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Patriots bring in Austin Collie for a workout.


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Not surprised.


This is one ex-Colt that I would actually be OK with, if he plays for the Patriots just because he at least gets to play somewhere :). High football IQ, should grasp nuances of an offense faster than a Brandon Lloyd or Ocho Cinco, IMO.


The key is where his knee is because his being on a team right now depends on his knees first, and then his head down the road.

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Yikes, really? Collie had a nice run, but I've got to wonder about his future health if he keeps playing the game.


in case u didnt see it, week or 2 ago he sent tapes of himself working out to peyton and told him he will soon be abkle to work out for teams


it was a kneee injury that stopped him last year, not a concussion, so he is over a year from getting concussions instead of getting thrown back in a game in a few weeks


still, its dangerous for him if he keeps getting them , i wish him well, but dont want him permanently hurt and mind  brain, other issues sooner rather than later

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in case u didnt see it, week or 2 ago he sent tapes of himself working out to peyton and told him he will soon be abkle to work out for teams


it was a kneee injury that stopped him last year, not a concussion, so he is over a year from getting concussions instead of getting thrown back in a game in a few weeks


still, its dangerous for him if he keeps getting them , i wish him well, but dont want him permanently hurt and mind  brain, other issues sooner rather than later



That is good news, I hope that Collie really has recovered and is on his way to good health. That last concussion he got... nasty stuff. I hated seeing that hit.




Although he was only in NE a short time, I keep thinking about Junior Seau... I hope these guys get the help they may need later in life. No game - no sport - is worth either dying for, or permanently injuring yourself for.


I also think of Marc Savard, a Bruins player who has been out since 2010 due to a concussion.


And my mountaineering friends, who - like me - know that no summit is worth your life.


Take care of yourself first and foremost. Otherwise there is no point.

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That is good news, I hope that Collie really has recovered and is on his way to good health. That last concussion he got... nasty stuff. I hated seeing that hit.




Although he was only in NE a short time, I keep thinking about Junior Seau... I hope these guys get the help they may need later in life. No game - no sport - is worth either dying for, or permanently injuring yourself for.


I also think of Marc Savard, a Bruins player who has been out since 2010 due to a concussion.


And my mountaineering friends, who - like me - know that no summit is worth your life.


Take care of yourself first and foremost. Otherwise there is no point.


true,  for your families sake too, i go down Mom is stuck 

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By The way , let me know after u conquer Everest & K2


With the way my body's breaking down I'm not heading that way though, hah!


You know in all honesty, and at the risk of sounding kind of pretentious, I would jump at the chance to go to K2 but am not sure I would even bother with Everest. It's the highest point on the planet, yes, but it's not a technically challenging peak... more of just an endurance climb, a grind. I sort of always hung my hat on the smaller-but-technically-fierce peaks and routes. Plus the main route (South Col) includes the Khumbu Icefall, which presents immense objective danger (meaning, danger you cannot control or avoid, versus subjective danger, which you can).


But I will keep you posted my friend! ;)

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With the way my body's breaking down I'm not heading that way though, hah!


You know in all honesty, and at the risk of sounding kind of pretentious, I would jump at the chance to go to K2 but am not sure I would even bother with Everest. It's the highest point on the planet, yes, but it's not a technically challenging peak... more of just an endurance climb, a grind. I sort of always hung my hat on the smaller-but-technically-fierce peaks and routes. Plus the main route (South Col) includes the Khumbu Icefall, which presents immense objective danger (meaning, danger you cannot control or avoid, versus subjective danger, which you can).


But I will keep you posted my friend! ;)


PS thanks for like # 1000



The Real Reason u wont go to EVEREST



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Yep. ITA, part of me would love to see Collie in a Niner uniform, a larger part would rather not. Still. If he can get someone to sign him... It's his choice.


With Crabtree out until at least late midseason, Manningham still rehabbing the knee and due back at the start of TC, Collie is a low risk option. At least on the Niners end.


BUT if I was him I'd rather go to a team with a more experienced QB. Young QBs can be pretty bad about leading their guys into big time collisions and the combination of Kaep and Collie concerns me.  That elongated motion, tendency to stare down receivers and throw a split second late... He usually makes up for it will pure velocity and I'm optimistic that he will smooth those things out over time. But yeah.

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