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The Return Of The Usfl

King Colt

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Their goal is to be the minor league for the NFL. Thank God it's not trying to compete with the NFL.

Wait, does that mean they're going to be the equivalent of the D-League to the NFL? It would be interesting if NFL teams could buy one of these teams and send their prospects to play, almost like glorified practice squad games.

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Ever since the new CBA was agreed upon, one thing that I have thought would be interesting is if an upstart league like the UFL or some other league could get enough capital behind them to start wooing away some of the big name college players like the USFL used to. It has been quite a while since rookies had any kind of viable financial alternative to the NFL. Over the past couple decades it has been pretty much impossible for a rival league to generate that kind of financial backing, but now with the rookie cap it might be possible again. I've wondered if that could end up being one of the unintended consequences of the rookie cap. I don't think it's anywhere close to happening, but could you imagine if the Colts drafted Luck and then he chose not to play in the NFL because of the rookie cap? Talk about the royal >>> job. Kick Peyton Manning to curb to build around Luck, and then your golden boy ends up signing with some team in Los Angeles and you get absolutely nothing out of the #1 pick. This forum would be a pretty unpleasant place to be for quite some time.

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Their goal is to be the minor league for the NFL. Thank God it's not trying to compete with the NFL.

The USFL league was very successful in it's initial appearance and after the 2011season for the Colts maybe they shold beg for a spot in the league. It will never be a minor leauge to the NFL. Money talks and this league should succeed now with the immensely expanded media coverage available today versus when it first started the first time.

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Their goal is to be the minor league for the NFL. Thank God it's not trying to compete with the NFL.

Something I think the NFL should adopt is something similar to minor league baseball. Practice squad is nice, but something like a minor league in the NFL would be very beneficial to teams.

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The USFL had three heisman trophy winners in their draft and was doing fine. What killed it was franchises moving(relocating) and eventually trying to compete headon with the NFL by playing in the fall insteadof thespring. Donald Trump thrw alot of money (though he denies it) against the USFL to protect his investments. The USFL threw all their money in to a lawsuit against the NFL but got three dollars(!!!) so that put the lid on it. Their football was good and the rules were better than the NFL and of course the NFL stold several of their rules.

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The USFL had three heisman trophy winners in their draft and was doing fine. What killed it was franchises moving(relocating) and eventually trying to compete headon with the NFL by playing in the fall insteadof thespring. Donald Trump thrw alot of money (though he denies it) against the USFL to protect his investments. The USFL threw all their money in to a lawsuit against the NFL but got three dollars(!!!) so that put the lid on it. Their football was good and the rules were better than the NFL and of course the NFL stold several of their rules.

How do you steal rules??

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The USFL league was very successful in it's initial appearance and after the 2011season for the Colts maybe they shold beg for a spot in the league. It will never be a minor leauge to the NFL. Money talks and this league should succeed now with the immensely expanded media coverage available today versus when it first started the first time.

Wow, sorry I took so long to respond.

I know how successful it was, it was big, right up there with the NFL. Then it tried suing the NFL and it lost big time. They realized not to >>> with the NFL. I wouldn't worry about them trying to compete with the NFL today.

The USFL should try to act like the AHL to the NHL, or Triple A to baseball, or the D-league to NBA.

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