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Colts in London in 2020?


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I see both sides of the argument. And I want to say that there is perfect legitimacy in both sides.


The selfish side of me, living on the other side of the Atlantic, is really excited about the Colts coming over to play in London. I will go again, like I did in 2016 and be delighted.


But I also appreciate that it is the fans that make a franchise. And the Jags taking away their 2 opportunities for their fans (who invest alot in their team) to see them play at home is unfair in my view.



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2 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:


To be fair, I can understand that.  To lose two games is a bit of a kick in the teeth for them and it certainly looks (from a neutral perspective) that this is the first steps in an attempt to move.


However, as I (and other UK fans have stated) I do not think this is the way to go.

The owner says it's for added revenue to help build up the Jacksonville area. Good luck selling that to the loyal fans who support a perennial losing team.

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3 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:


Who said the Colts will lose a home game?  As the comment you quoted says, the Jags are playing two home games in London and of those 2 games we know it will be from one of 5 opponents, one of which is the Colts.  


As of this year, there have 28 games played in London and every single one has been sold out.  How many NFL teams have sold out their last 28 games, bearing in mind Wembley stadium seats around 84,000?  To describe this as some kind of nuisance downplays the level interest and money generated by those teams who see it as an opportunity.  


Plenty NFL fans in Europe, like myself, stream it, subscribe to Gamepass, buy a ton of merchandise and the appetite is here, so the league see the opportunity to grow the game via this.

If I want to go see a bull fight I I either go to Mexico or Spain. If I actually wanna see good soccer teams I go to Europe. If I want to see a good baseball team I will go to Chicago or Boston I don't force them to come to me.

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On 2/5/2020 at 7:11 AM, Robin said:

I dont think any team should play more than 1 game away from their own stadium.. Regarding the local tax, I think it will benefit the teams more then hurting them.. Getting big in the European market will boost the NFL revenue and boost the teams income.. I have 7 Jerseys and and a bunch of merchandise, Some may profit more than the Colts on these items, but its none the less money. Ive been to London, and I was in LA to watch the Colts first game next time I will be in Indianapolis and i'll drop some money they it all goes around.


The problem is that the residents that live in the city or county where a really expensive stadium is built are paying taxes that are used to fund the construction and operation of the stadium.  The teams, the NFL, and the politicians sell it as a great boost to the local economy.  But when you only have 8 home games a year the lost revenue for the local businesses - not the teams - is huge when even one game is moved away. And the local tax payers are still on the hook for the cost of the stadium.


I actually live in Portland Oregon and right now there is a push to get major league baseball here.  We all know if that is going to happen all of us local tax payers will have our property taxes jacked up to build a stadium.  I am only willing to support it if the stadium is not tax payer funded.  

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I hope that the Colts will be playing in London this year. 

Our visit to Wembley in 2016 is still a highlight of my life, only surpassed by seeing the team in lucas oil in 2018.

Does anyone know when any decision will be made, and if anyone is coming over you will be welcome in Scotland as part of your trip. 


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