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Vinny On Manning


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Susie, sounds like you need to set all this debate straight by going down to the complex and see whats up with PM.

I was just posting what I saw everyday at camp. Hope you were teasing and not being sarastic. :hide: Just teasing my friend. Sorry if I went to the complex the only thing I would be seeing right now would be the Pats. haha This debate won't be settled until Irsay makes his decision and I read what was posted on the home page by Irsay and trying to take him at his word. If you can't take anyone at their word what can you do ?

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NFL.com source http://m.nfl.com/new...t-that-far-off/

Vinny has been watching Manning rehab and says "he's not that far off". Glad Manning has the support and backing of his team mates.

Vinny should have a good understanding of qb's he did watch Brady for years and now Manning.

Could it be that Vinateri is trying to influence the decision by letting Irsay and the world know that Mannng is nearly back to being the main Manning?

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I was just posting what I saw everyday at camp. Hope you were teasing and not being sarastic. :hide: Just teasing my friend. Sorry if I went to the complex the only thing I would be seeing right now would be the Pats. haha This debate won't be settled until Irsay makes his decision and I read what was posted on the home page by Irsay and trying to take him at his word. If you can't take anyone at their word what can you do ?

I was teasing :D

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Oh wow. Thats a new low. He has played with 2 HOF QBs for how many years now? Id say his opinion is worth more then Mr. Locanfora who has what? Interviewed them a few times? Talked to his unnamed "sources"?

Has AV ever thrown or caught a ball professionally in an NFL game, with the 2 HOF QBs?

Who cares what Locanfora's opinion may be? Did I ever bring that up in any of my posts?

In favor of what the doctors say? How about it being a career saver? Or Manning being on track? Those doctors dont have any merit? So forgive me for not believing a word out of Locanfora's mouth. Because I have learned from experience that he is wrong much more then he is right. Wouldnt be surprised if his unnamed source is Deon Sanders.

What do the doctors say? That PM is cleared medically to play football.

Does this mean Peyton is 100% back to his pre-injury form? No.

Does the medical clearance say that the doctors have said that the nerve regneration/muscle atrophy issue is gone? No.

Have the doctors ever given a time table for this nerve regeneration? No.

If not, how can you say that PM is on any track? You cannot, with any reason.

Doctors have merit. And people who read critically can understand exactly what the doctors are saying without having their bias interpret what the docs say as something they did not say.

There is a big difference between the truth, and what we want to be the truth.

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Could it be that Vinateri is trying to influence the decision by letting Irsay and the world know that Mannng is nearly back to being the main Manning?

If Irsay needs AV to let him know whether or not Manning is on track in his recovery, then I am really worried.

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People are grasping at straws for positive news.

Yes, but rational people understand this grasping as just wishful thinking, rather than the real objective truth.

It comes down to that famous line from the original Matrix movie....do you want the red pill (the ugly reality) or the blue pill (blissful ignorance)?

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