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Is Philly just overrated?


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They have no O.Line. It stinks. Bradford is Average at best as well. Murray looked like Jim Brown in Dallas because Dallas has a great Line, in Philly he doesn't. This is why Football is the ultimate team game. Yes, generally you need a Very Good/Great QB to win it all but you have to have at least decent Lineman on both sides of the ball and a Good Defense to win the SB. = several solid parts. I bet Murray wishes he would've taken less money to stay in Dallas about now.

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From what I've seen, the Eagles are performing to the level most fans thought.  Horridly. Almost everyone was blasting Kelley with every move he made. Not sure where the hype or overrating is coming from. Now they are 0 -2 and not much in the cupboard.  If the Eagles can't run, they won't win.  OTOH, only the Seahawks (also 0 - 2 ) can run from shotgun well.  We (Colts) don't, the Broncos don't, and certainly Sam Bradford/Murray don't at this moment.  It also seems like the D coordinators have discovered the 'keys' that tip the D off to the Eagles run plays.  Kelley needs to adjust his formations and plays some.  If they can't run the ball and sustain drives, they can't run hurry up and tire out their opponent. And Bradford will have a guy in his face while he tries to find a receiver. They have to establish the line of scrimmage.


If Chip sorts it out quickly, they'll still win their division.  It appears that 9 wins might be able to do it as well.  0 - 2 isn't the death knell for the playoffs, but 0 - 3 pretty much is, so next game they must find a way to squeak out a win, or the playoffs might be a distant dream.

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They are who I thought they are. Once you slow down the offense, it's pretty much a very sloppy traditional West Coast offense with no identity. Chip Kelly's is not Seam Peyton who knows how to really get creative with match ups.

Plus like LT said on NFL Network, they're not using Murray properly. He's a down hill, between the tackles runner but they keep giving him stretches and have him run it to the outside. And to make it worse he cut 2 really good guards, and their replacements are garbage, so the run blocking is terrible.

They are also struggling in the passing game. Zach Ertz had disappeared and they haven't gotten their first round WR involved. I think Philly has simply been exposed. They're a big play team who likes to burn you quick, but they can't play dink and dunk when they're slowed. That's why their time of possession is so low. If they don't hit the big plays, they go 3 and out and then the other team wears them down slowly.

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I had called the Bradford trade head scratching back when they made the trade. I did not understand it then and don't now.



Bradford and Luck are having similar issues.  They both have turned the ball over a lot as well. Their team cannot / does not run the ball well enough nor often enough and the opposing D is pinning their ears back and getting after the QB.  So both are pressured and inaccurate.  As Kelley and Hamilton adjust schemes and play calling to play to the ir strengths and limit their weaknesses, both QB's will demonstrate their talent.  It's still a little too early for Bradford haterz to hate.

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Interesting perspective from Gruden:


Bradford may not fit in Kelly's offense


Jon Gruden said on Mike & Mike: "I think this Chip Kelly uptempo offense, a lot of it is predicated on the threat of the quarterback keeping the football ... Nobody honors Sam Bradford [as a runner]."


Kelley said they would evaluate everything a couple days ago.  Now he says he isn't concerned about Bradford's poor play (like many of us are too worried about Luck's poor play... yet!).. He goes into more detail here-




Of course, they play the Jets, who have caused 9 turnovers in 2 games.  That has to worry Kelley / Bradford, I would say.


"Obviously if you are losing the turnover battle," Kelly said, "statistics will tell you that you don't have a very good chance of winning the game."

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Bradford and Luck are having similar issues.  They both have turned the ball over a lot as well. Their team cannot / does not run the ball well enough nor often enough and the opposing D is pinning their ears back and getting after the QB.  So both are pressured and inaccurate.  As Kelley and Hamilton adjust schemes and play calling to play to the ir strengths and limit their weaknesses, both QB's will demonstrate their talent.  It's still a little too early for Bradford haterz to hate.

It is too early but Luck has proven to be a much better QB than Bradford so I would have more faith in Luck/Colts turning things around although with the FO issues who knows.


Bradford is not a threat to run which really capsizes Kelly's offense. We will see what tweaks he makes.

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It is too early but Luck has proven to be a much better QB than Bradford so I would have more faith in Luck/Colts turning things around although with the FO issues who knows.


Bradford is not a threat to run which really capsizes Kelly's offense. We will see what tweaks he makes.


Well, Nick Foles really wasn't some freak athletic specimen either. Few people know rhe Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Sam Bradford as well as his former offensive coordinator at the University of Oklahoma and the current Indiana head football coach Kevin Wilson.


Some snippets-


""I think Sam's athletic enough, even with those injuries. He can do some movement and run around when you need to. At the same time, I don't think you want to live and die on the quarterback running game in the pros where you're going to expose your quarterback to a lot of excessive high end numbers of carries and running the ball."


"I've watched Chip Kelly over the years and similarly but different to our system you always play to the strengths of your personnel ... Sam's ability to process information quickly and distribute the ball and get it out of his hand was the key to him having a great career at Oklahoma and I think that is one of the key things that attracted Chip and the offensive guys considering Sam."


"A lot of people think the no-huddle spread game in college is a lot of option running, zone running and quarterback running, but we really played to Sam's strengths and he played very well. Chip's got that background from Oregon..."


"His greatest attribute is his mind. He's been very, very successful in his career. To be the kind of player he was at Oklahoma took an unbelievable amount of work and dedication and improvement from where he started to where he finished. I know he's continued that. I know he's coming through some injuries. He has an unbelievable work ethic. To me, he has an unbelievable drive. At the same time, there's always been a calmness and coolness about Sam."


Kevin Wilson believes Chip, Sam, and DeMarco and the Eagles can put it together and make some noise.

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Yeah, and I'm still saying. When you get rid of your best players on offense, how are you supposed to be some kind of offensive juggernaut?

By bringing in Murray, Matthews, and drafting a WR in the first? 24 first half points against perhaps the best D in the NFL. More than 3 games combined for our team.

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