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The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem


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To that end,


I have a problem. For over a decade I lamented not having a defense. All things being equal I enjoy watching a dominant defense over watching a flashy offense. Still, I bought into the regime and the mantra of the Polian era. I bought in, hook line and sinker, build through the draft, develop your own; re-sign your own. No trades, no free agent signings not much of anything, believe in your process, your evaluations and stay the course.


Reading all the latest Richardson talk.......now analyst Bill Polian's comparison and ensuing debate, I realize that I feel uncomfortable about this team because they are doing it differently. Now I know there is more than one right way to do just about anything, and I am NOT a Polian supporter, there are more than a couple reasons I did not like or agree with how he handled his business, however, I always felt some of the principles were sound.


I am struggling to embrace how Grigson builds a team. It may work, there is not enough body of work yet to say with definity, however, we seem to give up on some things way quicker than I am used to seeing, I feel uncomfortable. A.Q. Shipley for example, or No T.Y. in the game plan, media and fan up roar and magically the next game he is the featured target.......it was either a huge coincidence, or a knee jerk even how we thought Ahmad Bradshaw was our savior and now acting like he will be a good back up, overnight......it seems the loyalty and conviction of management is lacking.


Look, my name is crunked and I have a problem. A problem going beyond the players in any given transaction, more to the process and the mindset. It could all work out, and I am neither for or against it yet, I will do like everyone else and let it all play out......it just seems a bit "knee-jerky" to me..........

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To that end,


I have a problem. For over a decade I lamented not having a defense. All things being equal I enjoy watching a dominant defense over watching a flashy offense. Still, I bought into the regime and the mantra of the Polian era. I bought in, hook line and sinker, build through the draft, develop your own; re-sign your own. No trades, no free agent signings not much of anything, believe in your process, your evaluations and stay the course.


Reading all the latest Richardson talk.......now analyst Bill Polian's comparison and ensuing debate, I realize that I feel uncomfortable about this team because they are doing it differently. Now I know there is more than one right way to do just about anything, and I am NOT a Polian supporter, there are more than a couple reasons I did not like or agree with how he handled his business, however, I always felt some of the principles were sound.


I am struggling to embrace how Grigson builds a team. It may work, there is not enough body of work yet to say with definity, however, we seem to give up on some things way quicker than I am used to seeing, I feel uncomfortable. A.Q. Shipley for example, or No T.Y. in the game plan, media and fan up roar and magically the next game he is the featured target.......it was either a huge coincidence, or a knee jerk even how we thought Ahmad Bradshaw was our savior and now acting like he will be a good back up, overnight......it seems the loyalty and conviction of management is lacking.


Look, my name is crunked and I have a problem. A problem going beyond the players in any given transaction, more to the process and the mindset. It could all work out, and I am neither for or against it yet, I will do like everyone else and let it all play out......it just seems a bit "knee-jerky" to me..........

You could be over engineering this, but I see what you are saying. Perhaps Grigson is just laying the foundations before reverting to Polian type.

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I think that after so many years of it being done a particular way we have all just grown so accustomed to "this is how it's done".  Change can be a hard pill to swallow some times.


That being said, Grigson has worked almost non-stop, turning over every rock trying to find talent that can help this team.  For many years some people would complain that the Colts never really spent money in FA and rarely made trades, etc....and now that we are doing just those things, the shock factor of it all has taken some people aback.  Will these moves by Grigson pan out?  Only time will tell.  As a fan, I can only hope that they do.  I still scratch my head over the Shipley deal, but hey what do I know, lol.  


I wish you best of luck in your recovery!

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I don't have a problem with "doing it differently" because "not having a defense" and not having some semblance of a running game produced only 1 Super Bowl ring during the Manning era.  Getting Trent Richardson may get us a balanced offense that was severely lacking for years.  Hopefully, you don't think getting Richardson was knee jerky.  I call it Christmas.  Now we need to work on the offense line and the defense.


I'm not ready to give up on Grigson yet.  GO COLTS

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You could be over engineering this, but I see what you are saying. Perhaps Grigson is just laying the foundations before reverting to Polian type.

Braveheart you could be spot on, it just is un-nerving in some respects....I have been thinking this for a while, and well, didn't know if I was alone in this discomfort......I do over analyze things sometimes, maybe that is the case here. I would rather be wrong due to over analysis than be right and know we have a problem.

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There are many different levels to a ream (GM, HC, Coordinators) and they sll have to be on the same page in order to make a team successful.

The Polian regime was a powerplay in my opinion) whereas Polian decided who got plugged in where, And also had a great deal of input as to who plyed when. That "appeared" more evident when Caldwell was coaching, however. My opinion on what I have seen in the short time that we have had Grigs as GM appears to be more of a team based effort.

Game planning is up to Pep, not Grigs, though. I'm not going to blame Grigs for lack of seeing TY. Maybe I'll give partial blame to Chuck, but not Grigs.

Realize that in order to run a particular scheme you have to have the right players that fit that scheme. While it may seem like a knee-jerk reaction to get T-Rich, if he fits the scheme better than our existing backs then why not go after him? Also, with regard to loyalty, Bradshaw is a stop-gap. Not much loyalty stored up there. The Colts will honor the contract and Bradshaw will definitely get his share of touches even with T-Rich on board.

Overall I think the team and what we're used to seeing and dealing with (how many players face disciplinary action this year??) has changed quite a bit, but it's still early to tell if loyalty is lacking here. Just my .02

One thing is certai, though: it ain't boring with Grigs at the helm. Guy does love to deal in order to make us better!!

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Sorry, my posts are never long enough to fully expound on everything, I to my own detriment tend to lump things together to try and make an overall view point. I didn't intend to say it was all concern over just Grigson in regard to the knee jerk. I meant from coordinators to Grigson......there are a bunch of examples, I simply listed the few that came to mind quickly........and your right he makes it interesting, and like I said it may all work out......I guess I am neither poo poo-ing or embracing the change just yet.....I am just saying I am uncomfortable LOL

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Sorry, my posts are never long enough to fully expound on everything, I to my own detriment tend to lump things together to try and make an overall view point. I didn't intend to say it was all concern over just Grigson in regard to the knee jerk. I meant from coordinators to Grigson......there are a bunch of examples, I simply listed the few that came to mind quickly........and your right he makes it interesting, and like I said it may all work out......I guess I am neither poo poo-ing or embracing the change just yet.....I am just saying I am uncomfortable LOL

I get you. I don't necessarily agree all the way but I certainly see your side.

If you read Colts Authority or listen to their podcasts you'd find kindred souls. I'm just not sure yet. Success last year with less than elite players. Not enough of a sample size to really make a judgement this year. Hang in there C!

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I think alot of the past was because rookies demanded so much cash to sign. And the huge contracts passed out like candy at Halloween. We better have a good foundation built before some of these contracts hit the table again. Or our shopping sprees will be few and far between. But I get what you are trying to say Crunked, sure has been a wakeup call watching Grigs  roll those dice. He and Polian do seem to be polar opposites in how they build a team. At least at this point in the rebuilding process.


I think Braveheart has a point there.

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Braveheart you could be spot on, it just is un-nerving in some respects....I have been thinking this for a while, and well, didn't know if I was alone in this discomfort......I do over analyze things sometimes, maybe that is the case here. I would rather be wrong due to over analysis than be right and know we have a problem.

oh, heck, if that's all your're saying then i'm with ya', man!!


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To that end,


I have a problem. For over a decade I lamented not having a defense. All things being equal I enjoy watching a dominant defense over watching a flashy offense. Still, I bought into the regime and the mantra of the Polian era. I bought in, hook line and sinker, build through the draft, develop your own; re-sign your own. No trades, no free agent signings not much of anything, believe in your process, your evaluations and stay the course.


Reading all the latest Richardson talk.......now analyst Bill Polian's comparison and ensuing debate, I realize that I feel uncomfortable about this team because they are doing it differently. Now I know there is more than one right way to do just about anything, and I am NOT a Polian supporter, there are more than a couple reasons I did not like or agree with how he handled his business, however, I always felt some of the principles were sound.


I am struggling to embrace how Grigson builds a team. It may work, there is not enough body of work yet to say with definity, however, we seem to give up on some things way quicker than I am used to seeing, I feel uncomfortable. A.Q. Shipley for example, or No T.Y. in the game plan, media and fan up roar and magically the next game he is the featured target.......it was either a huge coincidence, or a knee jerk even how we thought Ahmad Bradshaw was our savior and now acting like he will be a good back up, overnight......it seems the loyalty and conviction of management is lacking.


Look, my name is crunked and I have a problem. A problem going beyond the players in any given transaction, more to the process and the mindset. It could all work out, and I am neither for or against it yet, I will do like everyone else and let it all play out......it just seems a bit "knee-jerky" to me..........


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To that end,


I have a problem. For over a decade I lamented not having a defense. All things being equal I enjoy watching a dominant defense over watching a flashy offense. Still, I bought into the regime and the mantra of the Polian era. I bought in, hook line and sinker, build through the draft, develop your own; re-sign your own. No trades, no free agent signings not much of anything, believe in your process, your evaluations and stay the course.


Reading all the latest Richardson talk.......now analyst Bill Polian's comparison and ensuing debate, I realize that I feel uncomfortable about this team because they are doing it differently. Now I know there is more than one right way to do just about anything, and I am NOT a Polian supporter, there are more than a couple reasons I did not like or agree with how he handled his business, however, I always felt some of the principles were sound.


I am struggling to embrace how Grigson builds a team. It may work, there is not enough body of work yet to say with definity, however, we seem to give up on some things way quicker than I am used to seeing, I feel uncomfortable. A.Q. Shipley for example, or No T.Y. in the game plan, media and fan up roar and magically the next game he is the featured target.......it was either a huge coincidence, or a knee jerk even how we thought Ahmad Bradshaw was our savior and now acting like he will be a good back up, overnight......it seems the loyalty and conviction of management is lacking.


Look, my name is crunked and I have a problem. A problem going beyond the players in any given transaction, more to the process and the mindset. It could all work out, and I am neither for or against it yet, I will do like everyone else and let it all play out......it just seems a bit "knee-jerky" to me..........

We sometimes feel uncomfortable because we don't know what happens inside the offices. Shipley is 2nd string in Baltimore and we seem to be committed to Satele and McGlynn. Bradshaw was brought in with the understanding that Ballard would start and the 2 of them would be a tag team. Bradshaw can still have the same tag team with Richardson and hopefully it keeps both healthy.


Several years ago I was coaching a youth team (ages 11 & 12). All week I worked on a special play for one of my arch rival teams. I even named the play for my flanker who I designed the play for. Several parents came to the practices and were excited about the play. During the game we were moving the ball with 5 minutes left in the game. The time came for my special play. My flanker told me he forgot the play and we lost by 2 points. The parents in the stands sitting next to my brother asked him why I never ran the special play. I could not tell parents my player froze up and refused to run a play he looked so good running in practice. Maybe if we sat in the office and were privileged to all the conversations we would feel more comfortable in how the decisions play out.

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I think most are way over analyzing ever move that Griggs makes. He is a non stop worker who will take any measure to improve the team. Not every move will be 100% by no means. Fans say they want a GM to be active after what we were used to the way Polian ran things. Now that we have a GM who is active there are way too many whiners. What I have observed is no matter what Griggs, Pagano or Hamilton does there will be the ones who are never happy. Because we went 11-5 last season way too many felt this team was ready to go deep into the playoffs. Not so. We had just about as many turnover in players this season as we did last. The so called building the Beast is OK but the Beast is far from being built. Going 11-5 gives most a false sense of greatness. The Colts caught lighting in a bottle last season but the lid is off the bottle now. 

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We sometimes feel uncomfortable because we don't know what happens inside the offices. Shipley is 2nd string in Baltimore and we seem to be committed to Satele and McGlynn. Bradshaw was brought in with the understanding that Ballard would start and the 2 of them would be a tag team. Bradshaw can still have the same tag team with Richardson and hopefully it keeps both healthy.


Several years ago I was coaching a youth team (ages 11 & 12). All week I worked on a special play for one of my arch rival teams. I even named the play for my flanker who I designed the play for. Several parents came to the practices and were excited about the play. During the game we were moving the ball with 5 minutes left in the game. The time came for my special play. My flanker told me he forgot the play and we lost by 2 points. The parents in the stands sitting next to my brother asked him why I never ran the special play. I could not tell parents my player froze up and refused to run a play he looked so good running in practice. Maybe if we sat in the office and were privileged to all the conversations we would feel more comfortable in how the decisions play out.

i hope you kicked that loser off the team

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