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Can we please get a capable WR1?


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I don't know about the reliability of the source, I will say that.

Edit: the handle is @profootballcentral I don't know how to embed tweets. Its about 30 mins ago. Also say Colts not looking for #1 just a dependable reciever.


To me, if that receiver becomes our most dependable, then by default he is our #1 IMHO.  Otherwise, to me, they are just the split end, the flanker, and (if on the field) the slot receiver.  Don't really care who is designated #1 etc...  Doesn't matter to me who they put in those spots, or even if they decide to rotate guys.  Personally, I'd like a real dependable slot guy, because he often gets the most favorable matchups, and can then deflect attention away from the Z and X ends.  For my Z, I'm not sure which of DHB or TY can get off press coverage (a cornerback jam) at the line.  They're both speedy enough. The better guy at getting off press and into speed/separation mode gets the Z spot.  The other guy the flanker.  Then go play ball.

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It won't be Josh Gordon with his production against the Chiefs. His price just got up.

Funny actually. Some thought pushing it to the deadline would make them put down their demand. Now it presumably increased.

Todays game didn't tell Cleveland or any other gm anything they didn't already know

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I think as of this point, there is about a 30% percent chance that Grigson brings somone in. And If he does, it will be someone that will be like a good number two, i doubt he goes after like nicks (people are saying tht giants want a 3rd for nicks.... giants are CRAZY!!!) and gordon will be extremely hard (his value jsut went up after a good showing) and I don't see grigson shellin out a second (already w/o a 1 and 4) and a player like conner or a lower draft pick. And our team philosophy is not that of bringing in older guys (like fitz, etc) so it would be for like one of the two baldwins, maybe little (he is expensive so i doubt it), etc so i don't think trade is whats gonna happen. 


Ok so my predictions. They bring up Whalen definitely (idk if they bring in a veteran Free agent, we only have like 1.7 mill cap space or somethign). So that gives us 53 with our WRs in order being DHB, TY, Brazil, Whalen, Reed (UGHHHH)... I don't see wha tthey see in reed cause he is %TTT compared to like rodgers lololol. So IM HOPING tht they release reed (vaughn did good 30 yard kickin average) and bring up the man rodgers and put some big man, vet pressure on him and see how he does in limited time but I don't know if grigson will do tht, i doubt it  haha.


So our depth chart will look like this:

Outside One: DHB, Reed (I WANT RODGERS)

Outside Two: Brazil, Reed ( I WANT RODGERS)

Slot: TY, Whalen


And I think more passes will go to DHB and TY and brazil will get his licks too. I think they do well even though in the beginning DHB and TY will not catch as dependable as wayne but they will for sure show up. Thank god we had the bye week and we have a better stretch of games coming up where more pressure needs to be put on the defense to SHUT THEM DOWN (texans w/o schaub, stl comin up). 

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Listen all I just want to win. I trust Ryan Grigson and any decisions he decides to make. I know it will be best for the team. Whether it be FA, Trade, or promotion within the house, us Colts fans are the luckiest fans in the world to support this team and front office. I support anything they do. Love the Colts and fan base. we truly are the best in the world. #COLTSTRONG

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