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Thoughts on Hankins so far?


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Even the Seahawks' D, if RW cannot score points, can only do so much. We are nowhere close to the Seahawks' D but then, our O is not even close to the Seahawks' offense without Luck. So, our O has put the D in very difficult spots consistently.


Yes, our D needs more play makers but as far as Hankins' role, I think the ROI is good so far, not great but good. 

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1 minute ago, DaColts85 said:

Agree to disagree.  I like the signing and feel like him and Woods have been huge for us.  Without them we would be WAY worse.  Hard to believe I know...lol!


It’s hard for anyone to be impressive on this defense. A few players occasionally stand out, but it’s a fire drill on almost every play. 


Hankins or anyone else will not have an opportunity to look impressive until this defense starts playing together as a team. That probably won’t happen until next season.


I think Hankins could be impressive next year, but he needs players around him to play better. The defensive line is talented, but the linebackers are all over the place. Sheard can’t set an edge to save his life. Morrison can’t cover in man or zone. 


Simon is the only starting linebacker who has consistently shown up this year. Mingo has been somewhat successful in a relief role.


We have been terrible at playing cover 2 and cover 3. This defense is a mess. 


So no. Hankins has not been impressive. Is it all on him? No. He needs help, because he is not a dominant player. We don’t have any dominant players on this defense. A few current players might become stars, but it does not appear to be happening for us in 2017. 

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3 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


It’s hard for anyone to be impressive on this defense. A few players occasionally stand out, but it’s a fire drill on almost every play. 


Hankins or anyone else will not have an opportunity to look impressive until this defense starts playing together as a team. That probably won’t happen until next season.


I think Hankins could be impressive next year, but he needs players around him to play better. The defensive line is talented, but the linebackers are all over the place. Sheard can’t set an edge to save his life. Morrison can’t cover in man or zone. 


Simon is the only starting linebacker who has consistently shown up this year. Mingo has been somewhat successful in a relief role.


We have been terrible at playing cover 2 and cover 3. This defense is a mess. 


So no. Hankins has not been impressive. Is it all on him? No. He needs help, because he is not a dominant player. We don’t have any dominant players on this defense. A few current players might become stars, but it does not appear to be happening for us in 2017. 

Now I agree with all of this.  I had high hopes with Sheard learning and practicing moves from Mathis.  Has not shown at all.  


To me next year, depending on who we bring back, and who our DC is I have high hopes.  This D is a mess though!

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It’s honestly mindboggling how terrible pure ILBs are, IMO.


theyre so bad that they’re making a defense that hasn’t improved in literally every area look overall worse somehow lol. Just goes to show you how much of a machine a football team can be. 


One important part is bad and it ruins the whole thing 

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