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2021 Colts PFF after 11 games


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Keeping it simple

  • Rounding up
  • Under 50 - Red
  • Over 70 -  Blue
  • Format 
    • Player - comments 
    • Snap count % (per game)
    • PFF grades (year to date, not per game)

Top 5 This week 

  1. Mark Glowinski: 90.8 - might have been a career best game
  2. George Odum: 90.1 - talk about stepping up when we needed him to. Can he do it vs Brady?
  3. Jonathan Taylor: 88.4 - keep feeding the beast
  4. Braden Smith: 81.2 - easily our best OL right now
  5. Kwity Paye: 77.8 - confused. His average went up, higher than his game score. Wonder if they adjusted (they grade each player 2-3 times)




  • QB Note - 
    • C Wentz QB - not flashy, but #12 QBR and #13 PR.
      • 100%/93%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/90%
      • 60.1/67.8/68.5/72.6/73.8/80.6/74.9/67.5/70.6/69.1/69.5
    • S Ehlinger QB 
      • DNP 1-8/2%/NA/10%
      • DNP 1-8/NA/NA/NA
  • RB Note - 
    • J Taylor RB - #2 PFF graded RB for the year
      • 55/45%/48%/51%/52%/65%/69%/74%/69%/84%/83%
      • 60.3/60.5/64.1/71.2/73.8/75.1/76.5/80.7/80.8/85.0/90.2
    • N Hines RB - 
      • 45%/37%/56%/31%/38%/23%/28%/31%/45%/28%/19%
      • 69.6/60.9/67.9/64.2/64.7/62.5/57.9/61.3/68.7/69.6/71.4
    • D Jackson RB
      • DNP 1-10/10%
      • DNP 1-10/52.5
  • TE Note - 
    • J Doyle TE -  
      • 59%/70%/57%/30%/72%/65%/74%/62%/68%/58%/74%
      • 64.7/71.2/68.1/72.1/75.1/72.2/70.4/67.3/68.8/69.7/69.5
    • M Alie-Cox TE - 
      • 51%/40%/46%/69%/45%/50%/63%/49%/61%/55%/41%
      • 50.0/51.2/56.1/61.4/65.2/64.9/66.9/63.6/65.9/64.5/63.4
    • K Granson TE -  
      • 9%/9%/20%/42%/12%/8%/7%/12%/6%/19%/35%
      • NA/NA/NA/49.9/51.6/51.3/50.3/51.7/55.8/60.1/64.4
  • WR Note 
    • M Pittman WR - worst week, but still high 70s overall
      • 97%/90%/93%/86%/88%/96%/91%/96%/85%/88%/75%
      • 60.8/68.8/72.7/69.7/71.2/71.3/75.8/76.5/77.3/78.3/77.6
    • Z Pascal WR - 
      • 91%/91%/89%/82%/86%/85%/84%/94%/84%/89%/78%
      • 64.9/62.0/57.7/57.4/58.5/57.2/55.5/55.0/57.4/56.7/55.7
    • T Hilton - not a big week, but caught both his targets.
      • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/50%/44%/NA/NA/61%/41%
      • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/85.7/70.3/NA/NA/64.4/67.3
    • A Dulin WR - 
      • 8%/39%/11%/17%/33%/27%/63%/36%/37%/11%/29%
      • NA/59.5/58.6/64.4/65.9/64.4/57.0/51.4/52.0/54.2/54.0
    • D Patmon WR - 
      • DNP first 8 games/32%/8%/13%
      • DNP first 8 games/54.0/53.9/54.0
  • OL Note - for those who care, Leno is grading out at 77.5
    • E Fisher LT - 
      • NA/73%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/90%
      • NA/ 62.0(1)/54.1(3)/41.8/46.5(4)/52.3/58.6/63.1/66.8/68.8/68.7(4)
    • Q Nelson G - still zero sacks
      • 100%/100%/21%/NA/NA/NA/100%/100%/94%/100%/64%
      • 72.7/63.9/69.3/NA/NA/NA/60.4/58.9/61.4/57.3/59.7
    • R Kelly C -
      • 100%/100%/100%/96%/99%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/90%
      • 67.9/68.8(1)/68.2/55.2(2)/52.8/53.8/52.3/55.2/56.4/57.3/57.0(3)
    • M Glowinski G - After in jeopardy of losing his job to Reed, boom highest grade of the team.
      • 100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/35%/5%/52%/67%/78%
      • 50.7/45.3/43.4(1)/47.6/57.7/58.0/56.3/56.7(2)/59.1/62.6/68.1(2)
    • B Smith RT -  very nice week
      • 100%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/100%/73%/100%/100%
      • 60.8(1)/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/69.0(1)/73.9/79.8/83.2(1)
    • C Reed OG - 
      • NA/NA/79%/100%/100%/100%/65%/95%/55%/33%/58%
      • NA/NA/68.6/58.7/67.7/65.4/67.5/60.3/59.6/59.8/61.9
    • M Pryor OT - still grading very well in only a few snaps this week
      • NA/27%/28%/42%/100%/100%/100%/NA/27%/NA/12%
      • NA/62.3/66.5/64.0/71.2/76.3/69.5/NA/74.3/NA/74.7
    • D Pinter G/C - 
      • NA/NA/NA/14%/3%/2%/9%/NA/5%/NA/12%
      • NA/NA/NA/77.0/76.0/75.7/82.5/NA/77.1/NA/76.0


  • iDL Note -  
    • D Buckner DT - 
      • 87%/88%/76%/85%/82%/71%/84%/81%/84%/70%/71%
      • 59.6/71.3/66.9(1)/73.5/68.8/73.7(2)/73.8(3)/71.1(4)/71.5/73.7(6)/73.9(6)
    • G Stewart NT - 
      • 81%/75%/69%/50%/67%/57%/52%/66%/42%/55%/61%
      • 62.9/66.9/65.8/69.9(1)/66.3/67.4/68.2/69.6/71.2/71.3/72.8(1)
    • T Stallworth DT - giving strong minutes the last 3 weeks
      • 13%/27%/NA/19%/15%/37%/16%/19%/29%/50%/59%
      • 44.2/39.4/NA/43.5/51.4/61.3/63.2/59.5(1)/70.6(3)/66.4(4)/64.3(4)
  • DE Note - for those who care, Autry 67.2 and 7 sacks, Houston 76.5 and 5
    • K Paye DE - another great week, and another sack. 14th best DE grade
      • 76%/69%/10%/NA/NA/59%/73%/79%/73%/68%
      • 77.7/75.1/74.2/NA/NA/73.1/76.1/71.5/79.0/79.6(1)/81.3(2)
    • A Muhammad DE -.
      • 70%/61%/78%/83%/82%/65%/84%/78%/71%/68%/64%
      • 68.0(1)/67.7(2)/66.7/68.1/65.0(3)/64.3/64.0(4)/64.8/63.7/64.6/64.2(4)
    • D Odeyingbo - 
      • NFI through G7/22%/32%/18%/25%
      • NFI through G7/59.1/54.2/62.1(1)/59.9(1)
    • K Turay DE -  struggling
      • NA/19%/34%/46%/42%/NA/NA/21%/32%/17%/16%
      • NA/44.4/49.5/62.9(2)/55.3/NA/NA/43.4(3)/49.5/49.9/49.1(3)
    • I Rochell - 
      • NA/NA/NA/17%/NA/27%/16%/NA/34%/26%/18%
      • NA/NA/NA/90.8/NA/89.5/79.0/NA/69.2/58.3/59.1
    • B Banogu DE - 
      • 11%/7%/19%/12%/16%/9%/NA/NA/NA/NA/11%
      • 54.1/59.5/60.2/61.4/58.8/59.8/NA/NA/NA/NA/58.4
  • LB Note - for those who care, Walker is grading out at 68.5 (career year)
    • B Okereke LB - . 
      • 100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/99%/96%/100%/89%
      • 58.3/57.4/53.1/65.5/55.8/ 60.1/64.7/65.4/61.1/58.1/57.7
    • D Leonard LB - bad ankle, good year
      • 100%/100%/100%/100%/100%/89%/100%/100%/100%/95%/89%
      • 71.3/69.5/70.1/72.2/68.1/77.3/77.5/76.1/74.1/72.5/72.4
    • Z Franklin LB - good game in increased snaps
      • 24%/5%/31%/15%/14%/16%/30%/16%/8%/12%/32%
      • 52.9/58.9/50.3/57.4/58.9/60.2/57.2/56.7/58.1/61.9/63.7
    • EJ Speed LB - nice game in limited snaps
      • NA/NA/9%/NA/NA/11%/14%/14%/1%/9%/16%
      • NA/NA/64.6/NA/NA/79.6/76.1/52.4/53.0/49.0/58.8
    • M Adams
      • DNP 1-10/ 2%
      • NPP 1-10/60.6
  • CB Note - 
    • Rhodes - 
      • NA/NA/91%/98%/56%/97%/86%/97%/55%/NA/64%
      • NA/NA/41.2/47.2/53.9/63.8/ 63.4/59.6/58.5/NA/56.2
    • R Ya-Sin CB - been very consistent 
      • 100%/98%/49%/NA/NA/55%/NA/73%/83%/98%/62%
      • 63.7/62.5/73.2/NA/NA/69.3/NA/68.5/65.1/68.8/67.7
    • K Moore CB - 
      • 96%/97%/99%/100%/100%/100%/100%/99%/100%/98%/89%
      • 56.1/42.9/48.7/54.7/55.5/54.3/52.5/55.2/58.7/66.7/64.7
    • T Carrie CB - 
      • 69%/69%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/53%/11%
      • 60.6/58.8/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/57.4/58.7
    • I Rodgers CB - still giving us good snaps
      • 11%/31%/22%/85%/82%/29%/55%/3%/53%/32%/52%
      • 46.7/33.9/43.2/49.7/52.4/66.2/NA/66.2/67.3/69.1/68.9
  • Safety Note - 
    • A Sendejo - 
      • NA/NA/32%/100%/64%/NA/79%/100%/100%/100%/91%
      • NA/NA/69.3/61.9/59.7/NA/57.5/65.2/58.5/61.8/59.8
    • G Odum - wow nice week with the #1 grade
      • NA/NA/3%/NA/14%/3%/21%/78%/100%/64%/91%
      • NA/NA/60.0/ NA/50.5/51.9/59.6/71.4/64.2/58.8/69.8
    • J Jones -  
      • DNP 1-9/23%/9%
      • DNP 1-9/28.7/30.0
    • J Addae - 
      • DNP 1-9/15%/9%
      • DNP 1-9/47.6/53.2

Decluttering.... Parking some of the injured, PS, and inactive guys down here going forward. Will move them back up if they are reinserted later.

  • Offense
  • P Campbell WR - 
    • 61%/NA/80%/44%/55%/10%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
    • 62.6/NA/56.9/53.8/60.1/63.1/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
  • M Strachan WR -  
    • 24%/51%/NA/7%/3%/NA/NA/NA/5%/NA/NA/
    • 75.2/62.3/NA/61.9/61.8/NA/NA/NA/61.7/NA/NA/
  • Keke Coutee
    • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/58.0/NA/NA/NA/NA/
  • D Harris WR
  • M Mack RB -  
    • NA/19%/NA/31%/14%/19%/6%/1%/NA/NA/
    • NA/53.8/NA/57.9/60.8/58.4/56.7/56.4/NA/NA/
  • J Davenport T - 
    • 100%/100%/72%/58%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
    • 59.8(2)/43.0(2)/47.4(2)/47.2(3)/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
  • Defense
  • A Woods - 
    • NA/NA/18%/NA/NA/NA/16%/18%/5%/24%/NA/
    • NA/NA/54.3/NA/NA/NA/56.7/62.5/66.0/59.2/NA/
  • C Williams - 
    • NA/NA/18%/6%/14%/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
    • NA/NA/55.5/55.3/50.4/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/
  • K Willis SS -
    • 100%/100%/68%/NA/26%/97%/100%/22%/NA/NA/NA/
    • 40.6/47.0/41.1/NA/NA/37.5/49.0/52.3/50.5/NA/NA/NA/
  • T Lewis DE -  
    • 54%/54%/78%/83%/81%/67%/59%/16% - Out for season
    • 66.7/69.7/79.5/76.4/76.2(2)/72.9(2)/70.4(2)/71.8(3)
  • B Keyes -  
    • NA/NA/NA/2%/7%/3%/NA/NA/NA/NA/Cut
    • NA/NA/NA/60.0/25.9/26.2/NA/NA/NA/NA/Cut
  • J Blackmon FS -   
    • 100%/100%/97%/100%/96%/100%/Out for season
    • 53.4/64.6/64.4/60.9/57.8/60.7/Out for season
  • A Chesley - 
    • NA/NA/NA/NA/41%/NA/14%/NA/4%/NA/cut, to PS
    • NA/NA/NA/NA/62.1/NA/67.4/NA/71.6/NA/cut, to PS
  • K Davis - 
    • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/8%/ Cut
    • NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/56.4/NA/ Cut
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Thanks a bunch. I always look forward to this weekly update. 


One question, and sorry if you addressed it above, I couldn't find it. Some of the players have a (#) after the latest week's grade. For example, Grover has 72.2 (1). What is the (1)? 





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16 minutes ago, DynaMike said:

Thanks a bunch. I always look forward to this weekly update. 


One question, and sorry if you addressed it above, I couldn't find it. Some of the players have a (#) after the latest week's grade. For example, Grover has 72.2 (1). What is the (1)? 



You're welcome.

For the DL, it's sacks.

For the OL, it's sacks allowed

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7 minutes ago, IinD said:

Franklin gets props from me. Living in the NE I catch the occasional Syracuse game and remember him. He's definitely helped lately and was basically a throwaway 7th Rd pick.

I'm happy with any 7th round pick that sticks, and can play decent minutes on O, D, or STs.

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45 minutes ago, compuls1v3 said:

@EastStreet who’s Leno on O-line stats?  Thanks!


He's the other LT we were looking at (reportedly), and that some wanted.

Signed for a bargain and grading good.

Fisher is improving, so perhaps no big deal, except for the early season struggles.

2 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:


no problem. 

glad you enjoy.

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Focus on Defensive Line:



Paye actually has our best PFF scores across the board

Buckner is the most consistent and productive

Lewis has made a case for being signed next year, and start in front of Odeyingbo

Turay scores terribly, but still gets sacks

Banogu hasn't shown us ANYTHING, and should be replaced

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55 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

Focus on Defensive Line:



Paye actually has our best PFF scores across the board

Buckner is the most consistent and productive

Lewis has made a case for being signed next year, and start in front of Odeyingbo

Turay scores terribly, but still gets sacks

Banogu hasn't shown us ANYTHING, and should be replaced


Can't read the pic when I click on it.


Paye is scoring very well, just not getting home. I wish we'd do more to scheme him home. Same with Defo. 


Lewis was doing well, but he's no Autry (as a tweener). I do hope we resign him as depth if he can return to health.


Way too early to critique Dayo. He was raw in college, so tempering my expectations on his development in year one given the context of his return.


AQM IMO is the biggest over-achiever this year. Not great, but stepped up big time.

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12 hours ago, EastStreet said:


Can't read the pic when I click on it.


Paye is scoring very well, just not getting home. I wish we'd do more to scheme him home. Same with Defo. 


Lewis was doing well, but he's no Autry (as a tweener). I do hope we resign him as depth if he can return to health.


Way too early to critique Dayo. He was raw in college, so tempering my expectations on his development in year one given the context of his return.


AQM IMO is the biggest over-achiever this year. Not great, but stepped up big time.

Well, poo.  I translated your stats into Excel, did a heat map color grade on the PFF scores, and then took a screen grab of it.

I have always felt that Lewis was exactly what they said he was coming out of Ohio State.  The toughest guy on the team, but not off the charts in anything.  However, this year, he had very good PFF numbers, and had 3 sacks before his injury sent him to IR.  His numbers were better than Dayo's are right now.  Too bad that this was his contract year.  But I think he demonstrated that he should be re-signed.  I think Dayo has the better long-term projection.  But I would still give Lewis the starter job at strong DE in camp next year, and make sure that Dayo beats him for the position.

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10 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

Well, poo.  I translated your stats into Excel, did a heat map color grade on the PFF scores, and then took a screen grab of it.

I have always felt that Lewis was exactly what they said he was coming out of Ohio State.  The toughest guy on the team, but not off the charts in anything.  However, this year, he had very good PFF numbers, and had 3 sacks before his injury sent him to IR.  His numbers were better than Dayo's are right now.  Too bad that this was his contract year.  But I think he demonstrated that he should be re-signed.  I think Dayo has the better long-term projection.  But I would still give Lewis the starter job at strong DE in camp next year, and make sure that Dayo beats him for the position.


I like Lewis too. He had a good pressure per snap % last year too. Still not on the level Autry, but has some great tweener value IMO. 


I anticipate Dayo will beat him next year even is Lewis is re-signed. If not, it would be a disappointment given the draft capital and already delayed gratification we've endured lol... But that would be OK, because Lewis would still be a good rotational piece. 


We're still in need a true pass rush specialist. Thought Turay would be that guy, but the health issues have killed him. Not a lot of faith in Banogu at this point. Houston was a good one, and I think we might need to find a vet FA looking for a shot at a ring willing to sensible on a contract. 

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On 11/24/2021 at 12:08 AM, EastStreet said:


He's the other LT we were looking at (reportedly), and that some wanted.

Signed for a bargain and grading good.

Fisher is improving, so perhaps no big deal, except for the early season struggles.

no problem. 

glad you enjoy.

I was one of the one clamoring for Leno, has been a solid Tackle for years and was healthy, that being said i never expected Fisher back so early (Was thinking week 8 or so) and despite early struggles seems to be rounding into form if he keeps progressing and helps us to some playoff wins kudos for going that route.

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41 minutes ago, holeymoley99 said:

I was one of the one clamoring for Leno, has been a solid Tackle for years and was healthy, that being said i never expected Fisher back so early (Was thinking week 8 or so) and despite early struggles seems to be rounding into form if he keeps progressing and helps us to some playoff wins kudos for going that route.

I thought Leno was the safer bet too. 

Fisher really struggled early. Leno might have made a difference early.

Not worried now so long as Fisher continues to improve and we continue to win.

Really need him to step up while Q is playing hurt, and Kelly not playing great.

Will be interesting to see what happens off season. 

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On 11/24/2021 at 6:55 PM, John Hammonds said:

Focus on Defensive Line:



Paye actually has our best PFF scores across the board

Buckner is the most consistent and productive

Lewis has made a case for being signed next year, and start in front of Odeyingbo

Turay scores terribly, but still gets sacks

Banogu hasn't shown us ANYTHING, and should be replaced

Woods is bottom feeder with Banogu...

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On 11/25/2021 at 8:35 AM, John Hammonds said:

Well, poo.  I translated your stats into Excel, did a heat map color grade on the PFF scores, and then took a screen grab of it.

Try uploading it elsewhere like Imgur or ImgBB and posting the image URL here. The forum resizes attachments uploaded in the post to be really small.

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