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Shipley should be the starting center


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Shipley should be the starting center.This offense is much more effective with Shipley at center. Satele gets thrown around like a rag doll every week. He is gonna get Luck killed. Shipley is not nearly as atheletic as Satele, but he is a much better technician and the offense clicks better with Shipley. Sateles pass blocking just plain sux. there are so many times when Satele drops back in pass blocking (when he's not knocked flat on his back)that he looks around for someone to block and he ends up hitting nobody. Shipley hits somebody on every play, he out hustles Satele by a longshot. I just don't know what it is the coaches see that they play Satele over Shipley,if he hadn't played I could see it,but he has played and played well,if the coaches don't believe Shipley is the answer, I guess we will have to add center as a position of need in the offseason, because Satele is definetly not the answer. I know the coaches don't want to mess with chemistry the line is developing,but I would like to have Shipley at center and Linkenbach at right guard in place of mcglynn,who has been as bad as Satele. I know Link is the whipping boy, but he looked pretty good at guard when he was filling in for Rietz. Center and a guard are gonna be a big priority in the offseason, if the staff doesn't think Shipley is the answer.The left side with Castonzo and Reitz is solid, and justice for the most part has been a pleasant suprise,if we can fill the C and RG in the offseason(free agencey or draft) we can have a solid line and then Luck will be unstopable.I would love to see what Luck could do behind a good line.What he has done so far this season, with having to move around and throw on the run and throw with people hanging allover him all the time, has just been remarkable.I don't know if there is another quarterback in the league that could accomplish what he has behind this line.He really is special.

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Not sure where I stand on this one. One play Satele pancakes his man in the run game, then the next his guy throws him out of the way to Luck. Frustratingly inconsistent. Shipley has got some serious power, but like you said he doesn't get to the next level like Satele. Sometimes I feel like coaches pander to the politics on these things....pay a guy $3 million a year, he's gonna start.

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Not sure where I stand on this one. One play Satele pancakes his man in the run game, then the next his guy throws him out of the way to Luck. Frustratingly inconsistent. Shipley has got some serious power, but like you said he doesn't get to the next level like Satele. Sometimes I feel like coaches pander to the politics on these things....pay a guy $3 million a year, he's gonna start.

They probably know what they have in Shipley but as you said with Satele getting the pay day in the off-season they are going to play him, however this could be that they want him to play and then possibly trade him in the off-season. If he's healthy and benched what you could possibly get for him goes out the window. Play him, let him retain some of his value, trade him and go with the cheaper and just as valuable option in Shipley. We already have McGlynn to who can back that position up. Just my opinion but I think that's why they keep playing Satele over Shipley.

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