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Suh's Step on Roger's Ankle

King Colt

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When you accidentally stumble into someone, or step on them, what's is your first reaction?

Look at what you are stumbling on? Or if someone tells out, "Hey you just stepped on me!" And then shoves you, you're probably going to turn around to see what the commotion is all about.

Unless you know. Because you did it purposefully. Knowing precisely who, and what you are stepping on.

Shamefully obvious.

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This makes 9 times now that Suh has been suspended/fined for dirty play. I am ashamed of the NFL for not being much more firm with dirt like Suh. 


Stomp on a players head or ankle purposely? 1 game. 


Smoke a joint at home? At least 6 games. 



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Of course it was intentional. Not even a close call in my opinion. Suh steps back with his right foot and feels Rodgers ankle under his heel. When Rodgers pulls his foot out he then steps back with his left foot onto Rodgers' ankle, holds it there for a second and puts weight on it. He knew what he was doing.

The fact that Suh has a long history of dirty play makes it even more obvious.

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"I'll tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named Suh."


                                               -Johnny Cash


Dallas fans thank Mrs. Suh for raising a punk and Dallas's rushing numbers for the coming game against Detroit just went through the roof. Bye-bye Lions.

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How John Lynch played was legal at the time though.  Never been legal to step on a guy like Suh has done multiple times.  Mind boggling when you consider how calm he seems off the field that he can't quit the thug behavior on it.  All it does is hurt him and his team.  I'd have picked the Lions to beat the Cowboys prior to this suspension.  Now it looks like Romo finally tastes a bit of playoff success.

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How John Lynch played was legal at the time though. Never been legal to step on a guy like Suh has done multiple times. Mind boggling when you consider how calm he seems off the field that he can't quit the thug behavior on it. All it does is hurt him and his team. I'd have picked the Lions to beat the Cowboys prior to this suspension. Now it looks like Romo finally tastes a bit of playoff success.

Legal, but chicken**** and for more damaging to the opposing player.

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Yeah I'm sure you always thought John Lynch was chicken pie and the fact that we're in the middle of a young concussion prevention search has nothing to do with it.

Ok, just make up what you want and stick with it....it's a common tactic on this forum.

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