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Eagles to release DT Cullen Jenkins


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If we haven't signed Chris Canty who is younger, taller, and just a better fit at 3-4 DE, then I don't see us going after Jenkins either. Both would command about the same amount of money IMO. And I don't care about the Philly connection with Grigson crap either. 

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If we haven't signed Chris Canty who is younger, taller, and just a better fit at 3-4 DE, then I don't see us going after Jenkins either. Both would command about the same amount of money IMO. And I don't care about the Philly connection with Grigson crap either


Well...just because you don't care doesn't make it is less evident. The brief history of his moves at GM include a lot of in-house connections between him and his current coaching staff. 


I'm not saying your comment about Canty was wrong...I don't really care as long as we address the line. But you can't deny that having previously known a player on a team/ in a locker room doesn't hurt his chances ending up somewhere with a coaching or GM connection. Actually...looking back at our past season transactions it would be impossible to refute that. 

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Well...just because you don't care doesn't make it is less evident. The brief history of his moves at GM include a lot of in-house connections between him and his current coaching staff. 


I'm not saying your comment about Canty was wrong...I don't really care as long as we address the line. But you can't deny that having previously known a player on a team/ in a locker room doesn't hurt his chances ending up somewhere with a coaching or GM connection. Actually...looking back at our past season transactions it would be impossible to refute that. 



Well, he was only there for 1 yr. with Grigson and I don't think Jenkins had the best of relationships there with the coaching staff. Jenkins didn't exactly endear himself to the staff in Philly. I think the fact that we brought a few players here from Philly is highly irrelevant. It was Grigson's 1st yr. on the job here and he didn't have money to work with, so he went to where he had some familiarity. I think we'll see him branch out more that he is more comfortable and has money to work with.

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Well, he was only there for 1 yr. with Grigson and I don't think Jenkins had the best of relationships there with the coaching staff. Jenkins didn't exactly endear himself to the staff in Philly. I think the fact that we brought a few players here from Philly is highly irrelevant. It was Grigson's 1st yr. on the job here and he didn't have money to work with, so he went to where he had some familiarity. I think we'll see him branch out more that he is more comfortable and has money to work with.


I think you are probably right, but the overlying value is the same. He said himself that just because he has money to work with, that doesn't mean he's gonna go spend it all to put us in a bad situation later on down the road. Maybe the involves NOT signing Jenkins who might be looking for his last contract. But, the principle I was trying to get across was that I do believe that he'll try to go get guys he's familiar with/likes on the cheap just like he did last year. 

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I think you are probably right, but the overlying value is the same. He said himself that just because he has money to work with, that doesn't mean he's gonna go spend it all to put us in a bad situation later on down the road. Maybe the involves NOT signing Jenkins who might be looking for his last contract. But, the principle I was trying to get across was that I do believe that he'll try to go get guys he's familiar with/likes on the cheap just like he did last year. 



I get what you're saying but I just think some people make way too much of the Philly/Balt./Stanford connections. Like I said, it was Grigson's 1st yr. on the job, Pagano's 1st yr. and Luck's 1st yr.. They brought in people that were cheap and they were familiar with to make all of them more comfortable. I think this yr. we'll see who he really like's throughout the league and college prospects. It was a smart way of doing things last season, but this yr. we'll see more diversity IMO. 

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i have to agree there..he can dominate the LOS


Yeah Packers fans complained about letting him go through the entire 2011 season when outside of Clay they seemed to struggle getting a consistent pass rush.


I guess it also depends on how good he still is too........

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Yep. He played in the 3/4 with the Packers and excelled. He can play DE for us easily. All depends on Grigson's familiarity/judgement.


He was a much younger man back then. I'd expect him to be signing with a 4-3 team that needs a pass rushing tackle, more than a 3-4 team that needs a DE. JMO.

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