have no idea that any Wizard from the sidelines was going to know that Winfield would be on Pittman one on one when the play was called, whether its an RPO or not.  Wentz sees the coverage presnap and throws it, and he's likely not even thinking about the sequence of the last 20 plays or pass/run ratios up until then.

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Just now, Colt.45 said:



Passed 40 times, ran 8 times. Stay worried about how it was done.


That wasn’t the question. 

Gonna need you to try again. 

You have 471 chances to come up with just 1. 

But hey, if “how it’s done” has no bearing as you suggest then the odds of finding 1 in 471 are even more in your favor. 

 I’ll still wait. 

Just 1. 

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2 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:


Chicago ran the ball with great success against Tampa. The best any team has run against them in years probably.  

Khalil Herbert, 18 rush attempts for a 100 yards. 

SHREDDED Tampa's defense.


Of course, Chicago LOST.

Chicago lost by FIVE scores.

Chicago scored a mighty 3 points.

But i guess they ran the ball. They put their eggs on the table and showed no fear.


^now THIS is selection bias.  I will give you credit that this at least comes closer to supporting your point better than anything else you've said.  However, Wentz is infinitely better at this point in their careers than Fields, who threw 3 picks.   The Colts defense clearly played infinitely better early on than Chicago's defense did.  tampa scored 35 in the first half against Chicago vs. the 14 they scored in the first half against the Colts.  Obviously, it takes more than just running the ball well to beat TB.


what's interesting, in the 3 games that Tampa lost, the opposing team rushed at least 20 times.  NO ran the ball over 25 times.  The rams 22 times.  Wash ran it over 30 times.  This speaks to offensive balance, which is all I and others are asking for.  

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10 minutes ago, John Waylon said:


That wasn’t the question. 

Gonna need you to try again. 

You have 471 chances to come up with just 1. 

But hey, if “how it’s done” has no bearing as you suggest then the odds of finding 1 in 471 are even more in your favor. 

 I’ll still wait. 

Just 1. 


I'll have room service send you a box of cigarettes to help with the anxious wait.

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12 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Since most turnovers in the passing game happen on drives where runs are sprinkled in,


what is this based on?  definitely not the tampa game, because most, if not all of the colt turnovers came on drives where they didn't run a single time.

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2 minutes ago, J@son said:


^now THIS is selection bias.  I will give you credit that this at least comes closer to supporting your point better than anything else you've said.  However, Wentz is infinitely better at this point in their careers than Fields, who threw 3 picks.   The Colts defense clearly played infinitely better early on than Chicago's defense did.  tampa scored 35 in the first half against Chicago vs. the 14 they scored in the first half against the Colts.  Obviously, it takes more than just running the ball well to beat TB.


what's interesting, in the 3 games that Tampa lost, the opposing team rushed at least 20 times.  NO ran the ball over 25 times.  The rams 22 times.  Wash ran it over 30 times.  This speaks to offensive balance, which is all I and others are asking for.  

Indy had 20 rush attempts.


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3 minutes ago, Colt.45 said:


I'll have room service send you a box of cigarettes to help with the anxious wait.

You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re struggling to find just one game in 471 where he abandoned the run up by two scores in the second half. 


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