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Was I spoiled?


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Preface this post by saying it is in no way meant to excuse this loss, or be doom and gloom.

This game is kind of how I thought we would be this year. Lots of up. Lots of down. But a growing year more so than a contending year.

Then after this 4-1 start, I think we are a juggernaut ready to roll into anyone and punch them in the mouth.

Today though we got punched, and I was frankly very annoyed. Like watching someone try to jam a square peg in a round hold for 60 minutes.

It left me questioning if I got spoiled from the start, and lost perspective that this is a very young team, that is still coming together as a whole. Far from a finished product. I sit here crushing them like they are a veteran squad, but they aren't.

That being said, I've come to terms with this loss, and am moving on. It was disappointing, but hopefully this young team learns from it.

I'm also comforted by the fact that I have very little doubt we will bounce back from this loss.

Go Colts!

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Exactly my thinking. I think the majority, not all, of fans listened to the praise and hype this week. Let's be honest, the colts were media darlings this week. Everywhere I looked, someone was crowning the Colts which felt great but was very odd. This is a team that relies on a 2nd year QB, a 2nd year RB, 2nd year TE, and a 2nd year WR. On defense, it's still a new group in progress. Let's take a step back and appreciate how far they have come. The future is bright, guys!

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I think it's sort of a wake-up call here. Both sides of the ball looked downright disgusting in this game and the defense just could not get SD off the field, and the receivers weren't catching anything today. It's uncharacteristic but they'll get over the hump. As a firm believer in this team myself, we have as good as a chance to beat Denver on Sunday as anyone else does, you just gotta believe. The game isn't over 'till the clock strikes 0:00.

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Actually..   this post is SPOT ON.


Indy is a very good team, but they are flawed.    AND as I tried to remind posters Phillip Rivers IS the best QB this team has seen So Far.      And I hated the D game plan.    GO AFTER A QB THAT CANNOT RUN.


Everyone worries about the "mobile" qb's ..    sure enough a "traditional" qb beats us.


Indy's D was "good enough" ..     but to allow a team to totally dominate you in TOP is the fast lane to losing.


The Colts are a good team but injuries have really hurt "what could have been" ..


And why is SS still starting at C?   This experiment has run it's course.



Preface this post by saying it is in no way meant to excuse this loss, or be doom and gloom.

This game is kind of how I thought we would be this year. Lots of up. Lots of down. But a growing year more so than a contending year.

Then after this 4-1 start, I think we are a juggernaut ready to roll into anyone and punch them in the mouth.

Today though we got punched, and I was frankly very annoyed. Like watching someone try to jam a square peg in a round hold for 60 minutes.

It left me questioning if I got spoiled from the start, and lost perspective that this is a very young team, that is still coming together as a whole. Far from a finished product. I sit here crushing them like they are a veteran squad, but they aren't.

That being said, I've come to terms with this loss, and am moving on. It was disappointing, but hopefully this young team learns from it.

I'm also comforted by the fact that I have very little doubt we will bounce back from this loss.

Go Colts!

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This was a sorry game. The Colts were out in left field tonite, they just couldn't keep going. I blame it on the Coaches and Coordinators. One fan mentioned about the defense, they barelly got to Rivers, that's because Manusky didn't use his smarts as an experience coordinator to put pressure on the QB. Pep Hammy, i don't know if he's the answer, too conservative. Need Bruce Arians back.  

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the colts offense gave easy win way , defence too many penalty,s this easy win offence mostly gave it too the chargers.


the colts offense gave easy win way , defence too many penalty,s this easy win offence mostly gave it too the chargers.

Im still trying to comprehend what your trying to say in this post. lol.

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Hope this is not an indication of how they're going to play in the future, b/c they won't make the playoffs. Guaranteed.

Pagano needs to put fire under these players/coaches rare end to get them out of their comfort zone.  He's right, they're are a lot of good teams, but we can be better. He just needs to take some risk and chances....

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offense suck not hard too see ,  defence had us in the game tell 3.30 in the 4th period .


offense suck not hard too see ,  defence had us in the game tell 3.30 in the 4th period .

Defense made plenty of mistakes. Maybe the offense wouldn't have looked so bad if they would have had more than 5 possessions the entire second half.

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What hurt us most on D was our in ability to stop the third downs and their running game. D line and line backers looked bad. A number of time we made contact with the RB after maybe 1 or 2 yds but then we don't wrap up and he ended up getting another 4-7 yds. Too many yards after contact. Secondary didn't do too bad really. Allen got the best of Toler a number of times which wasn't good but outside that Rivers didn't get a whole lot. Plus when he has all day like he did it don't matter how well you cover, eventually someone will be open.

Offense it was dropped passes plain and simple. Never allowed Luck to get any rhythem going and establish any drives. And a couple penalties killed us too. As most everyone else already has said and I agree that Satele and MGlynn need to go. They are really killing our interior blocking. Can't wait to have Thomas back next year and either grab another C in the off season or let Holmes take the reigns. I just hope this serves as a wake up call. This really could be good for us going into a huge game next week. Bring us back down to earth. Hopefully we will will come out and play sound, inspired and passionate football next week and maybe... just maybe get a win.

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Actually..   this post is SPOT ON.


Indy is a very good team, but they are flawed.    AND as I tried to remind posters Phillip Rivers IS the best QB this team has seen So Far.      And I hated the D game plan.    GO AFTER A QB THAT CANNOT RUN.


Everyone worries about the "mobile" qb's ..    sure enough a "traditional" qb beats us.


Indy's D was "good enough" ..     but to allow a team to totally dominate you in TOP is the fast lane to losing.


The Colts are a good team but injuries have really hurt "what could have been" ..


And why is SS still starting at C?   This experiment has run it's course.

I agree!! But were still in good shape for our division and we get in the playoffs anything could happen

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Preface this post by saying it is in no way meant to excuse this loss, or be doom and gloom.

This game is kind of how I thought we would be this year. Lots of up. Lots of down. But a growing year more so than a contending year.

Then after this 4-1 start, I think we are a juggernaut ready to roll into anyone and punch them in the mouth.

Today though we got punched, and I was frankly very annoyed. Like watching someone try to jam a square peg in a round hold for 60 minutes.

It left me questioning if I got spoiled from the start, and lost perspective that this is a very young team, that is still coming together as a whole. Far from a finished product. I sit here crushing them like they are a veteran squad, but they aren't.

That being said, I've come to terms with this loss, and am moving on. It was disappointing, but hopefully this young team learns from it.

I'm also comforted by the fact that I have very little doubt we will bounce back from this loss.

Go Colts!

I agree with your sentiments. The worst feeling I had from this game was knowing that all facets of the team shot themselves in the foot. I take nothing away from San Diego-- they made a lot of plays. Keenan Allen is a stud (part of me couldn't help but recognize the irony that the "wrong" #13 was stealing the show). However, if we had played the way we had against the 49ers or Seahawks, this game would not have been close. This team needed a gut-check, and they got it. We will move on.

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why always defense fault , never just offense  but in this game was the offense  just like in miami game.

What do you mean always defense's fault?! It definitely wasn't all their fault but dumb penalties gave the chargers at least two first downs. They couldn't stop the run. Toler got exploited. So don't tell me it was ALL the offenses fault.

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I agree with your sentiments. The worst feeling I had from this game was knowing that all facets of the team shot themselves in the foot. I take nothing away from San Diego-- they made a lot of plays. Keenan Allen is a stud (part of me couldn't help but recognize the irony that the "wrong" #13 was stealing the show). However, if we had played the way we had against the 49ers or Seahawks, this game would not have been close. This team needed a gut-check, and they got it. We will move on.

Completely agree. Personally, part of me expected the chargers to beat us all week. I felt it would be hard for the players coming off 3 straight wins and all the media hype we saw over the last week to not fall into a trap game. Which is exactly what happened. I think the entire team was thinking about Sundays match up and overlooked the Chargers. Coaches included. Part of me wonders if we held Landry out for precisely that reason. Keep him fresh for Denver. Oh well if anyone can correct the mistakes, its Pages. Plus I have a feeling Reggie and the WR corp will be focusing on the JuGS all week.

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Preface this post by saying it is in no way meant to excuse this loss, or be doom and gloom.

This game is kind of how I thought we would be this year. Lots of up. Lots of down. But a growing year more so than a contending year.

Then after this 4-1 start, I think we are a juggernaut ready to roll into anyone and punch them in the mouth.

Today though we got punched, and I was frankly very annoyed. Like watching someone try to jam a square peg in a round hold for 60 minutes.

It left me questioning if I got spoiled from the start, and lost perspective that this is a very young team, that is still coming together as a whole. Far from a finished product. I sit here crushing them like they are a veteran squad, but they aren't.

That being said, I've come to terms with this loss, and am moving on. It was disappointing, but hopefully this young team learns from it.

I'm also comforted by the fact that I have very little doubt we will bounce back from this loss.

Go Colts!

You might be on to something there House...Veteran expectations on a young team learning how to dig itself out of a hole. Your square peg/round whole analogy made me LOL! What fooled me is beating San Fran & the Seahawks. I thought "Darn man! Maybe we can win the division, get into the playoffs, & roll the dice." I should have thought of Jim Mora's Playoffs rant instead.


I also believe we can bounce back from this crushing loss except for 1 thing: going up against Peyton Manning & a superior offensive line is like showing up to a fight with a switchblade knife & your opponent has 50 caliber machine gun with an endless supply of bullets. You thought we were bloody & manhandled before...You ain't seen nothing yet. 

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I think what stings the most is that most of us figured we would be 4-2 going into the Denver game, only the 2 losses were supposed to be SF and SEA. But we beat the them and lost to teams we thought we'd beat. The SF/SEA wins are still huge, but now they kinda mean less because we lost to teams we should've beat. If we knew before the season we would beat SF & SEA we would all expect to be 6-0 before Denver. Thats why I'm disappointed. But hey, cant win them all. Still in a good spot to win the division since HOU is wetting the bed. Hopefully TENN isnt that much of a threat.

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Completely agree. Personally, part of me expected the chargers to beat us all week. I felt it would be hard for the players coming off 3 straight wins and all the media hype we saw over the last week to not fall into a trap game. Which is exactly what happened. I think the entire team was thinking about Sundays match up and overlooked the Chargers. Coaches included. Part of me wonders if we held Landry out for precisely that reason. Keep him fresh for Denver. Oh well if anyone can correct the mistakes, its Pages. Plus I have a feeling Reggie and the WR corp will be focusing on the JuGS all week.

Yup. Better to have this bitter taste in your mouth in October than January (God willing), and especially knowing the stakes of this week's matchup on Sunday Night.

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What do you mean always defense's fault?! It definitely wasn't all their fault but dumb penalties gave the chargers at least two first downs. They couldn't stop the run. Toler got exploited. So don't tell me it was ALL the offenses fault.

Colts post game show said 4 of the chargers 7 third down conversions were due to penalties.

As for who to blame, I think we chalk this one up as a total TEAM failure. No one played to their potential, except maybe Adam Vinitari

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Colts post game show said 4 of the chargers 7 third down conversions were due to penalties.

As for who to blame, I think we chalk this one up as a total TEAM failure. No one played to their potential, except maybe Adam Vinitari



Colts post game show said 4 of the chargers 7 third down conversions were due to penalties.

As for who to blame, I think we chalk this one up as a total TEAM failure. No one played to their potential, except maybe Adam Vinitari

That's what im trying to say. The one guy who posted said blame it all on the offense. NO total team loss defense played bad, recievers couldn't catch, etc. But its sure good to see Adam still has the leg! Even MacAfee played bad.

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Yes, INDY will be playing inside LOS, but Peyton Manning built that stadium, brought home a ring, & he isn't going to be distracted by a video montage of his career in the Hoosier State. This game means more to Manning's legacy & demonstrating to his old boss that #18's NFL career is far from done. Never fall flat on your face at your old stomping grounds. Also, Manning is past his prime & is nearing the end of his career as opposed to Luck whose franchise QB years are just beginning. 


Our bounce back game might be the Texans depending on who Gary Kubiak starts at QB [Yates threw a costly interception too last week.] & slowing down JJ Watt easier said than done I know. Brain Cushing is always a game wrecker too. Titans...I don't know QB Fitz is capable of a great game or a lousy game. You just never know.


Right now, I'd be happy if we could just demolish Bruce Arians & the Cardinals...

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I agree w this being a team loss. All 3 components looked flat at times w way too many mental miscues. Our normal halftime adjustments didn't seem to be there as in our previous games and a tired D (w plenty of heart) just couldn't keep the holes plugged. They did , after all, hold them to 4 FGs. Our inability to convert 3rd down killed us(imo) which is a fixable problem. I "BELIEVE" the Denver game will be great and close w nothing but upside for the future. I don't think we are spoiled just dedicated fans that see the potential in a very young and talented team for many years too come. It was after all 1 game where we got outplayed because we didn't bring our A game. Go Colts!!

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Preface this post by saying it is in no way meant to excuse this loss, or be doom and gloom.

This game is kind of how I thought we would be this year. Lots of up. Lots of down. But a growing year more so than a contending year.

Then after this 4-1 start, I think we are a juggernaut ready to roll into anyone and punch them in the mouth.

Today though we got punched, and I was frankly very annoyed. Like watching someone try to jam a square peg in a round hold for 60 minutes.

It left me questioning if I got spoiled from the start, and lost perspective that this is a very young team, that is still coming together as a whole. Far from a finished product. I sit here crushing them like they are a veteran squad, but they aren't.

That being said, I've come to terms with this loss, and am moving on. It was disappointing, but hopefully this young team learns from it.

I'm also comforted by the fact that I have very little doubt we will bounce back from this loss.

Go Colts!

Perfect...I agree 100%.


The team will bounce back, just a bad night in San Deigo.

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I think the team played poorly in all 3 phases of the game.


  • Offensively:  Line play was sub par...particularly Satele whiffs, McGlynn's usual at RG, a stupid Hugh Thornton penalty, the aforementioned 'killer drops' by Fleener and DHB....Reggie, TY....Richardson....(Where is Link when ya need him :))
  • Defensively:  Horrible on 3rd down...3rd and 15 and a run for a first down.  Granted Walden was playing hurt and Cam Johnson came in for him (did well) Sheppard played better than normal, but a huge drop-off in ILB play.  Toler was horrific, Butler was invisible as was Bethea, and other than the first Qtr Davis did not seem to want to be there.  Way too lackadaisical.  I blame the players  MNF???????????????
  • Special Teams:  AV was special last night!!!  Coverage was adequate.....Pat McAfee killed us with the 35 yard punt just when we needed it most.  We laud him when he is great.  We also need to see haw he hurt us.

Are these things fixable yes.  When does it start?  Immediately.  Film study will not me fun this week....Oh by the way, why did we have Ricardo Mathews on the field so much last night?  I know we did not hear Cory Redding much....we must really have thought we were going to bury these guys.  Not SD at home!   :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:

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