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Colts trying to re-sign Powers....


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Powers lacks in the physical tools by a little.
I would say about him that he is Certainly Avg. or Above instinctively.
A sound tackler. Very competitive.

 And he has averaged 10.2 games played over his 4 years.
Powers>>> Vaughn

At the Slot,  i can`t see him holding up hitting guys coming over the middle. At ALL!.

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I like powers, I'm over it though with his health issues... he's def. good to have around but I don't expect big things anymore..  hope he becomes our nickel guy...


and saying he is not physical is definitely not a good analysis, in my opinion.  he bangs! I never saw him being punked off the ball in press, but he def wasn't getting any great jams either... he's like 5'10 180...I respect him going in there layin the wood....if we wanna say we are looking for a more "physical" corner like Browner/Sherman I'm all for that... that'd be awesome. but I personally felt all of our corners were/are pretty physical (butler being the odd man out, he was one of the better db's in coverage but he would almost always allow YAC...& I still like how he would at least not shy away from contact, but his tackling wasn't even mediocre, it was terrible)... & not saying that makes them great, being physical, but I don't think we lack that... 

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Good news... Powers is too young to be considered an injury liability in my eyes... He's 25 and his latest injury was a turf toe that will be healed by the time camp starts (i'd assume).  It'd be nice if he could add some weight, but I don't know how feasible that is with his 5'10'' frame...


Its true that he had a tough time in the early going and then got hurt again, but he is not even close to the level of ineptitude of a Cassius Vaughn...


Looking at the numbers, Darius Butler was our best corner last season and it wasn't really close.. I hope we re-sign him as well (at a bargain) and possibly bring a rookie in to compete and fill in for injuries...


FA corners are expensive and there aren't any available that are head and shoulders above what Butler brings us, IMO... Butler is a better football player than Cary Williams and posted the 2nd best opponent passer rating in the NFL last season... The secondary was awful last year, but how many games did Vaughn start and how often was he thrown at (constantly)..


If we re-sign Powers and Butler, I'd be content to put CB behind OG, OT, SS, OLB, and WR on our list of needs.. We need starters at all of those positions (except maybe WR) and these signings would mean that we only need depth at CB...

We could still go BPA at #24 and if that happens to be a corner then we will have some competition for the #2 spot and nickel... Powers might end up being the dime if we can snag Rhodes and we would instantly (IMO) have one of the better secondaries in the AFC...


I can't wait to see what we get in FA and the draft... the suspense is killing me..

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I didn't read anything to suggest he is looked at as our #2 Corner. I saw alot of Pagano talking him up and saying he is a good football player. He mentions Powers being a student of the game. He dont mention anything about Powers ability as a Corner, nothing along the lines of he is good in Man or Zone or good at Press....Just alot of talking him up which means nothing......If Xavier Rhodes is available or if we go for a fairly big name Corner expect Powers to be out of a job

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Yeah, you can easily come to that conclusion. What I would like to know, but it wasn't really addressed in the article, is if Pagano was asked directly about Powers specifically or did Pagano bring up his name on his own.


If Pagano was asked specifically about Powers, I could see Pagano saying the right things to the media and just being complimentary about Powers. After all, I don't think he would come out and tell the media that the team didn't think Powers was anything more than a nickle corner.


The answer Pagano gives depends on the context of the question he was asked, and unfortunately we just don't know.

The important thing to remember when seeing anything on Colts.com it is a team generated site to promote the team, and in the pre-free agent pre-draft climate especially. Vaguity and mis information is at its peak. I agree Pagano is being complimentary. That is the coach speak of it all. He did give the "sense" that they think quite a bit more of him than just a "Jerraud has been a great player for us" type sound byte. Ultimately we just don't know what their free agent/draft plan is, so without context, and without knowledge we dont know if its a smoke screen or genuine........but we will eventually find out the full picture part one in a few short days, and part 2 in April :)

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