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Does anyone know if the refs in the Det/Dal game are officiating agian this weekend?


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I hope not jerry jones bought that game.

So where is your link or proof? The Lions kicked one field goal in the 3rd quarter and 0 points in the fourth. The Lions weren't aggressive enough and the Cowboys were. Too many are pointing fingers at the refs but the bad call is not what lost the game for the Lions. To win in the NFL you have to play 4 quarters, not two.

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i just want to know if maybe they are being penalized by being taken out of the divisional round for there horrible mistakes, or if they are if they are doing a game it will be very interesting to see how they call it, lol especially if its GB/DAL!!!

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Watch the refs give the game to GB as damage control. Then ya'll won't know whether to brag about being right about the refs or sad that the illumination came at the cost of another dang game.

Are you voting for Gb to win? I know you dislike Rodgers so was just wondering if you wanted to see them win or not.

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A huge reason why officiating in the playoffs is always so terrible is because they construct these "All Star Crews" using officials which have graded high in the regular season.  However, just because the individual members of the crew are very proficient doesn't mean that the assembled crew will work well together.  


Rather than constructing the all star crews they should simply use the crews who graded highest in the regular season because they clearly know how to work well as units.

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A huge reason why officiating in the playoffs is always so terrible is because they construct these "All Star Crews" using officials which have graded high in the regular season.  However, just because the individual members of the crew are very proficient doesn't mean that the assembled crew will work well together.  


Rather than constructing the all star crews they should simply use the crews who graded highest in the regular season because they clearly know how to work well as units.

Wouldnt hat make sense...BH?

....Wouldnt it also make sense to have full time year round refs who also went to training camp and worked to perform as a unit

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A huge reason why officiating in the playoffs is always so terrible is because they construct these "All Star Crews" using officials which have graded high in the regular season.  However, just because the individual members of the crew are very proficient doesn't mean that the assembled crew will work well together.  


Rather than constructing the all star crews they should simply use the crews who graded highest in the regular season because they clearly know how to work well as units.

They do not use the highest rated anymore they went away from that system in recent years . They pick and choose how they like regardless of they graded out .
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NFL fans are getting as bad as NBA fans.


NBA fans are the only ones I can recall who do keep track of refs and get worried when a certain one is doing their team's game.



No matter how you look at it, blaming the refs is stupid when you know, Detroit blew a 17 point lead. Cry me a river.

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