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Dwayne Bowe a colt?

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One of the problems with guys like Bowe and Wallace, is that both want a contract in excess of $10+Million per year... which typically means, 5 years and $50+ million dollars.

That's way too rich for my blood. I don't think either is worth it.

I'd rather find a lower profile player that may not be quite as good, but is more cap friendly.

I realize this will not be a popular view here, but that's my preference.... a good to very good receiver at a manageable price.

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Just my though and from what I have read about the colts and what this staff likes in recivers, we probably wont take a big reciver like Bowe. I just dont think thats really our philosiphy. Our coaches and mangament lke small, fast solid route runners and big play type guys. Essentially from what Ive read they want a bunch of big play threats out there on the field. So I could see us if we go WR in the draft maybe looking toward a Robert Woods If we were to look there in the first round which we really shouldn't in my opinion but you never Know. That or Id go for a Stedman Bailey in the fouth if he even last that long. But whatever the case is as far as WR is concerned for this next offseason I think If we get somebody it will be a smaller fast playmaker type guy.

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