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The PreGame Shows Are Childish Trash

King Colt

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It is sad to see these shows now as they must be directed at children. Stupid and silly sketches and costumes don't shed any light on the breakdowns for the games. Perhaps the producers of these infantile shows believe the majority of the views are just plain *. Compared to the college shows these should no longer be aired.

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On 9/10/2018 at 4:26 AM, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

I think the lousy and unwatchable pre game shows are contributing to the steady declining ratings of the games themselves.

Of course the product on the field is the main culprit but the pre game shows aren't helping.

Greed, but it goes beyond the pregame shows, to the post game shows and highlight shows. The media coverage of the NFL has been going downhill for years.  Simply a childish focus. 


Yes, rules, penalties, and the protests have an impact, but when the content of the programming becomes annoying to watch, the ratings suffer.  


And even in-game coverage can get childish.  As an example: I think it was last season during one game when the camera kept focusing on OBJ on the sideline to see what stupid thing he would do next.  

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