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The Sunday Presser


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I dont think they need to do it again.  I honestly couldn't even watch more that 3 minutes of what they put up on the website.  He's retired, I get why, honestly it's all I need to know.  He was a great player,  I loved him,  I believed in him, but I dont think the league will remember him long, not for this part anyway I have no idea what his future plans are.  I wish his heart was still in, but it's not.  He'll garner the requisite attention in local and national media for about a week and that should be that.  Best of luck to him.  I'm gutted by it for now but I'm a colts fan.  Once the season starts theres no reason to look back.

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Just now, Sumo63 said:

I dont think they need to do it again.  I honestly couldn't even watch more that 3 minutes of what they put up on the website.  He's retired, I get why, honestly it's all I need to know.  He was a great player,  I loved him,  I believed in him, but I dont think the league will remember him long, not for this part anyway I have no idea what his future plans are.  I wish his heart was still in, but it's not.  He'll garner the requisite attention in local and national media for about a week and that should be that.  Best of luck to him.  I'm gutted by it for now but I'm a colts fan.  Once the season starts theres no reason to look back.

I agree. Just kept seeing tweets and stuff talking about the Sunday presser, was trying to understand why they would

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1 minute ago, 18to87 said:

Doyel seems to think that Jacoby's agent leaked it. JMV says it was someone on the sideline. 


It was probably both as Schefter would have needed two sources. 

Link? And if so, that’s a very very bad thing for his agent to do.  

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16 minutes ago, Dingus McGirt said:

Interesting - Doyle says Luck is a head case.  Reminds me of parts of the Jimmy Piersall story.


Yeah what’s become clear in the last 24 hours is that Irsay was right when he said two years ago that part of the issue was between Luck’s ears.


I know the Colts have lost a lot of trust but Jim Irsay is really more open and honest than he should be and than most want to give him credit for.  Most of the time he gets made fun of or dismissed when he says something people don’t want to hear but he’s right more times than not.  

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1 hour ago, Sumo63 said:

I dont think they need to do it again.  I honestly couldn't even watch more that 3 minutes of what they put up on the website.  He's retired, I get why, honestly it's all I need to know.  He was a great player,  I loved him,  I believed in him, but I dont think the league will remember him long, not for this part anyway I have no idea what his future plans are.  I wish his heart was still in, but it's not.  He'll garner the requisite attention in local and national media for about a week and that should be that.  Best of luck to him.  I'm gutted by it for now but I'm a colts fan.  Once the season starts theres no reason to look back.


Reich said something last night to the effect of "the journey is over for Andrew, but the game moves on".


In two weeks, we'll be talking about the Chargers game.


Life goes on.

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