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Is This Season Imploding Before It Even Starts? Inuries Continue To Pile Up.


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is the sky done falling yet??

Not quite.........although darkness is upon us in The Woodlands, TX. When I read the post prior to yours with the super bowl inspirations, I realize there are fans out there with a different mind set and honestly, his take made me laugh. Super Bowl..........wow! I will say this...........should Manning come back from this injury in a reasonable time frame (less than 6 games). I think it's entirely possible to play a super bowl at home. But I'd say the odds of that happening aren't very good. I'll have to check the latest vegas odds.

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Any. Given. Sunday. The sad part is, that the NFL is going to loose so much money on all the Peyton Manning band wagon fans jumping off... even if its only for a few games. After that loss of revenue, the NFL will pay for Manning to have a super enhanced robot neck... some may laugh, but maybe we should actually watch a few games before we give up the season for Luck. I'm still excited to see what we can come up with.

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Thanks. I thought I read on Indystar.com or some other trusted site that both he and Gonzo sat out yesterday. For the life of me, I don't understand why Gonzo is taking up a roster spot.

Because when healthy he is the second best wide receiver on the roster. He has a minor hamstring issue - not torn ligaments or something - and is expected to contribute. I saw nothing from Gilreath, Brooks, Horn, etc, that compared to what Gonzalez has to offer. He will play soon enough, and if gets a serious injury they will pull someone from the practice squad. Why would you dive into the practice squad when you don't have to?

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It doesn't really matter who plays for you guys at QB, Colts haven't looked the same for years.. Im sure manning will be ready just in time for your week 4 Monday night mod edit whipping. And we will be glad to knock manning right back on the bench!

Payback for that '03 monday night game coming mod edit!

Thank you for registering so that you could share with us your insightful knowledge of Colts football. I feel like I've really learned something, and we're all the better for it. Now feel free to return from whence you came. Rock? Bridge? Hole? Florida?

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Thank you for registering so that you could share with us your insightful knowledge of Colts football. I feel like I've really learned something, and we're all the better for it. Now feel free to return from whence you came. Rock? Bridge? Hole? Florida?

Beach. Your welcome sir. Although, I don't think I taught you anything you didn't already know. Hence the thread. Have fun chomping on the Texans cleats for the next 5 years.

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Because when healthy he is the second best wide receiver on the roster. He has a minor hamstring issue - not torn ligaments or something - and is expected to contribute. I saw nothing from Gilreath, Brooks, Horn, etc, that compared to what Gonzalez has to offer. He will play soon enough, and if gets a serious injury they will pull someone from the practice squad. Why would you dive into the practice squad when you don't have to?

I respectfully disagree. Collie is a better receiver than Gonzo. However, to be quite honest, it's been so long since Gonzo played, I truly can't remember what he brings to the field.

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I respectfully disagree. Collie is a better receiver than Gonzo. However, to be quite honest, it's been so long since Gonzo played, I truly can't remember what he brings to the field.

You could certainly make the argument. Collie is tremendous. Both run great routes, have great hands, have a knack for getting open, and communicate so seamlessly with Manning that you don't realize how difficult it is (ie: White last year). And Collie's success is fresher in our minds.

What I recall, however, is that Gonzalez was drafted to replace Harrison, whereas Collie was drafted to play the slot. He was a first round pick for a reason. Gonzalez can do what Collie does, but he can also get open on the outside and stretch the defense. Not as fast as Garcon perhaps, but far more reliable. In his rookie season he averaged 15.6 yards per catch (Reggie's best year ever was 15.7, several years into his career). The man could play then - and he was just getting started. I remember it well.

Now if his leg falls off during his first route this will be a moot point. I was intrigued by his comments that he had been rehabbing with his old trainer back at Ohio State and felt better than he had in years. We'll see.

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Guest BlueShoe

Not that it means anything but the texans are a 8.5 fave sunday,vegas has given up on the colts.

It will move to double digits before Sunday.

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Guest BlueShoe

Sorry fellow Colts Fans.........I simply can't resist the urge to write this. I have serious concerns about the viability of fielding a competitive team. I believe that even with 18 behind center, we have some serious question marks with this club. Here are the facts:

- Our offensive line will feature a rookie at LT, a new starter at LG and our perennial starting RT moving over to LG and a new starting RT.

- We are skinny in the secondary and one of our corners, Jacob Lacey, wouldn't start for many teams in this league (latter point JMO)

- Austin Collie and Gonzalez haven't practiced in over 3 weeks.

- Peyton Manning is out indefinitely

- Backup QB to Manning is 38 years old and has only been with our club less than 3 weeks heading into season opener

These are the facts of the case. Feel free to add any other "substantial" facts that I may have missed. I don't know folks...........but put all of this together and I feel like the pendulum is about to swing heavily in the other direction for this club. For crying out loud, we haven't even played a snap of the regular season and we already have 2 studs (Peyton for sure) and AC most likely out for week 1 and Bethea may also not be available Sunday. I am doing my best to be as optimistic as possible but when I have those 4 bullet points above staring right at me, my head begins to take over my heart and reality is beginning to set in. If Manning misses more than 4 games, our season, in my opinion, may as well be mailed in. Sadly, teams like the Bengals may do worse than us. What kills me most is I am not expecting a winning season and even with Manning, I expected a sub par year (Colts standards). But I fear that not only will we have a losing record this year, I fear our club will be so bad, many of our losses will be very one sided. I don't know man. Life always tends to balance things out and I believe we are about to see all of those crazy good years begin to get balanced out. I pray that I am wrong..........but my head just won't let me. So I reach out to my fellow level headed Colts fans and ask, what say you............be honest?

I agree for the most part, but I think we will have most of our players available.

We are in for a long year without Peyton, in my opinion.

Hopefully we can get him back soon.

Good news is that as soon as Peyton does come back then we are a serious contender again and we might just get a top 10 pick out of this whole situation.

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:D Nice. Funny even if I disagree with your entire premise.

In all seriousness I'm sure you're perfectly welcome to come here and talk about your Bucs whenever you want. An outside perspective is appreciated. It's just the chest pounding and the suggestion that injuring our star player is a desirable outcome that doesn't go over well. Not that kind of board. Not only is it childish, but then people will get angry and we'll get long and tedious threads that personally I have no desire to read. Come back before the game and get into some debates about Freeman's progress, or predict match-up problems. That I would read - I know next to nothing about the Bucs.

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The colts are not gonna lose to the texans, idc if peyton is not playing the texans have always had a hard time with the colts. They know us we know them.. when it all comes down to it its who has the better team and player by player the colts have the better team and i bet they are starving to prove that this season.

I'm a diehard colts fan but lets look at this from a statistical point of view

Schaub > Collins

Foster > Addai

Johnson > Wayne

Texas WR2/3 < Colts WR2/3

Texas O-Line > Colts O-line

Texas 2ndary > Colts 2ndary

They are a statistical better team on almost every front. Does that mean they will win? Of course not. They are just heavily favored.

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How soon we forget that the steelers were without big Ben for 4 games to start the season! We can keep this game close if we just STOP THE RUNNNNNNN! Our coaches have to game plan like no other plain and simple. Stack the line on running downs, Show Blitz and go or show and drop. Mix it up. Keep them off balance. Have the backers and safties shoot the gaps and blow up plays. Don't wait for them to take it to us. It's really not rocket science. It's a matter of pride. It's a matter of next man up and let's win this for Pmoney who carried us when we played like smit. Practice it, Believe it, Execute it, Win it. I'll be here all week, no charge

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It doesn't really matter who plays for you guys at QB, Colts haven't looked the same for years.. Im sure manning will be ready just in time for your week 4 Monday night mod edit whipping. And we will be glad to knock manning right back on the bench!

Payback for that '03 monday night game coming mod edit!

Oh, for heavens sake... The Bucs are my number 2 NFL team. I have been a Bucs fan since I have been a Colts fan. Don't come into out forum and start this kind of nonsense. There are ways to be civil. I'm actually going to the Colts game here in Tampa and I'm pretty ANGRY that THIS had to be the year something like this happens. With Manning, the Bucs didn't have much of a chance. Without him, I still think the colts are better.

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Sorry fellow Colts Fans.........I simply can't resist the urge to write this. I have serious concerns about the viability of fielding a competitive team. I believe that even with 18 behind center, we have some serious question marks with this club. Here are the facts:

- Our offensive line will feature a rookie at LT, a new starter at LG and our perennial starting RT moving over to LG and a new starting RT.

- We are skinny in the secondary and one of our corners, Jacob Lacey, wouldn't start for many teams in this league (latter point JMO)

- Austin Collie and Gonzalez haven't practiced in over 3 weeks.

- Peyton Manning is out indefinitely

- Backup QB to Manning is 38 years old and has only been with our club less than 3 weeks heading into season opener

These are the facts of the case. Feel free to add any other "substantial" facts that I may have missed. I don't know folks...........but put all of this together and I feel like the pendulum is about to swing heavily in the other direction for this club. For crying out loud, we haven't even played a snap of the regular season and we already have 2 studs (Peyton for sure) and AC most likely out for week 1 and Bethea may also not be available Sunday. I am doing my best to be as optimistic as possible but when I have those 4 bullet points above staring right at me, my head begins to take over my heart and reality is beginning to set in. If Manning misses more than 4 games, our season, in my opinion, may as well be mailed in. Sadly, teams like the Bengals may do worse than us. What kills me most is I am not expecting a winning season and even with Manning, I expected a sub par year (Colts standards). But I fear that not only will we have a losing record this year, I fear our club will be so bad, many of our losses will be very one sided. I don't know man. Life always tends to balance things out and I believe we are about to see all of those crazy good years begin to get balanced out. I pray that I am wrong..........but my head just won't let me. So I reach out to my fellow level headed Colts fans and ask, what say you............be honest?


Wow. I am throwing out all my Colts stuff based on what you said.

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I'm a diehard colts fan but lets look at this from a statistical point of view

Schaub > Collins

Foster > Addai

Johnson > Wayne

Texas WR2/3 < Colts WR2/3

Texas O-Line > Colts O-line

Texas 2ndary > Colts 2ndary

They are a statistical better team on almost every front. Does that mean they will win? Of course not. They are just heavily favored.

Looool thats not statistics mate, if you truly want stats the colts are by far the better team. Go compare the colts stats against the texans and you will see what it looks like, Johnson is a great player but his stats arent like waynes, nor is schuabs own like Collins, or their Oline like the colts... soooo yea your "stats" are intorrect.

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Let's be realistic, it is completely understandable the Texans would be heavily favored in this game. Anyone who doesn't think the Texans could hold their own with the Colts with Manning obviously haven't watched the last times these two teams faced each other. This team has an offense that can nearly keep up with the Colts at 100%, and a defense that has been improving. I believe the Texans are the best team in this division minus the Colts. They certainly have the talent, but they can be their own worst enemy.

I agree with the OP, this team has plenty of weaknesses, even with Manning. They have trouble stopping the run, running the ball and an O-line that is questionable. Although towards the end of last season the run defense was stepping up, hopefully that will continue. If they can overcome these weaknesses this team certainly has a chance on Sunday, because I am betting that is where Houston will concentrate their gameplan. Look for lots of blitzes on defense from Houston and on offense they will be running the ball until the Colts show they can stop them.

As far as the sky falling and this season being horrible, it could be pretty bad depending on how long Manning is out. They could also surprise us and go 8-8 or 9-7 without him, who knows? That is what makes the NFL so great, it's so unpredictable. If Manning is out all season or longer than a few games this season looks pretty grim for the Colts, but I think there are positives to gain here. We will get to see if this coaching staff has what it takes or if it is time to change personal. Also this will expose holes this team has and force Polian to finally try to fix them. Another good thing is if this team does have a losing record they will get their best draft pick in a decade, maybe they can finally get the RB they need.

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Manning's career will be fine. Just a speedbump. This season will be fine, and we're going to host our own superbowl. Not being a blind fan, just saying how i feel. I think Manning misses 3 weeks, 4 max. And the only game in that time span that i'd worry about with Collins under center is Pittsburg. I think that Collins still has a cannon for an arm and is one of only 12 qb's to pass for 40,000 yards, and he's never had the receiving core that he's gonna have here in Indy. I think Addai is gonna see these 3 weeks as a chance to shine, to show that they can take some weight off their qb and go out there and punch someone in the mouth (not literally, figure of speech.) And Carter has a stick of dynamite in him if you ask me, watch this guy to make the most out of his time on the field. I see alot of fans hating on Collins but I think that he's the absolutely best option we could have grabbed for this situation. Don't wanna young guy who's gonna cave. Ya want a season'd veteran. Go Colts, let's rock the Texans!

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It doesn't really matter who plays for you guys at QB, Colts haven't looked the same for years.. Im sure manning will be ready just in time for your week 4 Monday night mod edit whipping. And we will be glad to knock manning right back on the bench!

Payback for that '03 monday night game coming mod edit!


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Looool thats not statistics mate, if you truly want stats the colts are by far the better team. Go compare the colts stats against the texans and you will see what it looks like, Johnson is a great player but his stats arent like waynes, nor is schuabs own like Collins, or their Oline like the colts... soooo yea your "stats" are intorrect.

I challenge you to prove anything you have listed other than the colts stats are better than the texans which no one ws arguing in the first place. I was just comparing our team without #18 to the healthy Houston Texans.

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A few general observations....

1. Kerry Collins hasn't lasted 17 seasons without ability. Is he Peyton? No, no one is and no one may ever be like Peyton. Different does not always equal worse.

2. The rest of this team is healthy, relatively speaking. Gonzo can go if needed and Collie is ready to go. I took exception to Kurt Warner saying on the NFL Network tonight that our offense is not as talented as the Rams Superbowl Offenses. With the exception of Marshall Faulk, I put our offense ahead of what they had. We are not a group of talentless puppets with Peyton pulling the strings. We have ability and I am sure that Kerry Collins has the ability to run an offense...not Peyton's offense, but an offense that will be effective.

3. Our O-line will be fine. Terrible thought, but wouldn't you rather Costanzo get beat in a few games without Peyton. He will eventually be a top LT in the NFL, but if a few misses smack Kerry around at least it isn't Peyton getting his head bounced off of the turf.

4. This is going to be a crazy year, regardless of Manning. It will be injury riddled and teams will be forced to go to different options. Who is better equipped to deal with injuries than the Colts? Crap, last year they practically signed everyone including the homeless guy under Union Station to fill a hole. We can adapt and survive.

5. Texans....most likely no Arian Foster and a brand new defense. I do not think they will be ready on defense. Collie and Clark will tear them apart and we will see at least 1 deep ball to Wayne or Garcon. With no Foster and Leach leaving via free agency, they are not the juggernaut running that they were. Our defense is going to stuff the run and our Freeney/Mathis rush will yield 2 or 3 sacks.

6. Anything is possible. In 1995, did we think we would see Jim Harbaugh lead us to the playoffs? Nope. We have been treated to a decade of amazing football. I truly do not think that we are harkening back to Jeff George (or worse). Kerry will be ready. The team will be ready. They will making the talking heads eat crow. This will end up being one of the more enjoyable seasons in a long time. Remember, unless Peyton is on IR, he can be on the sidelines and literally coach that offense and pass some knowledge. At the very least, it will be interesting.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, for heavens sake... The Bucs are my number 2 NFL team. I have been a Bucs fan since I have been a Colts fan. Don't come into out forum and start this kind of nonsense. There are ways to be civil. I'm actually going to the Colts game here in Tampa and I'm pretty ANGRY that THIS had to be the year something like this happens. With Manning, the Bucs didn't have much of a chance. Without him, I still think the colts are better.

Uh oh. Biting your tongue now I bet! Nothing like losing two prime-time games in a row to complete the "implosion". Tell Curtis Painter I said good luck. Or whoever y'all start..

See you Monday night


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Uh oh. Biting your tongue now I bet! Nothing like losing two prime-time games in a row to complete the "implosion". Tell Curtis Painter I said good luck. Or whoever y'all start..

See you Monday night


I always scratch my head when fans of perennial loser suck teams come here talking trash. At least when Pats fans do it they are speaking from a position of strength.

Its been like 8-9 years since the Buccs have even been relevant. Have fun rooting for your.....umm *cough "mobile" QB.

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
    • Yeah North.....maybe I got confused about the Pittsburgh Pirates playing in the central.  But I think before realignment there were only 3 divisions, I think.. Like the Colts and Dolphins played in the East, the Raiders and Broncos played in the West and the Steelers and Brownies played in the Central.  But yeah my mistake the Steelers currently in the North division. 
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