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Will You Be Renewing Your Tickets?


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I won’t be selling my tickets. Not even Chuck coming back can get me to do that. Nor the players protesting for causes that affect me personally.  I am in full support of the players kneeling and I come from a family of veterans of 3 of the 4 main military branches.


I love and support my troops and I love and support the players for protesting and bringing attention to causes that matter to them and to me personally.  I won’t let Trump or any other closed minded individual or political hack tell me I can’t do both. 

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51 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

I won’t be selling my tickets. Not even Chuck coming back can get me to do that. Nor the players protesting for causes that affect me personally.  I am in full support of the players kneeling and I come from a family of veterans of 3 of the 4 main military branches.


I love and support my troops and I love and support the players for protesting and bringing attention to causes that matter to them and to me personally.  I won’t let Trump or any other closed minded individual or political hack tell me I can’t do both. 

Nicely put

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17 hours ago, Smoke317 said:

I won’t be selling my tickets. Not even Chuck coming back can get me to do that. Nor the players protesting for causes that affect me personally.  I am in full support of the players kneeling and I come from a family of veterans of 3 of the 4 main military branches.


I love and support my troops and I love and support the players for protesting and bringing attention to causes that matter to them and to me personally.  I won’t let Trump or any other closed minded individual or political hack tell me I can’t do both. 

So the Black Power Salute is acceptable...  would you also support some * raising the Seig Heil Salute on the field?  If one political expression is acceptable in sports, all are.  These guys have the dollars, time, and recognition to take their cause to tv, the internet, the papers, or even a town hall.  Take politics off the field, and let football be football!

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12 hours ago, jimmy g said:

So the Black Power Salute is acceptable...  would you also support some * raising the Seig Heil Salute on the field?  If one political expression is acceptable in sports, all are.  These guys have the dollars, time, and recognition to take their cause to tv, the internet, the papers, or even a town hall.  Take politics off the field, and let football be football!

You clearly don’t know what the Black Power Salute stands for do you???  If you did, you wouldn’t have compared it to a Nazi salute...  How pathetic. So you think what Tommie Smith & John Carlos did at the 68 Olympics by raising the black power salute as you called it was them saying that Black people are better than all other races and all other races and Jews need to be mass exterminated???  You think that’s what the players who raise their fist are trying to say???  Give me a break.  


Spoken just like an unempathetic “person” who can’t relate to anyone but themselves or their own...  Unfortunately, I’m not shocked at all. Calling for equality for ALL and fair treatment for ALL by our justice system is a worthy cause and worthy of a protest. No matter what the venue. But spewing hatred like the Neo Nazis, Klan, ISIS, Black Panther Party or whomever is wrong on all fronts and doesn’t deserve to be given time to spread hate.  Yet they all still can and do. 


But that’s what makes this country great. Even the foul and wicked can think and feel what they feel. And even March and platform for it.  And I don’t see why these guys HAVE to use their own money to protest or bring awareness just to get equal treatment under the law???  Yet, they still do but they shouldn’t HAVE to.  


And though this may be labeled as a political issue, I view it as a social and moral issue. Right and wrong. Everyone should be judged by and held accountable for their actions. Everyone. Black. White. Man. Woman. Cop. Criminal. No one deserves a free pass or preferential treatment. That’s just how I feel though. Kind of sounds like you feel the opposite. Maybe you should go try to talk to someone different from yourself and gain some perspective on others and their lives. You might learn something and won’t try to correlate fighting for justice for all to spreading hate...


Glad you posted though jimmy g. I like to know who’s who and what’s what and I think I’ve got a clear picture of you. Thanks. :thmup:

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12 hours ago, jimmy g said:

So the Black Power Salute is acceptable...  would you also support some * raising the Seig Heil Salute on the field?  If one political expression is acceptable in sports, all are.  These guys have the dollars, time, and recognition to take their cause to tv, the internet, the papers, or even a town hall.  Take politics off the field, and let football be football!

While I am not crazy about interrupting my football game it Is their right to protest what ever they feel like. If it makes you uncomfortable then they are getting done exactly what they wanted to. Agree or not, protest has been the right of every American and that right goes all the way back to when the bill of rights were written. Protesting started the woman's voting rights. Protesting started civil rights. Protesting helped stop wars.

I am from an era where protesting was a daily event and I have done my share of protesting. I was actually protesting at Ohio State when the National Guard killed 4 college students at Kent State just over 100 miles away.

IMO instead of whining and crying about things going on in this country on social media get off your rears and march on Washington DC. When  thousands of people stand together for something it gets done. History has proved it.

I highly doubt you have a clue as to what the Black Power fist rising even means.

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14 hours ago, jimmy g said:

So the Black Power Salute is acceptable...  would you also support some * raising the Seig Heil Salute on the field?  If one political expression is acceptable in sports, all are.  These guys have the dollars, time, and recognition to take their cause to tv, the internet, the papers, or even a town hall.  Take politics off the field, and let football be football!


"If one political expression is acceptable in sports, all are".....    ?????


What?    No!     It doesn't work that way.   It's never worked that way.   Not sure where you pulled that from but it's incorrect.


Look...   the players have lost the fight because they lost their own message.   Few know what they're protesting over.


So allow me to put it this way.....


The Boston Tea Party, a political protest, was not about food.


Rosa Parks sitting on a bus, a political protest,  was not about transportation.


The players protesting during the national anthem, a political protest,  are not complaining about the anthem or service members...


It's all about civil rights and social justice.   That's what players are protesting for.    They may have done it poorly, but that was their goal.


Regardless...   it looks like the battle is over and lost.    There are fewer protesters these days.    Players have slowly figured out that few want their protests at football games.    Players will have to find other ways to protest. 


Sorry this went went so long.....


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