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Jimmy Clausen ...? Humm


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i recently over heard during the dolphin/panther game that it might be likely that panthers QB Jimmy Clausen might be traded. so i was thinking.. this just might be what the colts may want as a back up material.. this guys totally reads defenses pretty good and has a great cannon for a arm..he would go just fine with our group of talented receivers.. and also i like the way he can get rid of the ball quickly..i mean its really hard these days to find a QB who knows when to stop holding the ball..like painter.. but anyway its just a thought i wanted to bring out..

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Man I don't know I can buy the he's better than what we have arguement but I just don't know if he's the best we could get. If we get Clausen to me it's just like asking what's the difference in losing 45-0 with Painter or Orvlosky vs. losing 28-10 with a guy like Clausen?

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I'd give a 6th rounder, maybe a 5th for him. He has a bunch of potential, just has a crappy organization. He needs a mentor and good players to work with... who better than the Colts. You got Peyton as a coach, and Reggie and all these guys to work with. He would sure be better than Painter. Actually, get rid of Painter, Orlovsky and 6th rounder for Clausen and I would move to Mexico and call myself "Grande"

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I'd give a 6th rounder, maybe a 5th for him. He has a bunch of potential, just has a crappy organization. He needs a mentor and good players to work with... who better than the Colts. You got Peyton as a coach, and Reggie and all these guys to work with. He would sure be better than Painter. Actually, get rid of Painter, Orlovsky and 6th rounder for Clausen and I would move to Mexico and call myself "Grande"

you would give a 5th rounder for clausen? have you seen him play

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Trade one goldilocks for another potential one :). The thing is, Charlie Weis pro style system did not emphasize enough on mental acumen and accuracy, it seems like. Brady Quinn and Jimmy Clausen, I do not find either of them to be accurate at this point. I'd rather try to make a trade for Kyle Orton, to be honest, and give up the 2nd round pick the Broncos wanted from the Dolphins.

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you would give a 5th rounder for clausen? have you seen him play

I have seen him play, I've seen him play with a bunch of nobodies. Sure, he had a bad season, but the best players on his team were injured (Beason, Williams, Smith), and he had no receivers, plus their defense was one of the worst in the league. It's not completely his fault. I think he has a tremendous amount of potential. Listen to this carefully, look at Josh Freeman. He had an awful rookie season, but he came back and threw 25 tds to 6 ints. Don't be too quick to rule out this guy. He needs a good team, and the Panthers are NOT a good team, the Colts are. The perfect backup for us.

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Man I don't know I can buy the he's better than what we have arguement but I just don't know if he's the best we could get. If we get Clausen to me it's just like asking what's the difference in losing 45-0 with Painter or Orvlosky vs. losing 28-10 with a guy like Clausen?

hey i understand what your saying..however i still think tat with the right group of receivers like ours and boy are they a good group.. he shouldn't have any problems making big plays for us and also getting tips from the great manning we should be set

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Clawful on an even playing field would be an upgrade to Painter, but Painter does have and will have more time in the offense so I'm not so sure how much of an upgrade Jimmy will be. I don't see Carolina trading him anyway. He and the mental midget will be battling over the next 3-4 years for QB1 in Carolina.

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I have seen him play, I've seen him play with a bunch of nobodies. Sure, he had a bad season, but the best players on his team were injured (Beason, Williams, Smith), and he had no receivers, plus their defense was one of the worst in the league. It's not completely his fault. I think he has a tremendous amount of potential. Listen to this carefully, look at Josh Freeman. He had an awful rookie season, but he came back and threw 25 tds to 6 ints. Don't be too quick to rule out this guy. He needs a good team, and the Panthers are NOT a good team, the Colts are. The perfect backup for us.

This team is a very good team because of Manning at the helm. Underneath the hood, without Manning, it is not a very good team overall. That may have changed some with the recent additions but from last years team, it is not a good team, it is a manning team.

I could live with Clausen as a back up here. Not sure we are going to see anything happen on any quality QB additions, who in their right mind is kicking out a quality QB to start the season?

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This team is a very good team because of Manning at the helm. Underneath the hood, without Manning, it is not a very good team overall. That may have changed some with the recent additions but from last years team, it is not a good team, it is a manning team.

I could live with Clausen as a back up here. Not sure we are going to see anything happen on any quality QB additions, who in their right mind is kicking out a quality QB to start the season?

Agreed, it is Manning's team, but I'm just saying he's a perfect backup and possibly the future Qb of the Colts (if we get him). I'm not saying this guy is gonna be the starting QB this year, I'm saying in the future he could be very good, and I would rather have him than Painter, or some rookie we draft when Peyton retires.

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I actually think that this is a good idea. We should try and trade for Jimmy Clausen. From what I've seen, there aren't really any good free agent QBs unless we trade for them. So why not get someone who has potential, and cut our losses with painter. I HOPE IRSAY IS READING THESE.

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Clausen is known to have maturity issues and he made many many rookie mistakes. With that said, he was playing on a very bad team. I would say he still has potential since he came from a pro-style offense from Notre Dame. Personally, I'm not a fan of him, but I think he is a better QB than Painter and Orlovsky. If we give up any more than a 6th round pick for him, I would be disappointed.

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I actually think that this is a good idea. We should try and trade for Jimmy Clausen. From what I've seen, there aren't really any good free agent QBs unless we trade for them. So why not get someone who has potential, and cut our losses with painter. I HOPE IRSAY IS READING THESE.

well put.. i hope hes reading this also..

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Pass on Clausen. Okay college quarterback at Notre Dame but he doesn't really have the tools to excel at the pro game. There is a reason the Panthers drafted Cam one year after taking Clausen.

its because the panthers didn't have the right WR talent surrounding clause that he played the way he did..and besides manning could get him into gear in no time ..also to be perfectly honest i believe that the panthers only selected newton..because they wanted a QB who can run it for them like a Vick or a Vince young..somebody who could move around fast while being chased down by big heavy set line men to make a run for it play..

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its because the panthers didn't have the right WR talent surrounding clause that he played the way he did..and besides manning could get him into gear in no time ..also to be perfectly honest i believe that the panthers only selected newton..because they wanted a QB who can run it for them like a Vick or a Vince young..somebody who could move around fast while being chased down by big heavy set line men to make a run for it play..

I watch A LOT of Notre Dame Football and even when Clauson had Tate, Floyd, and Rudolph he was still just an okay QB. He'd miss simple plays and frankly I think he benefited a lot from being in an offense with those players. I don't know how many times he'd make a throw to Tate for five yards that Tate would turn into a 30 to 40 yard gain.

Also I wouldn't promise Manning could round anyone into shape quickly. By all acounts it takes two years for a QB to learn our system. So I don't think any QB is going to get rounded into shape in no time.

Also, for all the people talking trade for these big name QBs there becomes two problems, one making sure their contracts fit under the cap which shoudn't be an issue for true back up QBs. Two, what do we do with them after Manning is back? Most of the guys people are talking about trading for aren't going to want to sit behind Manning and they are going to bolt as soon as their deal is up. So is it really worth giving something of value up to get a guy who might play at most like six weeks or something? Odds are they aren't going to improve our record that much (frankly I would see 2-4 AT BEST). I think free agency is much more likey option with it probably being between Sorgi and Collins if the Colts do make a move.

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Jimmy Clausen is 6'2''. Our line is going to have three people that are 6'7''. I feel that could be an issue because Clausen might have to drop back slightly more than Peyton, and our line wasn't known to give a lot of time last season. Other than that potential issue, I honestly like the idea of bringing Clausen in because he can grow and be mentored by Manning for a while. He has some starting experience in the NFL even though it is with a poor team. He is kind of used to playing with not a good line, because I don't think Carolina pass protect either. I'm just not sure what round draft pick I would give for him though. It would also bring home another Indiana college boy. He went to ND. I don't know there aren't a lot of options out there and this one kind of makes sense...at the right price of course.

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