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Can't The Jets Just Simply Go Away?


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I almost never let my emotions get to me, but I was livid today at the end of the Bills-Jets game. I hate the Jets with every bone, blood cell, membrane, whatever in my body. Sure, I dislike the Patriots, but I respect the success and continued success of the franchise from top to bottom.

Considering how putrid the Bills have played the last 3 weeks, I expected more of the same today. I turned on the game and was shocked to see that it was the end of the first quarter and the Bills weren't already down by three scores. Moreso, I was more shocked that the Bills were driving on the Jets. Yes, the Jets! And why is this significant. Well, over the past few years, the Jets defense has outright dominated the Bills offense. Today, the Bills offense almost had their way with the defense. I was actually seeing sustained drives, converted third downs, creative playcalling. Granted, the Bills showed none of that the past few weeks, but the big thing was is that they could never do any of the above things against the Jets the past few seasons.

Now let's fast forward to the end of the game. Sanchez somehow gets his fourth, yes FOURTH, touchdown pass of the game. But the Bills have a minute and three timeouts to respond for a game winning touchdown. Fitz drives us all the way into Jet territory, and any playoff hopes for the Bills just died on one play. Fitz threw a beautiful pass to Stevie Johnson in stride. And Johnson drops the pass which hit him right on the numbers! If Johnson makes the catch, either he goes in and scores or the Bills have a goal line situation, making the touchdown much easier. The Bills then fail to get the ball into the end zone and lose on a 4th down pass.

Remember Johnson's dropped pass in overtime against Pittsburgh last year on another beautifully thrown ball from Fitz? That drop is nothing compared to the fatal drop today against the Jets. Had Stevie caught the ball against Pittsburgh we would've just simply picked up a big upset win and we would've been the talk of the week. However, this drop cost us any chance of getting into the postseason.

More about Johnson, he had one of the best games against Darrelle Revis in quite a long time. 8 catches for 75 yards and a TD. He was making catches in tight coverage and was picking up yards. But I don't care about any of that. He drops one of the most important passes of his career and he was open as broad daylight. I'm so angry/depressed right now that I don't care about how well he fared against Revis earlier. That drop just ruined my entire day.

Let's talk about the Jets. How lucky can these guys get? I wish the Bills had half the luck the Jets have every year. Had the Bills won today, the Jets would've been on a 3 game losing streak and the Jets would've had an incredibly difficult run to the playoffs. A Bills win would've put us at 6-5 and in the dead heat for a wild card spot. Granted, we wouldn't have been in complete control of our destiny due to our loss against CIncinnati, but it could've been the Bills and the Bengals duking it out for that second Wild Card spot from here on out. Football in December would've actually been meaningful for the Bills this time around.

But I've never seen luckier teams get into the postseason than the Jets.

In 2009, the Jets looked like they would've been hitting the golf courses in January, but are very fortunate that the Colts lay down for them.

In 2010, the Jets won several games that they had no business winning. Detroit, Cleveland, and a completely absurd win against Houston.

Now 2011. The Jets looked lost the past few weeks. Getting dominated at home against the Patriots. Losing to the gimmicky Tebow-led Broncos of all teams. And were limping along against the Bills. And are very fortunate that the best WR on the Bills drops a pass in which they probably lose the game.

And for a fan like me, the season will just get worse from here. I'll probably get to see the Patriots dominate and steamroll each and every one of their upcoming opponents through the end of the season, on their way to no less than a #2 seed. And I'll be back to hoping that the football gods are having a good day in January and will not let New England win a Super Bowl. What's worse is that I'll get to see the Jets tag alongside too when they have absolutely no business doing so.

Heck, there's no Peyton Manning for me to cheer for this year. I have always cheered for Peyton in the postseason because of the fact that the Bills have spent the past 12 or 13 seasons at home in January. He is my favorite player in the NFL and I would love to see him get another ring.

Maybe I shouldn't complain due to the fact that I had really low expectations for the Bills this year. But they came out of the gate and blew most of my expectations out of the water. Heck, it's not like they were rolling over really weak teams like they were in 2008. At the beginning of the 08 season, they started out with wins against the Seahawks, Jaguars, Raiders (yes, they were a worse team), and Rams.

This year, in 2011, we started out with wins against some real competition, in the Raiders, Patriots, and Eagles. The Raiders look to be in control of the AFC West and look like they can create problems with other teams in the league, the Patriots will be running away with a 1st round bye (and we lost 15 in a row against them for that matter), and the Eagles are a team with tons of explosive talent but that team cannot get it together. So the Bills were showing that they could beat anybody in the league.


PS: How emotional was I? All I really did was pound my pillows and bed. When Stevie Johnson dropped that pass I gave a good slam to my laptop. I'm shocked that the machine is in one piece. And I did a great job at resisting the urge to pick up my remote to chuck it across the room somewhere. I have broken a remote before. This was with my old TV in 2008. What had happened was that the Red Sox were playing and leading against the Rays. Then they walked the bases loaded without even throwing a strike across the plate and then they allowed a bases clearing hit. After then I chucked my remote at the door.

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I hate point out there was that dropped pass and a 2nd dropped pass later in the drive in the endzone. (yes it was behind him but it went right through his hands) The Jets WANTED to give the bills the game and Fitz wanted take it sadly a couple WR decided not to hold on.

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Guest indynorth

The jets are definitely the media darling behind the saints.I cant watch either one unless they are losing ..The Saints actually have 2 sunday nite and 2 Monday nite games at home.Whats up with that.They must have shown Sean Payton in the press box 20 times ,the nite they beat us by 60 points.

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I feel for you buffalo34. I despise the jets almost a much. I'd rather see Brady with SB rings on every finger and toe before the jets (or saints) get another one.

Your season started out so well; I was rooting for you guys to go all the way. Hang in there. At least you're not 0-11.

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I feel for you buffalo34. I despise the jets almost a much. I'd rather see Brady with SB rings on every finger and toe before the jets (or saints) get another one.

Your season started out so well; I was rooting for you guys to go all the way. Hang in there. At least you're not 0-11.

Don't think such a horrendous thought as "Brady with SB rings on every finger", let alone type it.

Hating the jets is fine, but your comment was out of bounds. For shame, for shame .

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I am upset the Bills have just thrown away this season. Before the start of the season I really thought with their young high powered offense they would be the team to upset the AFC east and make football tolerable this year. For the first half of the season this really looked possible, especially with the win over the Pats, and then they just fell apart. The Pats are in no matter what this year, there is nothing we can do about it. As far as the Jets go, I don't hate them as much as most around here, and actually respect Rex Ryan, but even if they make it they are one and done. They simply aren't a good enough team to contend. The worst part for me is I have absolutely no one to root for in the AFC. I despise the Pats, Ravens and Steelers and I think it will be one of these teams that wins the AFC. The Broncos are alright in my book, but come playoff time this team will be shown the door, they are too one dimensional on offense. I guess I just have to hope San Fran pulls some magic in the playoffs and wins the NFC Championship, or Cutler really does return if the Bears make the playoffs.

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