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Who doesn't really want to sign Mack? Personally I want the money and would rather sign an EDS or something, someone comparable and younger (I think) but also cheaper. No name value there. Jmo, Mack will cost far too much for a center.

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It all depends on the price. I think everyone would like to have Mack at Center, but even great players can be to expensive.

It's all about "Value for money".


Mack is the best at his position, and you can never have to many players on your team that are the best at what they do. If it can be done at a reasonable price, I'm on board. If it's to expensive, get another good center

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I agree with you as well. Just because you have a hole doesn't mean you need to fill it with the most high priced free agent on the market. You don't have to have the best center in the league to win a Super Bowl, so I don't understand wanting to pay 8+ Mil for one when you can get a quality center for 3-4 mil.

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I think it's safe to say that Nobody wants to sign anyone except Alex Mack.


I will say this though, Mack is not going to demand a large salary because his name is Mack and he is not going to command a large salary because he is the best center available to be signed.  He is going to command a large salary because he is, IMO, the best center in the NFL and he is only 28 years old, which means he has a good 6-8 years of top production, minimum.


That being said, I don't necessarily think the Colts are a center away from being a SB favorites, so I agree that I don't know if I'd overpay for him.  in 2013 the Browns had the best center in the game and one of the best LT in the game and still had a below average line... line play is more than just the talent of the individual players.

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 We hear big #`s for Mack but would Clv give him 3 yrs $30M fully guaranteed? no

 After _____, how bad would our GM enjoy landing a Great replacement. haha!

  We would lose a trading friend if we construct a deal that they Won`t match. Hmmm!


 undrafted free agent EDS is being let go with them not having a clear replacement. He is very much like _____.

 YOU People need to start letting go of what we have been put through on the O-Line and have some Faith things will be Fixed ASAP. The Build has come together to a degree we should all be Smiling.

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I personally want to see Khaled Holmes start for us, but I still want Grigs to contact everyone to make sure we can't get them at a discount.  If one of them is willing to come here for a great deal, I'd be perfectly happy with it.  If we don't sign anyone, I'll still be happy with it!

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Who doesn't really want to sign Mack? Personally I want the money and would rather sign an EDS or something, someone comparable and younger (I think) but also cheaper. No name value there. Jmo, Mack will cost far too much for a center.


I don't think there are younger guys out there that are starter quality players.  However your point in terms of money is correct.  


The thing I really like about Mack though is that if we where to get him (I don't think we will) and we got a decent guard our run game should be crazy good.  You can't load the box against Andrew Luck and if we do then we just let Luck do his thing.  But if they are dropping back and leaving 6 men in the box then pound it down their throats.  


How do you stop a offense that can run the ball really good, but also has a QB on the verge of being elite who can win the game on his own if necessary?  Unless you have an elite defense it's not gonna be easy.  

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