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Why Exactly Is Andrew Luck So Hyped?

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In 2010 he had a QB Rating of 170.2, 3791 total yards(school record), 32 tds(beat Elway's record of 27 at Stanford), a 70.7 completion %, and 453 rush yards(school record). 20-5 record for all games he's started in his career..

Watch some of his highlights(

), he's a monster. Let's just say I would not mind having him on the Colts(if we didn't already have the best qb). I don't see how a team could go wrong in drafting this guy next year, almost a guaranteed 1st overall.

What makes him good for the NFL is he's 6'4, 235 and a good, quick release. He's very accurate also. He has a good presence of mind and in pocket also, and being able to run is just another advantage. He is viewed by most the best qb in college, if not the best player in college football.

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Holy crap. Wow, I never realized he was THAT good and won so many awards. I stand corrected of ignorance.

lol the hype is definitely understandable. Peyton likes the kid also, Luck talked to him right before he made the decision to stay in college for another year. I guess their families are friends somehow. I'm sure if Peyton thinks he's good, he's going to be great.

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I wouldn't mind getting Luck but I don't think our players are going to put up with losing a majority of the games this season just to draft one kid that could work out and possibly couldn't(Though we took that chance with Peyton and look how that turned out). If he were to pan out good for us. If he doesn't

I don't even want to think about how many years it would set us back.

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I wouldn't mind getting Luck but I don't think our players are going to put up with losing a majority of the games this season just to draft one kid that could work out and possibly couldn't(Though we took that chance with Peyton and look how that turned out). If he were to pan out good for us. If he doesn't

I don't even want to think about how many years it would set us back.

I actually didn't know the Colts tanked games to get Manning, unless I misread that. I wasn't a Colts fan prior to Manning, so I don't know the history. I'm 25, so I would have been, what, 12 when that happened.

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I wasn't clear enough. We didn't tank games, I was just saying how everybody wants us to give up this season and draft Andrew Luck, who is unproven in the NFL but apparently is the second coming of Peyton Manning, but meanwhile everyone is overlooking the fact that we took that chance on Manning too and look how it turned out.

By the way I'm 14.

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I wasn't clear enough. We didn't tank games, I was just saying how everybody wants us to give up this season and draft Andrew Luck, who is unproven in the NFL but apparently is the second coming of Peyton Manning, but meanwhile everyone is overlooking the fact that we took that chance on Manning too and look how it turned out.

By the way I'm 14.

You're pretty articulate for a 14 yr old. I see 30+ yr old men who cant type to save their lives. :P

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Plus if by some way or another we do end up drafting Luck who else better to learn under then the quarterback you are compared to in the NFL.

sorry, but theres just too much talent on this team for us to have the first pick. hes probably going to washington

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That's why i said if by some way or another...

I'm not one of those people that's already given up on this team after one poor performance. I may be a young fan and haven't endured the bad years that I hear about now, but this team is always going to be my favorite, rain or shine.

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i just hope he doesn't end up with some pathetic franchise like cincinnati or oakland. i wouldn't blame him if he pulls an elway

If players did that then how are those franchises ever going to get any better? The fact that Elway refused to sign with the team that drafted him has always put s tarnish on an otherwise superb career. It's one thing when you become a free agent, then you have the options to look around and go to the team you feel you are the best fit for. But when you're coming out of college and being given the opportunity to play in the pro's and make millions upon millions of dollars then you should sign with the team that decides to take a chance on you. Personally I don't think there should be an option for the player to refuse to sign with the team that drafts him. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.

Hey let's go one further, why not have Peyton just convince Luck to refuse to sign with any other teams besides the Colts. Hey maybe he can talk Luck into refusing to play anywhere unless he is picked in the 7th round by us...then we don't even have to use a first round pick on him.

Also would like to add, isn't he a redshirted junior? If so, what if decides to stay for his senior year. Guess that pick would be going to the defensive side(possibly).

Yes he is a Junior so yeah there's definitely a chance he could decide to stay and play his senior year. Honestly I hope he does...I'd lol I don't want a QB in this year's draft anyway. I think we need to make necessary repairs to the rest of the team, primarily OL and the entire defense, before we start looking for our next franchise QB...especially since the current consensus is that Manning has minimum 3-4 years left.

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If players did that then how are those franchises ever going to get any better? The fact that Elway refused to sign with the team that drafted him has always put s tarnish on an otherwise superb career. It's one thing when you become a free agent, then you have the options to look around and go to the team you feel you are the best fit for. But when you're coming out of college and being given the opportunity to play in the pro's and make millions upon millions of dollars then you should sign with the team that decides to take a chance on you. Personally I don't think there should be an option for the player to refuse to sign with the team that drafts him. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.

Hey let's go one further, why not have Peyton just convince Luck to refuse to sign with any other teams besides the Colts. Hey maybe he can talk Luck into refusing to play anywhere unless he is picked in the 7th round by us...then we don't even have to use a first round pick on him.

Yes he is a Junior so yeah there's definitely a chance he could decide to stay and play his senior year. Honestly I hope he does...I'd lol I don't want a QB in this year's draft anyway. I think we need to make necessary repairs to the rest of the team, primarily OL and the entire defense, before we start looking for our next franchise QB...especially since the current consensus is that Manning has minimum 3-4 years left.

Wait, so if he really is a Junior, I read/heard an interview that said Peyton had told him to finish his Senior year. Sorry i don't have the link with me.

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If players did that then how are those franchises ever going to get any better? The fact that Elway refused to sign with the team that drafted him has always put s tarnish on an otherwise superb career. Personally I don't think there should be an option for the player to refuse to sign with the team that drafts him. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.

I've always disliked Elway because of what he did to the Colts. I have to point out, however, that that wasn't a normal situation. Elway had the choice of playing baseball where he was also highly regarded. Drafted by the Yankees if memory serves - Steinbrenner would have made him wealthy just for the novelty value.

Eli Manning is a more recent case, but I think that his only leverage was inconvenience. The Chargers could have called his bluff. If the Colts had kept Elway and he decided to play baseball they would have been even more screwed than they were otherwise.

The only other times in history when draft picks had "Elway" like leverage was when there was an alternate pro league to go to (60s and 80s). I'm sure that many players were drafted by both leagues. That must have been fun for GMs. Nowadays they either sign with the team that drafted them or they get a real job. I'm not sure that sitting out a year is even an option. I suspect that the original team retains the rights.

That being said, perhaps Luck is a really good badminton player or something. ;) I don't know that much about him, but I suspect that he will sign with whomever drafts him.

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the colts = 52 bums and peyton manning and i've been a colts fan since i was born. we draft luck and stay an elite title contender year but i will say this with the colts front office luck career will get....just like peyton mannings career because of never having a defence and pretty much putting any player out on the field on offence and being asked to make sugar out of....

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That being said, perhaps Luck is a really good badminton player or something. ;) I don't know that much about him, but I suspect that he will sign with whomever drafts him.

Well of course he will - he doesn't have much of a choice. The team reserves his rights, and it's just simply bad karma to refuse a team drafting you. If you get picked, you get signed, period... There's always early retirement though :P.

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Wait, so if he really is a Junior, I read/heard an interview that said Peyton had told him to finish his Senior year. Sorry i don't have the link with me.

Yes he is a junior...however there are also many reports that he will probably graduate early....either by the end of his junior year or the end of the summer...can't remember which but I actually think it was by the end of his junior year.

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the colts = 52 bums and peyton manning and i've been a colts fan since i was born. we draft luck and stay an elite title contender year but i will say this with the colts front office luck career will get....just like peyton mannings career because of never having a defence and pretty much putting any player out on the field on offence and being asked to make sugar out of....

Which is exactly why I keep saying we should hold off on drafting our next franchise QB. Let's fill the other issues first and then get our next franchise guy, then the team around him is already in place and he's the final piece to the puzzle.

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2011 Orange Bowl MVP

2010 Heisman Trophy Runner-up

2010 Second-team All America

2010 Pac 10 Offensive Player of the Year

2010 First-team All-Pac 10

2010 Second-team Pac 10 All-Academic Team

2009 Freshman All-America

2009 Honorable Mention All-Pac 10

2009 First-team Pac 10 All Academic Team

In 2010 he had a QB Rating of 170.2, 3791 total yards(school record), 32 tds(beat Elway's record of 27 at Stanford), a 70.7 completion %, and 453 rush yards(school record). 20-5 record for all games he's started in his career..

Watch some of his highlights(

), he's a monster. Let's just say I would not mind having him on the Colts(if we didn't already have the best qb). I don't see how a team could go wrong in drafting this guy next year, almost a guaranteed 1st overall.

Why is he better then the Boise State QB...Specifically.,.,..why?

What makes him good for the NFL is he's 6'4, 235 and a good, quick release. He's very accurate also. He has a good presence of mind and in pocket also, and being able to run is just another advantage. He is viewed by most the best qb in college, if not the best player in college football.

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If we have the number 1 pick, I would not draft Luck unless I was unable to trade the pick for multiple picks. If we hold that pick, I believe we will be able to trade it for a package of picks in the 2012 and 2013 draft that could make us strong for years to come. I don't believe that Luck will come out in 2012 if he thinks we would draft him because he would sit for at least 3 years and he is too good to do that.

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If we have the number 1 pick, I would not draft Luck unless I was unable to trade the pick for multiple picks. If we hold that pick, I believe we will be able to trade it for a package of picks in the 2012 and 2013 draft that could make us strong for years to come. I don't believe that Luck will come out in 2012 if he thinks we would draft him because he would sit for at least 3 years and he is too good to do that.

I don't know that would prevent him from coming out in the draft, though it is a valid point. However it could lead to him pulling an Elway and refusing to sign knowing he'd be sitting for so long. On the other hand, it'd be a rare opportunity to work with one of the best of all time and even though he'd be sitting on the bench, he'd still be getting paid....A LOT so I doubt he'd even pull the refuse to sign thing either.

Ultimately though, after watching him play I don't think he's the best fit for our team anyway. I'd give a good long look at Nick Foles. At 6'5" and 240 lbs he's a big, strong and athletic QB in the same mold as Big Ben. He also is able to thread a needle with the best of them. I saw many more "wow" throws from him than I did from Luck. Foles can zip a pass in a very small window with the best of them.

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2011 Orange Bowl MVP

2010 Heisman Trophy Runner-up

2010 Second-team All America

2010 Pac 10 Offensive Player of the Year

2010 First-team All-Pac 10

2010 Second-team Pac 10 All-Academic Team

2009 Freshman All-America

2009 Honorable Mention All-Pac 10

2009 First-team Pac 10 All Academic Team

In 2010 he had a QB Rating of 170.2, 3791 total yards(school record), 32 tds(beat Elway's record of 27 at Stanford), a 70.7 completion %, and 453 rush yards(school record). 20-5 record for all games he's started in his career..

Watch some of his highlights(

), he's a monster. Let's just say I would not mind having him on the Colts(if we didn't already have the best qb). I don't see how a team could go wrong in drafting this guy next year, almost a guaranteed 1st overall.

What makes him good for the NFL is he's 6'4, 235 and a good, quick release. He's very accurate also. He has a good presence of mind and in pocket also, and being able to run is just another advantage. He is viewed by most the best qb in college, if not the best player in college football.

If given the opportunity, we should certainly take him.

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