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Tom Brady throws shade at Colts albeit in jest regarding crowd noise


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Of course, it may be Tom trying to be funny too. Our rivalry with the Pats from 2003-2010 was arguably the best ever. It ranks up there with Ali/Frazier, Magic/Bird, Cubs/Cards, Red Sox/Yankees. Tom just bringing that up proves it. Pats fans in general prove it too, when Peyton would do anything great they would bash it lmao . 2006 rules!


I will always have 2006 as a true fan. I was in Florida when we won it all. I smoked a Cigar and drink a glass of Crown while in a lawn chair on the beach after the game in relief lmao . I was content after that. Ravens - check, Pats - check, Bears - check = game over.

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:

I just have one question... Do the words "Marlin's Got It, Marlin's Got it!! We're going to the Superbowl" still ring in his ears?

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Of course, it may be Tom trying to be funny too. Our rivalry with the Pats from 2003-2010 was arguably the best ever. It ranks up there with Ali/Frazier, Magic/Bird, Cubs/Cards, Red Sox/Yankees. Tom just bringing that up proves it. Pats fans in general prove it too, when Peyton would do anything great they would bash it lmao . 2006 rules!


I will always have 2006 as a true fan. I was in Florida when we won it all. I smoked a Cigar and drink a glass of Crown while in a lawn chair on the beach after the game in relief lmao . I was content after that. Ravens - check, Pats - check, Bears - check = game over.

@2006Coltsbestever I think honestly, deep down inside he misses our rivalry too!

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What is the reason for recorded crowd noise at events?  In the MLB games and also the NHL games everyone knows the place is empty so crowd noise seems ridiculous. The same can be said for continuing the usual in game fan features like walk up music. Hearing the players and coaches during a game would be much more interesting. The language used is probably what they are afraid of, but that hasn’t stopped golf from catching players let it rip. 

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13 hours ago, Fluke_33 said:

I hate him but I think he was poking fun at his current coaches who were with the colts back then like Clyde Christiansen not sure if Arians was here then. 


Arians had 3 years with Peyton as QB coach, 1 year with Andrew... :) 


He wasn't around for any AFCCG appearances.

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17 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Arians had 3 years with Peyton as QB coach, 1 year with Andrew... :) 


He wasn't around for any AFCCG appearances.

That’s what I thought but got too lazy to check.  Ty!  It was definitely directed at Christensen 

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