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Contracts you can't wait to get out from under

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What player contracts will you be glad when they are up so the player can be replaced and they arn't weighing down our cap?


For me 


1. Robert Mathis - 10.75 mil against the cap this year.  Contract goes to 2015, has 11.25 million of guaranteed money left on it.  He's just not fitting in well as a 3-4 OLB and I don't think he's worth the money to us anymore.  We have keep him at least this year and probably next because cutting him (next year) would only save about 1 mil against the cap.  




2. Sampson Satele - Decent center but I think a lot of people are high on Shipley as the starter.  Satele is getting paid starter's money though.  3.8 mil against the cap this year.  Has about 2 million in guaranteed money left.  Certainly worth considering cutting him next year since he will be 5 million against the cap and only a million in dead money.  Next year we could have younger for cheaper.  




3. Jerry Hughes - Unless he shows up and plays better soon, there is no point in keeping him.  He's only 1.9 million against the cap this year, but 2.1 million left in guaranteed money.  So he's not worth cutting this year.  Might be cut next year when he'll have only 1 million in guaranteed money left and count for 2.1 million against the cap.  But they might keep him for a backup since he's not that expensive.




4. Ton Zibikowski - He's 1.9 million against the cap this year but the good news is he's only .6 million in guaranteed money left.  Might as well hold him this year as a backup, even possibly next year since he isn't that expensive.  (2.4 million against the cap next year)  I would think we could get a cheaper backup eventually though.




5. Adam Vinatieri - 3.4 million against the cap, has 1.2 million of guaranteed money left.  I think he's worth holding onto this year unless he's terrible or we find a kicker in camp who is just heads and tails better.  A kicker can have a long career in the NFL and he certainly has, but it's time to get younger here if we can find a guy with some talent.  




6. Donald Brown - 2.7 million against the cap and 1 million in guarenteed money left.   We could get rid of him now but in the absence of a new RB on the team, there is no point.  However we certainly should replace him with an upgrade next year.  




Who out there do you think isn't pulling their cap space and will be nice to clear off the roster?

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Eric Walden-I'd be shocked if he actually lived up to what he is being paid, embarrasingly overpaid for what he has done in the league so far, ya dont pay for what a player might do.....what if they dont do what you think they might do? Pure sillyness 


Greg Toler-5 mill a year for what he has shown in the league so far? seriously Grigs?


Ricky Jean Francois-22 million over 4 years? what if he cant even beat out Moala(Im not sure he can, its certainly not a given)? ya gonna put a guy out there who dont deserve it just because he is getting paid.......Oh, Satele nevermind

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Eric Walden-I'd be shocked if he actually lived up to what he is being paid, embarrasingly overpaid for what he has done in the league so far, ya dont pay for what a player might do.....what if they dont do what you think they might do? Pure sillyness

Greg Toler-5 mill a year for what he has shown in the league so far? seriously Grigs?

Ricky Jean Francois-22 million over 4 years? what if he cant even beat out Moala(Im not sure he can, its certainly not a given)? ya gonna put a guy out there who dont deserve it just because he is getting paid.......Oh, Satele nevermind


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I hope you still feel that way come next year, I actually really would love to eat crow on this, I am rooting for Francois to earn every cent of that 22 million however it is structured but 22 mill is far overpriced for what he has done so far in the league in my opinion

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Eric Walden-I'd be shocked if he actually lived up to what he is being paid, embarrasingly overpaid for what he has done in the league so far, ya dont pay for what a player might do.....what if they dont do what you think they might do? Pure sillyness 


Greg Toler-5 mill a year for what he has shown in the league so far? seriously Grigs?


Ricky Jean Francois-22 million over 4 years? what if he cant even beat out Moala(Im not sure he can, its certainly not a given)? ya gonna put a guy out there who dont deserve it just because he is getting paid.......Oh, Satele nevermind

So negative just relax, trust the executive of the year do his magic. I know i believe grigson did the right thing have a little faith man.

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I hope you still feel that way come next year, I actually really would love to eat crow on this, I am rooting for Francois to earn every cent of that 22 million however it is structured but 22 mill is far overpriced for what he has done so far in the league in my opinion

how do you have any clue how a player should be paid?

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I hope you still feel that way come next year, I actually really would love to eat crow on this, I am rooting for Francois to earn every cent of that 22 million however it is structured but 22 mill is far overpriced for what he has done so far in the league in my opinion




Why did he have 10 teams wanting him to sign with them then. He was rated as the best 3-4 DE in this yrs. free agency class because he was the one that could play every position on the line. His cap hit is minimal and nothing outrageous. Why can't you just reserve judgement till you see these guys produce. Instead you feel the need to bash the moves in just about every post you make.

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Eric Walden-I'd be shocked if he actually lived up to what he is being paid, embarrasingly overpaid for what he has done in the league so far, ya dont pay for what a player might do.....what if they dont do what you think they might do? Pure sillyness 


Greg Toler-5 mill a year for what he has shown in the league so far? seriously Grigs?


Ricky Jean Francois-22 million over 4 years? what if he cant even beat out Moala(Im not sure he can, its certainly not a given)? ya gonna put a guy out there who dont deserve it just because he is getting paid.......Oh, Satele nevermind


I don't suppose you noticed, Gavin,  but the OP was inferring what players who were on the team last year.


Not NEW players who just got on the team this week.


Oh.    You did notice.   You're just just making the point of how much you hate the players and the contracts they got and on and on and on.....

Edited by Nadine
personal shot
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Why did he have 10 teams wanting him to sign with them then. He was rated as the best 3-4 DE in this yrs. free agency class because he was the one that could play every position on the line. His cap hit is minimal and nothing outrageous. Why can't you just reserve judgement till you see these guys produce. Instead you feel the need to bash the moves in just about every post you make.


It's almost like he missed the part where Grigson assembled a team out from the ashes of a blown up 2 - 14 team and that team went 11 - 5 and made the playoffs.  


He must have confused us with the Jags or something.


If your GM had a history of sucking then I could totally defend his comments.  But our GM's history although short has only been that of a darn good job.  


Name me one other GM who could have made last year's team 11 - 5??  


He's earned the right for us to reserve judgement until the team starts playing.  

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 16, 2013 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, March 16, 2013 - personal argument

I don't suppose you noticed, Gavin,  but the OP was inferring what players who were on the team last year.


Not NEW players who just got on the team this week.


Oh.    You did notice.   You're just just making the point of how much you hate the players and the contracts they got and on and on and on.....


I suppose we can now expect a similar type post from you day after day after day for the rest of the off-season??

So Im supposed be all happy and ecstatic over every single player we sign up and down the roster?

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 15, 2013 - off topic
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 15, 2013 - off topic

So Im supposed be all happy and ecstatic over every single player we sign up and down the roster?

no, being jaded and butt hurt in every thread on the forum is probably the way to go.. carry on..

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So Im supposed be all happy and ecstatic over every single player we sign up and down the roster?



You haven't had a good word to say about any of them and then you try to make it sound as if your evaluating skills are more credible than the professionals.

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So Im supposed be all happy and ecstatic over every single player we sign up and down the roster?




Take a look at the thread.   I'm not the only poster who has commented on how silly you look with that post.   I'm not alone.


You look like you're throwing a temper tantrum because you don't like the presents that you got..........

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 15, 2013 - off topic
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 15, 2013 - off topic

no, being jaded and butt hurt in every thread on the forum is probably the way to go.. carry on..

Name calling now? are you really going to try to bait me into taking this thread in a different direction by calling me jaded? All because I am not ecstatic with 2 of our signings? 

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At least mention players that we've already seen in the shoe and that either have not panned out for us or are just not useful to us in the long term.  


Satele, Mathis, and Vinitari are good examples of this.  Satele we could get younger for cheaper, so after this year I think they should entertain cutting him.  


Mathis just doesn't fit with the 3-4 but we're stuck with his huge cap hit for 2 years.


Viniatari I think is showing his age and we could really use to go younger here.

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At least mention players that we've already seen in the shoe and that either have not panned out for us or are just not useful to us in the long term.  


Satele, Mathis, and Vinitari are good examples of this.  Satele we could get younger for cheaper, so after this year I think they should entertain cutting him.  


Mathis just doesn't fit with the 3-4 but we're stuck with his huge cap hit for 2 years.


Viniatari I think is showing his age and we could really use to go younger here.

I agree with all of these except Mathis. I think we may be pleasantly surprised with his production now that he will get an opportunity to play the "rush" backer position. He had to play the cover/ edge setter role, given that Freeney was a liability at everything other than rushing. 

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I agree with all of these except Mathis. I think we may be pleasantly surprised with his production now that he will get an opportunity to play the "rush" backer position. He had to play the cover/ edge setter role, given that Freeney was a liability at everything other than rushing. 


Hey I hope he does better.  I just have my doubts, he's going to be the only pass rusher on the field and he's getting up there.  


But if he gets double digit sacks I will say he was worth the 10.75 million.  

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 15, 2013 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 15, 2013 - response to hidden post

Name calling now? are you really going to try to bait me into taking this thread in a different direction by calling me jaded? All because I am not ecstatic with 2 of our signings?

where did i call YOU jaded?

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Eric Walden-I'd be shocked if he actually lived up to what he is being paid, embarrasingly overpaid for what he has done in the league so far, ya dont pay for what a player might do.....what if they dont do what you think they might do? Pure sillyness 


Greg Toler-5 mill a year for what he has shown in the league so far? seriously Grigs?


Ricky Jean Francois-22 million over 4 years? what if he cant even beat out Moala(Im not sure he can, its certainly not a given)? ya gonna put a guy out there who dont deserve it just because he is getting paid.......Oh, Satele nevermind




Every free agent that has ever been signed in the history of the league has been paid by what they might/will do.  For every high priced FA that lived up to expectations and earned their money with their new team there is also a high priced FA that fizzled out and didn't do squat and wasted their new team's money.  And as far as I've read so far, with the exception of Cherilus, all of the new contracts were structured in an incentive laden, team-friendly manner that allows the player to make the money if they truly earn it but also allow the team out of the contract with minimal penalties if the player doesn't live up to expectations.  I could be wrong on the contracts but everything I've read so far points to that direction.

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Hey I hope he does better.  I just have my doubts, he's going to be the only pass rusher on the field and he's getting up there.  


But if he gets double digit sacks I will say he was worth the 10.75 million.  


I really don't expect that to be true.  This past year, the Colts mixed up their fronts depending on the situation.  In passing situations, more often than not they went with a 4 man front with some combination of Freeney, Mathis or Hughes at DE and Redding, Nevis, Moala and Matthews at DT.  I expect more of the same this year, only it'll primarily be Mathis and Hughes on the outside instead of Mathis and Freeney.  I expect to see Hughes and Mathis on the field together quite a bit this season unless we draft another rush backer who outperforms Hughes in TC or Preseason.

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Hey I hope he does better.  I just have my doubts, he's going to be the only pass rusher on the field and he's getting up there.  


But if he gets double digit sacks I will say he was worth the 10.75 million.  

I concur. I'm just saying I don't have an issue with the contract because I am still elated to have him on my team. 

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, March 15, 2013 - inflammatory
Hidden by Superman, March 15, 2013 - inflammatory

you going to pay a player 22 mill over 4 years? for 49 tackles in 51 career games and 3 sacks?

Judging a player's contract based on previous stats is ridiculous. By that logic we should sign Jerry Rice (who doesn't have a team at the moment!!!!) and pay him close to 40m a year. 


Oh wait! That's really really really inane and naïve. 

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I wouldn't bet the farm that our starting LB's will be Mathis and Hughes.


Irsay has already tweeted he expects to see Mathis and Walden.


Now,  I realize Irsay doesn't call that shot.   I'm only suggesting that if Irsay made that public tweet,  then he's getting that view from Grigson.   


So, I'm expecting Mathis & Walden as 1st string,  and Hughes and Sidbury as 2nd string.


That's my view as of mid-March.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, March 15, 2013 - response to hidden post
Hidden by Superman, March 15, 2013 - response to hidden post

Judging a player's contract based on previous stats is ridiculous. By that logic we should sign Jerry Rice (who doesn't have a team at the moment!!!!) and pay him close to 40m a year. 


Oh wait! That's really really really inane and naïve. 

Not the best example in my opinion, Wes Welker would have been a real good one, Was not very good in Miami and only saw the field 1 time in San Diego, but came to NE and thanks to Brady looked very dang good, then again how often does that REALLY happen? It happens no doubt about it not on a regular basis

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I wouldn't bet the farm that our starting LB's will be Mathis and Hughes.


Irsay has already tweeted he expects to see Mathis and Walden.


Now,  I realize Irsay doesn't call that shot.   I'm only suggesting that if Irsay made that public tweet,  then he's getting that view from Grigson.   


So, I'm expecting Mathis & Walden as 1st string,  and Hughes and Sidbury as 2nd string.


That's my view as of mid-March.


I'm confused, who said Hughes and Mathis would be the starting OLB's?

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