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Two knee surgeries in 14 months


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Thoughts - Really not that big of a deal. If anything he might have learned when to come back, because you can argue he should've waited until week 2 or 3 last year to play. It only sounds risky if you just read he had two surgeries and you don't know what those surgeries were. Surgery shouldn't always be viewed in a negative light. Sure nobody wants to have it, but depending on what it is, it really isn't all that bad.

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You can't compare neck surgery to cleaning out a knee....Like I said having X amount of surgeries of Y type in Z Time it means more for one situation than it does for another. 

was it just some suction cleaning? or was it ACL or MCL type stuff. Sometimes I'd rather find out on this board than googlling the stuff.  :GoodBad:

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Trent Richardson, Per Terry Pluto (Cleveland Plain Dealer), thoughts?  Sounds a bit risky all the sudden?  I thought it was just the broken ribs, but I guess I haven't been reading articles deep enough.  Just saw that on ESPN.


ESPN also said he will keep #33. Is that true or does he wear #34, that I saw on the Colts website. I know #33 is already taken

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You guys are just determined to find a flaw in EVERYTHING Mr. Grigson does aren't you?


Next you guys will make a thread saying you don't like the suit & tie combinations he puts together


I think it's so great that we have a GM that's willing to make these types of trades.


He's passionate, he's always working to improve the team and the franchise and he doesn't shy away from risky and imposing situations.


Four more years!!!

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I think it's so great that we have a GM that's willing to make these types of trades.

He's passionate, he's always working to improve the team and the franchise and he doesn't shy away from risky and imposing situations.

Four more years!!!

Did I miss something? 4 more years till what? Lol

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