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Ballard on the team's low vaccination rate


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Decent read from fansided. A lot of it is probably a regurgitation from the Athletic. 




two of the quotes


“One thing about our group is they’re very mature and they’ll handle whatever decisions are made,” Ballard told Kravitz. “If we’re not above the 85-percent mark, we’ll handle it with all that comes with it, the social distancing and everything else.”


“Do I think our guys should be vaccinating? Yes, absolutely. But we’re not going to force people. Encourage it? Absolutely. Absolutely. I think it’s the right thing to do for our club and our country, but it’s an individual decision to make. . .”

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If you are a professional athlete and you are willing to risk getting covid which in a high percentage does cause heart disease then you are not being very smart. 


Harvard Study

Millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given, and there have only been 1,000 cases of heart inflammation. Doing the math, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that for every million doses given, there have been 67 cases of heart inflammation in boys 12 to 17 (nine in girls of that age group), 56 in those aged 18 to 24 (six in girls), and 20 in males 25 to 29 (three in girls). That means the risk is quite low. (Comment in most cases these clear up)


John Hopkins

COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, can damage heart muscle and affect heart function.

There are several reasons for this. The cells in the heart have angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptors where the coronavirus attaches before entering cells. Heart damage can also be due to high levels of inflammation circulating in the body. As the body’s immune system fights off the virus, the inflammatory process can damage some healthy tissues, including the heart.

Coronavirus infection also affects the inner surfaces of veins and arteries, which can cause blood vessel inflammation, damage to very small vessels and blood clots, all of which can compromise blood flow to the heart or other parts of the body. “Severe COVID-19 is a disease that affects endothelial cells, which form the lining of the blood vessels,” Post says.



What is known is the risk of heart disease is much greater if you expose yourself to Covid. The vaccine is wiping Covid out in those groups. It is continuing to sperad in non vaccinated groups and Covid is getting stronger in those groups. 



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1 hour ago, Wentzszn said:

The issue is not that they have concerns with me. It’s that no one trusts the actual information out there and they believe conspiracy theories or when they look up info they look it up in a way that only confirms their own biases.

Microcosm of society bro.   Same as people watching news media that slants stories to their liking.  

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28 minutes ago, Wentzszn said:

Cocid is a Sars virus. They have been working on a Sars vax  since that hit years ago. MRNA vaccines have also been in development for years. We know a lot more about them then what people think. This is why the vaccination was able to come out so quick. All we had to do was manufacture it while the first phase of human trials were going on. Every vaccination or medication has rare side effects. The biologic I am on has some but if I was worried about the rare cases I would still be suffering with inflamation.


I know this has already been hashed out, so I'll make it brief.  I respect everyone's opinions on the subject.  And, as I said, I'm vaccinated.


But I think some believe that the effects of Covid are less risky than the vaccine.  Personally, I tested positive (prior to being vaccinated) and had no ill effects.  And yes, there's evidence of healthy people who've died from it.  


I do believe that your freedom ends where mine begins, and vice versa.  But people do make bad decisions that effect me.  For example, smoking and obesity contribute to higher health care costs for me.  But you do the same thing with them as the NFL is doing.  Raise their health care costs if they choose those paths.  The NFL is allowing people to make a choice, but they have to play by more strict rules if they choose not to be vaccinated.  It's very fair, IMHO.


Okay, I'm off the soapbox now.

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About all he can do.  Trust the Colts to have a plan if they don’t reach 85%.  It doesn’t mean it will be full proof but it’s what they can do.  Like Ballard said, I agree, they can encourage it because they think they should get it but it’s a choice. 

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10 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I'm sure they'll never know who is and who isn't unless they say something.. this will be a non issue next month

What is funny is, where I work at the rule now is vaccinated people no longer have to wear masks. This came out 2 weeks ago. I ask the facility manager and a couple of other managers how would they know if someone is or isn't vaccinated? They all told me the exact the same thing, they wouldn't know and legally they are not allowed to ask anyone if they are, it is filed under medical is why. I still wear a mask regardless and keep my distance from people at work.

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Please tell us that the business partner was kidding?    I know it seems obvious, but these days it’s often hard to tell. 

I hope he was because I think most that don't want to get the vaccine just don't fully trust it yet as in how it will affect their body. I think she was just being sarcastic with her post??

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