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Colts should be players before the trade deadline... In reverse


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3 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Really? I tried trading 3 1st round picks for Luke Keuchly and the computer declined. Spent an hour signing and trading FA's to get those picks and trading the picks for higher picks until i got 2 extra 1st rounders. Still couldn't get Keuchly. Now you know why I blame Grigson, if he would only acquire and trade multiple 1st rounders for Keuchly, it'd be easier than Madden, but NO! :thmup:

Gotta get that master trade negotiator perk!! hahaha 

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3 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Really? I tried trading 3 1st round picks for Luke Keuchly and the computer declined. Spent an hour signing and trading FA's to get those picks and trading the picks for higher picks until i got 2 extra 1st rounders. Still couldn't get Keuchly. Now you know why I blame Grigson, if he would only acquire and trade multiple 1st rounders for Keuchly, it'd be easier than Madden, but NO! :thmup:

You know I used to on the old Madden (like 12-13) (to avoid salary cap implications) would change Peyton and other top players to a kicker when their contracts were up and then sign them for 6 years with vet minimums and then change them back it worked like a charm! 


Man thats genius let's just do that with all of our players. Move luck to a kicker and restructure his deal for a kickers wage then move him back to QB...quick get Grigson on the phone.

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On 10/31/2016 at 10:40 PM, Rackeen305 said:

First things first, You won't get a 1st rounder for TY, 1st rounders are all pro players. secondly, No one is giving up a proven Oline man for TY.Especially if the o lineman is young. Listen to what you just said and see that that's a dream. wake up now. 

A team like Philly,  GB,  Chi,  and Minny would definitely consider giving at least a 2 for TY or a starting olineman.  

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Practically everyday I am reminded of the fact that I am so glad that fans have no say in how a team is run.


I think Grigs is a bad GM, I've stated that before, but if the Colts were to take the ideas of some of these fans the Colts would be getting the first pick in the draft every single year.

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On 10/31/2016 at 1:53 PM, Jason_S said:


I think you meant a conditional 3rd round pick, not compensatory.  compensatory picks don't get handed out until shortly before the draft :)


And man, really wish we could have gotten Collins. 

Would have been awesome to get Collins. But I don't think the pats would trade us a water bottle.

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10 hours ago, YourNextGM said:

A team like Philly,  GB,  Chi,  and Minny would definitely consider giving at least a 2 for TY or a starting olineman.  

So then we get a 2nd round pick. great,  so then come the draft, you are gonna do what with the pick? draft a Rookie WR? who may or may not be better than TY? Congratulations, you pulled a Grigson. And wasted team resources.

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