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Doyel from INDYSTAR really lays into some Colts.....


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And another thing I absolutely hate this article.  It sounds like it came from a whiny 8 year old.  


Let me ask you a question.  How do other teams usually do starting their backup quarterbacks?  With the exception of the Patriots, most teams don't do very darn well.  That's just a reality.


So Doyle here goes into the locker room for a little bit and decides from his short visit there he has enough information to rip these "lazy, self centered players" a new one.  


He starts with Pagano. . . his player makes an honest mistake.  And he's mad because he gave him a hug.  I guess he's suppose to tear his head off like he did it on purpose.  Because ripping their head off for those mistakes is going to do a lot of good.  Only thing it does is make the crowd feel good.


Then he rips on Castanzo. . . Lets be honest, Castanzo is an average starter at best, he's always been that.  He went up against one of the leagues best pass rushers and got beat a few times.  Great how many tackles don't get beat a few times by Chandler Jones???  But because he was beat a few times he talks about him like he's a stupid screw up.  


"Castonzo doesn’t have Moore’s problems of size or ability, doesn’t need to get bigger, quicker or more skilled. He just needs to stop screwing up. The light bulb that resides inside Castonzo’s complicated head flickers on and off, and it was off Sunday."  


Man he's a big man talking crap about him in an article.  I'm half surprised he had the courage to put his name on the article.  


Then he goes onto Moncrief.  Says he didn't fight for the ball hard enough and is mad because he wears a shirt bearing his own image.  Oh man how dare someone be proud of themselves!!!  Nothing he said or did there sent the message that it was all about him.  That's the message Doyle decided to read into because Doyle is angry that the Colts lost a game.  And when your team loses you must find someone to blame.  He acts like it's possible for both teams to win the game.  There is going to be a loser of every game.


Then he turns his aggression to Hilton who's helped the Colts win numerous games and suddenly Hiltons a lazy entitled brat.  Again he's mad that Hilton sometimes wears stuff with his name on it. . . kind of like he's proud of what he's accomplished.  Also because Hilton said that he wasn't out throwing on an off day he's clearly lazy.  Is it possible that maybe they need some time to heal up and rest?  Why does he think there are no practices til Wednesday?


Then he turns and mention that Hilton may have dove a couple of times to avoid taking a big hit.  It's only been a couple of times, but to Doyle a few times makes a reputation.  So apparently on Doyle's mind Hilton is weak and cowardly.  Never mind that Hilton is also known for making catches on plays like this.




and this



Remember that when a Bronco's DB put his helmet into TY's chest with the two colliding at full speed and TY not only held onto the ball but got back up.  WHAT A WIMP  A real man like Doyel would have caught the safety with his other arm and thrown him into the stands.  


Then he goes and finds some low level journeyman players and exults them because they don't have shirts on with images of themselves.  That is in part of course due to the fact that they are low level journeyman players and never stick with a team long enough for anyone to sell something like that.


All that's happening here is Doyle is being a judgemenal jerk.  Meets these guys once after a loss.  Looks at what they are wearing and decides he knows everything about them.    





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On 9/19/2017 at 12:11 PM, NannyMcafee said:


I don't care how talentless you are. These players are in the NFL. They're talented individuals and there should be no excuses for losses. Pagano has nearly as much say in who is drafted as Grigson or Ballard has. If you think that's not true I'm sorry. 


With the lack of talent the last two years then this years team should be busting at the seems with talent. And still 0-2 start. 

Its not true maybe this year not when Grigson was here. Colts are more talented this year VERY VERY YOUNG, and a lot of new faces!

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